God Stick Wife

Chapter 415: : see father and son

Chapter 415: Seeing Father and Son

Bai Ding really didn't think that if he was lying on the bed and sleeping properly, he would follow the disaster.

When the feeling of weightlessness came, Bai Ding felt a little powerless even if he wanted to break free from the quilt.

He had a feeling that he was about to be killed.

But I don't know how long has passed, when Bai Ding felt that he was about to fall to the ground, the moment when he was about to be smashed into mud. Someone held him up.

Only then was Bai Ding able to break free from the quilt.

And when he saw someone holding him outside, he opened his mouth in surprise.


That's right, it was Yun Qing who held him up.

Although it came in through the same gap or the same door, when it landed. When they were in midair, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were attracted to the other side. That was a kind of traction that belonged to this place.

So even if they wanted to hold Bai Ding, they didn't have that condition, but Yun Qing, who followed in the end, was with Bai Ding when he landed, so that Bai Ding could avoid the fate of falling to his death.

"What's going on? Didn't I sleep soundly in my room? How could I be here when I woke up?


Yun Qing looked at each other lightly.

"Don't you know what happened in your own room?"

Bai Ding shook his head violently. "I don't know, I just remembered that I was sleeping well in my room, and then this feeling of weightlessness suddenly came."

Bai Ding felt that the current world was really dangerous. Sleeping in the room, some supernatural events will happen beside you, that's fine, and then you will suddenly fall from the sky.

This is really a speechless thing.

Yun Qing said nothing.

The surrounding environment made Bai Ding feel very bad. And it's very cold, this place is naturally not suitable for ordinary people, so Bai Ding couldn't help rubbing his arms.

"Where is this ghost place? Why does it feel so cold?"

"Little **** is another hell, a place dedicated to detaining some powerful spiritual bodies."

Bai Ding's pupils suddenly shrank violently, and he immediately understood what the other party was talking about. The Bai family members were familiar with this place, because they could often hear from Lin Xijiu and the others that they knew Lin Xijiu better. It's going to be down soon.

But where Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu plan to go, it doesn't mean that he can go too, just because he is just an ordinary person,



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