God Stick Wife

Chapter 420: : Are you crazy?

Chapter 420: Are You Crazy?

Ginkgo opened the door, a little surprised.

"Uncle Third?"

"Well, is it bothering you?" Bai Ye was a little embarrassed.

"No." Bai Guo shook his head, "Is there something wrong with the third uncle?"

If it was simply consumed last night, it would be fine after taking a rest and replenishing. Logically speaking, he would not come to find himself, so Ginkgo asked.

Bai Ye didn't talk nonsense, and took out the copper coin. When Bai Guo saw the copper coin, his pupils shrank.

. "copper?"

"Well, I found it in the Sun's pool. I felt something was wrong. I fished it out, but, um, it's not true.

It is impossible to determine whether this copper coin is the ancient copper coin that Lin Xijiu was looking for. Does it mean that this copper coin is very difficult to find?


Ginkgo took the copper coin and observed it carefully. "This copper coin was found in the Sun's pool? Take me to see it."


"Of course it is now." Bai Guo said.

Bai Ye asked carefully: "Is this copper coin real? When I was in the bathroom before, this copper coin suddenly flew into the air, and a word appeared on it. I just thought the word appeared too coincidentally, so I brought it. Look here."

"This copper coin should be real, but I don't know why it appeared in the Sun's pool. I'll go to the place where it was found first." Bai Guo said.

"Okay, okay, we'll go now."

The three went downstairs, Bai Jinghua frowned, "What's wrong? Did something happen again?"

"No, go to Sun's house and see." Bai Guo said.

Bai Jinghua sighed, "Okay, then you all be careful."

Several people nodded, and immediately rushed to the Sun's house after leaving the Bai's house.

The old man came down from the upstairs and saw the backs of Sun Liuqing and the others leaving. Bai Jinghua saw the old man going downstairs and hurried to help him. The old man gave him a look, "What happened to them?"

"I don't know, before Bai Ye and Sun Liuqing came to look for Guoguo, and then the three of them left together, saying that they were going to Sun's house, but they didn't say anything."

Mr. Bai sighed, "There are so many things in the imperial capital every day, and it's hard work for these little ones." Bai Jinghua heard the words and said "um" softly, and things have always been more.

"Xiaojiu and Xiaoqi don't know when they will come back, can they bring back the fourth and second child, the second child should be able to



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