God Stick Wife

Chapter 420: : Are you crazy?

Elder Tian took a deep breath, and was extremely jealous of that lunatic. I went to support myself, but it was still useless. If I hadn't escaped quickly, I'm afraid I would become myself!

All lost, all the good players brought out from there are lost, **** it, where did that lunatic escape from, and why is it so powerful!

Moreover, he just sent people to move hands and feet in the square, and secretly controlled a group of people, intending to use those people to do something to the sacred place of the entire imperial capital, causing panic, it is best to let himself find a chance Sneak into the bottom, you must know that there is also a leyline under the square.

However, he successfully planted two demon seeds over there, and sprinkled a little something, just waited for two days and nights to bring people directly there. now what? Another white night, damn, that guy doesn't have much spiritual power on his body, none of the wine bags and rice bags at the Tianshi Association can see the problem, but this white night saw the problem, the flame attribute on his body is so special, so As for burning down a fire, the two Demon Seeds buried below can't be used directly! Is there anything more tragic than this? The secret hand left behind is useless.

In this case, even if you control a little bit of people, it's useless to send them over!

Elder Tian felt that his mission this time was really troublesome. It seems that the other cities and other elders are progressing very smoothly. I haven't encountered so many problems. Why is this imperial capital so evil? Woolen cloth? Back then, he really shouldn't have taken over the life of the imperial capital! Look now, really...

"Elder Tian." Suddenly, some sharp voices from his subordinates sounded, "That lunatic appeared again, and came in!"

Elder Tian's eyebrows jumped fiercely, "How could he find it here!"

"I don't know, Elder Tian, ​​what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Withdraw!" Elder Tian looked gloomy, but at this moment, Boom, the door in front of him was knocked open, and the arrogant madman appeared at the door, and the other party didn't say a word of nonsense, directly facing Elder Tian attacked the past.

"Ah!" Elder Tian let out a scream, and then, his figure flew out and hit the wall, but before he had time to fall, he was sucked into the palm of his hand by the madman. Elder Tian screamed again, and was beaten... his soul was scattered.

Immediately afterwards, all the people here were beaten to the core... It didn't take a minute from the appearance of the lunatic to Elder Tian and the others, which shows how powerful this "madman" is in combat.

At this point, all the forces sent by the Demon Lord have been wiped out in the imperial capital.

The madman didn't stop at all, his figure flashed and disappeared in place. Then, appearing in front of a dark house, he kicked open the door of one of the rooms, and inside that, lay some ordinary people.

That's ordinary people being controlled.

The madman looked at the ordinary people, and then tapped each of them with his fingers. His figure disappeared again. Soon, those people opened their eyes in a daze.

"Eh? Where is this?"



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