God Stick Wife

Chapter 145: : by my side

Bai Qi used the connection of the contract to sense Lin Xijiu's position. Just as he was about to drive without a trace, he suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Did he feel wrong? Lin Xijiu is at Bai's house! And he felt that the other party was not far from him at all!

Bai Qi didn't go to the garage now, he just turned slightly in one direction and walked directly to the back garden of Bai's house. There is a glass greenhouse in the back garden of Bai's house. Usually, Bai Qi doesn't come here very often. Now standing at the door of the greenhouse, Bai Qi sneered.

"Lin Xijiu, how long do you want to hide? Come out!"

When Bai Qi's words fell, Lin Xijiu's figure appeared not far away. He was a little far away from Bai Qi and did not walk over here.


Bai Qi sneered again, "Don't you dare to see me? What are you doing standing so far away?"

Lin Xijiu walked over step by step, until he reached Bai Qi, he finally stood still.

"You said you didn't want to see me."

Bai Qi sneered for the third time, "You are really obedient, why aren't you obedient when you should be obedient? You are so obedient now, who are you doing it for?"

Lin Xijiu lowered his eyelids, speechless.

Bai Qi sneered again, "You owe me an explanation? Lin Xijiu, Lin Tianshi."

"What explanation do you want?" Lin Xijiu asked softly.

"What do you think? What happened that night? Were you possessed by a ghost? Did you know what you were doing that night?"

Lin Xijiu finally raised his head after hearing this, "Are you still willing to listen to my explanation?"

Bai Qi took a deep breath and said, "Since I let you stand here, naturally, if you listen, you will get together, and if you don't, you will disperse. You saved my life, and I keep this in my heart, but it doesn't mean that You can do whatever you want with me at any moment, in a way that hurts."

Bai Qi's voice was low, waiting for Lin Xijiu's answer.

Lin Xijiu's voice was very dry. He looked at Bai Qi and said softly...

19:32 painting


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