God Stick Wife

Chapter 416: : rescued

"Can't you see me?" Lin Xijiu asked after being silent for a while.

Jiang Yinlou narrowed his eyes, "Apprentice?"

"it's me."

Jiang Yinlou looked around, "Is it really here? Didn't I have hallucinations?"

"Master, I'm right in front of you, can't you see me at all?"

Han Yexuan also narrowed his eyes. "Lin Xijiu?"

Jiang Yinlou chuckled, "My apprentice is really here, but, where are you... Could it be that we are not in the same space? But if we are not invisible, it means we must be in the same space, otherwise How can I hear your voice." "It should be passive here."

"Apprentice, Charm and Bai Jin are right next door to us. I heard that you came here once before, and you promised to help the king prepare things?"

"Well, everything is ready now, but I don't know if I can deliver it. Master, I'll give you something, see if you can accept it."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yinlou smiled, "Especially, Master misses some of your little inventions when you were young."

Hearing this, Lin Xijiu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately thought of the gadget with a strong corrosive effect that he had used. Does his master want that?

Lin Xijiu narrowed his eyes, and then took out a lot of those things from the space, and it was naturally impossible to give them to Jiang Yinlou, because he couldn't see them in front of the other party. However, he can do it directly!

Lin Xijiu threw those things directly onto the thick chain.

There is indeed no space between them, there are just some blindfolds.

After the thing was sprinkled on the chain, sure enough, the power of corrosion was generated. Jiang Yinlou smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Haha, this is really a good thing. I thought of it at the time, only this stinky thing is useful, and it seems that it is true now."

Lin Xijiu looked at the other party and said, "Master, this thing is not enough. And this chain has been casted, so it's not enough to rely on this thing alone.


"You can try the set of things you prepared for Wang Jing."

"Well, since this place isn't separated by a space, it's just set up to obscure the eyes, you can naturally try it." Lin Xijiu said slowly, but the movements of his subordinates were not slow at all.

And naturally there is no movement here.

In fact, Bai Qi at the door could hear the conversation inside, and if Bai Qi could hear it, then the spirits outside could also hear it. After Bai Qi made a move in Lin Xijiu, his side also quickly became alert. If these spirits outside stopped him, of course he would stop him, and he couldn't let these people disturb Lin Xijiu.

But what surprised Bai Qi was that these spirits didn't stop him. He was stunned as if there was such a big movement inside.



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