God Stick Wife

Chapter 413: : a miracle

Lin Xijiu said this, and when the other people heard the words, their eyes lit up slightly. This kind of thing is indeed a rare good thing.

It is said that the people on the Bai family's side are about to take the throne. Now, even for those who are about to abdicate over there, if they can send something like this, it is considered a favor. What's more, this time, what the two powerful people did thing. No matter what the authorities think, it is true to stand on their side, so it is a great favor to be able to send such a good thing. In this world, what can be compared to your own life It's precious, what's more, they have already enjoyed too many other ordinary people have not enjoyed, naturally, prolonging life is even more important.

Bai Qi was also surprised that Lin Xijiu had made so many things after being in retreat for more than a day. You must know that when he left that room yesterday, Lin Xijiu hadn't been able to do the same thing, that is, Say. All these were completed in one day, which made Bai Qi admire Lin Xijiu very much.

The people of the Bai family are not all there now, but as long as they are present, they have already brought back the good things first. Not only the people from the Bai family, but even Liu Suifeng and the others, wear such things on their bodies. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Mr. Bai immediately made a few calls, sent several messages, and made an appointment to visit some people tomorrow, naturally to send these things out.

As for tomorrow's entourage, Mr. Bai still fell in love with Luo Qi'an and said to Luo Qi'an with a smile. "Grandpa will send these things out tomorrow. Camel is used to going out with grandpa, right? Then go out with grandpa tomorrow."

Luo Qi'an is really used to it. In addition, the last time, Mr. Bai's maintenance did not complain at all, so Luo Qi'an's sense of belonging to this family became stronger, not to mention. With the fusion of personalities, Luo Qi'an is not as sharp as before, and naturally he will not object.

After explaining some usages, Lin Xijiu said to Bai Qi. "I plan to go down there tomorrow, if nothing else happens here."

In fact, Bai Qi had been waiting for this day for a long time, and immediately nodded, but Bai Ding's problems still had to be solved.

After talking about the situation on Bai Ding's side, Lin Xijiu raised his brows. There was no trace of yin or other ghosts. How could there be such supernatural events for no reason? It's kinda...

Lin Xijiu went to Bai Ding's room first, and Bai Ding went with the other party. On Bai Ding's body, Lin Xijiu also checked it up and down carefully, and it was true that no other problems were found. As for Bai Ding's room, Lin Xijiu inspected it more carefully. However, according to what the other party said, as long as he is alone, no matter where he is, there will be such supernatural events, then it is only related to people.

"Could it be that it's not enough to remove bad luck?" Bai Qi asked thoughtfully. Lin Xijiu shook his head. He had already removed bad luck once, so it couldn't be enough. Besides, Bai Ding had no other bad luck on his body.

If there is really bad luck remaining, or simply bad luck is serious. Then he can naturally find it, but the problem is



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