God Stick Wife

Chapter 141: : to be seen

Bai Ye said a word and he would be there soon, and then hung up the phone.

"Someone died?" Lin Xijiu asked.

"It's the third brother's teammate, it may have happened last night. As the captain, the third brother has always gotten along very well with his teammates. I think the third brother's voice is very depressed... Let's go and have a look first, if we come back If you still have time, then go to the second one. Anyway, the second one will not be closed until the evening, what do you think?"

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Yes."

In less than five minutes, White Night arrived. Bai Ye walked directly to Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw Sun Liuqing not far away.

Sun Liuqing was also taken aback and looked this way.

Bai Ye saw the intimacy between Sun Liuqing and Yang Luoyan, and saw Yang Luoyan's hand hanging on Sun Liuqing's arm. He was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sun Liuqing.

Sun Liuqing's heart jumped, instinctively wanting to drop Yang Luoyan's hand, but at that moment she didn't know what to think, and in the end she didn't do anything, she just nodded lightly to Bai Ye, and just said hello.

Yang Luoyan also showed a sweet smile and nodded, but she didn't come over, she could see that Bai Ye had something to do with her, and a smart woman wouldn't come to disturb her at this time, it was annoying.

"Brother Liuqing, is that the third brother of the Bai family?"

Sun Liuqing nodded lightly, "Yes."

"Looks like there's an emergency, I don't know what happened..."

Sun Liuqing didn't answer this sentence, but said lightly: "You can choose your own, if not, you can look for someone to design it.


Yang Luoyan nodded and smiled sweetly. "That's good, but Brother Yuqing has to follow me for reference."

Sun Liuqing did not refuse.

The fist beside Bai Ye clenched slightly, and he turned his eyes away, "Lin Xijiu, several of my teammates found dead in their beds this morning for no reason. The same is showing panic. My teammates, I know, if they weren't really scared, they wouldn't show that expression. This matter has been investigated by the police, but I always feel that there is something strange in this. I yesterday When they were separated from them, they were all fine, what could happen in the army... so please go over with me and take a look. Could it be the work of the ghost in white last night?"

Lin Xijiu didn't answer this question. Before seeing it, it's not easy to draw a conclusion on such a question. So he just said: "I'll take a look at the situation with you, and I'll talk about it after I've seen it."

Bai Ye took a deep breath and nodded, "Thank you very much then."

A few people walked outside. When Bai Ye was about to leave, they glanced at Sun Liuqing. Sun Liuqing didn't know whether he noticed or didn't notice, but his body was slightly stiff.

19:25 painting


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