God Stick Wife

Chapter 467: :no problem

Chapter 467: No problem

When Lin Xijiu woke up again, he found himself in Bai Qi's arms, and the other party was still sending spiritual energy into his body. Looking at Bai Qi's face again, the other party's face was really pale, which made Lin Xijiu frown and felt distressed.

"Enough, stop now." Lin Xijiu's voice was a little hoarse.

Bai Qi stopped the movement of conveying spiritual power, and then looked at Lin Xijiu, "Are you all right? How are you feeling now?"

Lin Xijiu looked at the other party and shook his head, "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong."

Bai Qi didn't believe it, "What happened to you just now? Why did you suddenly vomit blood? Was it attacked by that copper coin?

Lin Xijiu smiled bitterly and nodded, "It was indeed attacked by that copper coin, tsk tsk, I didn't expect these last few copper coins to have such a strong attack power, and I wanted to make these last few copper coins. It's really not easy to be the owner of the coin. Before, I thought that although the power of this copper coin is great, it doesn't seem to be so divine. After I got in touch with the ninth copper coin, I realized that I was thinking too simple. No wonder, my cheap father wanted the eight copper coins before, but he didn't want them actively. He didn't really spend much effort to get them. But for the ninth copper coin, he came with a clone, Moreover, they brought so many high-level spiritual bodies over to destroy other people’s clans.”

Bai Qi was silent, "What's so special about this ninth copper coin?"

"The power of each of the last four copper coins... is several times stronger than the combination of the previous eight coins. If the last four coins are collected successfully... even if the sky and the earth cannot be destroyed, according to this inheritance Memories, these copper coins, can unlock a treasure."


"That's what the inheritance said, and it's also the memory of the ninth copper coin. Although I haven't let the ninth copper coin recognize the owner, but because of the eight copper coins in front, the ninth copper coin is not very good to me. Rejection has now been stored in my body. However, the memory of this ninth copper coin is also incomplete and needs to be properly rationalized. Moreover, I think, not only that, there are some things that I am afraid to collect the rest Only a few copper coins can we know more."

"When you captured the ninth copper coin, did the attack come from it?"

"Well, in addition to the attack, there is..." Lin Xijiu paused, "A kind of improvement similar to his own bloodline, purification."


"Yeah." Lin Xijiu pointed his finger on several places on his body thoughtfully, "Didn't the avatar of the old master say that I have other bloodlines in my body? And it's not an inheritance. From his, before I would vomit blood,

14:01 Painting


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