God Stick Wife

Chapter 138: : dowry gift


Sun Liuqing looked at the housekeeper and finally said lightly, "Bring him to my room."

The housekeeper took the order and left immediately. The Sun family's site is also very large. Sun Liuqing has his own independent courtyard, and his courtyard usually has very few visitors. The reason why there is this independent courtyard is because of his request, and because he is a person who has paid great attention to his privacy since he was a child.

Sun Liuqing went back to the living room and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Bai Ye was brought in shortly after.

Sun Liuqing waved his hand and motioned for the housekeeper to leave. The butler was supposed to pour some water for the other party. After all, there were guests visiting, right? But since Sun Liuqing told him to leave, the butler naturally wouldn't stay.

Sun Liuqing lightly pursed her lips and glanced at Bai Ye, "So early in the morning, what are you doing here?"

It's really early now, Bai Ye went out right after Bai Qi got down, and Bai Ye also learned from Bai Qi about the abnormality of his body and the situation that night. This is the news that Bai Qi told Bai Ye after deliberately suppressing it for a day.

The purpose is to allow Bai Ye to think clearly.

"I'm here to explain why that night and tell you my decision."

Sun Liuqing paused slightly when she heard the words, and her expression became lighter.

"Then tell me what the reason was that day."

"Okay." Bai Ye told him everything Bai Qi told him, including the prank of the giant panda, and also about his physique. It also includes the so-called mutual attraction. As long as you control yourself well, it will not get out of control.

Sun Liuqing listened quietly and did not express any opinion. Bai Ye couldn't see anything strange from the other's face, and naturally he couldn't see what the other was thinking from the other's face.

Bai Ye walked over and stood in front of Sun Liuqing, because the other party was sitting on the sofa, so Bai Ye was quite condescending when he stood in front of the other party.

Sun Liuqing frowned slightly at such a gesture, his man leaned back, leaned his back on the sofa, and raised his chin slightly.

"I have finished listening to your explanation. Anyway, what happened has already happened, and it's all over. Now that I know the reason, that's what happened. I don't care much about this reason, so just leave after you've said it."

Sun Liuqing's voice was very light, and there was a trace of indifference in her eyes.

Bai Ye pursed the corners of his lips tightly, with this condescending attitude, and then leaned down slightly, placing his hands on both sides of Sun Liuqing's shoulders.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Sun Liuqing raised her brows lightly, "Could it be that there are other things? I think what I said is clear enough. Bai Ye, as long as you are not mentally retarded, you shouldn't understand."

"I'm not mentally retarded, and I can understand it, but that's not the result I want, nor what I want to do. Sun Liuqing, I care about you. From today, I will pursue you." Bai Ye said firmly , just a little ruthless.

Sun Liuqing was stunned, and then her eyes widened in disbelief. After confirming that what Bai Ye said was true, Sun Liuqing's face was a little ugly.

"Bai Laosan, what the **** are you doing! Do you know what you're talking about!"

17:53 painting


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