God Stick Wife

Chapter 103: :Very concerned

I promise you, I will sell you my body, I will sell you my soul, and I will give you everything I have. After you gave me the strength to avenge my father, take whatever you want. "

At this moment, in the mirror opposite Wu Pingting, Wu Pingting's figure was distorted, and a very gentle smile came out vaguely. That smile, gentle and intoxicating, seems to be able to attract everyone's eyes and the tenderness in their hearts. Then, a vague voice floated out: "Okay, I'll give you strength. You cut your own artery."

Wu Pingting was very calm, her face was expressionless. "Will I not die if I cut it? How can I avenge my father if I die? Or I can only get the power you gave me when I die, I want strong power! If the power I get is not strong enough, I can't kill That Specter! Then, I will regret it, and I will not give you everything willingly!"

The voice was still vague, vaguely gentle, and the voice said soothingly: "Don't be afraid, don't worry. The strength I give you is definitely enough, enough for you to take revenge and solve that resentful spirit. And after your artery is cut, you You won't die, you have to believe me, and you won't be seen by outsiders that you cut through your own body."

Wu Pingting was silent for a while, then said lightly: "Okay, I believe in you, I hope you won't let me down." After saying that, Wu Pingting, the little teenage girl slapped her wrist fiercely. paddle down.

The blood flowed out and flowed on the floor of the bathroom, on the washbasin, and shot out a little, a trace of black shadows, green shadows, blue shadows, all floated out from the mirror. Those colors merged into a figure, and suddenly, when the figure appeared, all the blood that rushed out of Wu Pingting's body all gathered together. The figure was wrapped in the blood, and all entered Wu Pingting's wound together...

The wound that has just been cut is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Slowly, it seems that there is no scene of the cut just now.

Wu Pingting put away the fruit knife expressionlessly, and went to bed. In her eyes, there was no warm color that belonged to human beings...

"It's a pity that Brother Hall hasn't woken up yet, otherwise you'll know what happened that night." Bai Jin said after getting in the car.

"From a psychological analysis, what Liu Suifeng said makes sense. That night, the resentful spirit that Liu Suifeng and the others encountered still had their own reason, ideas, and goals, and even became confused and soft-hearted. But That night, those psychological experts analyzed that the murderer was very cruel and dehumanized, and from the wounds of the deceased, it seemed that he had lost all reason, and his instinct was completely controlled by the tyranny." Bai Fengdao .

Even Li Gui, just analyze the mentality of the murderer, some psychologists can analyze it. Before they came, this case received so much attention, and the Bai family had already collected a wave of information.

Bai Qi did not speak.

Bai Feng and Bai Jin felt that Xiao Qi was extraordinarily silent today, since he left the imperial capital, he has been very silent. No, to be precise, in fact



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