God Stick Wife

Chapter 147: : Don't return

Chapter 147: Mo Returns

Bai Ye chose a dark and windy night for a month and climbed the high wall of Sun's house. As expected of the special forces, Bai Ye's ability to climb walls is still very powerful. What's more, he had already figured out the location of Sun Liuqing's room, so it didn't take much effort to climb in.

Sun Liuqing was sleeping in his room, although he was not asleep. But seeing someone turn in like a thief, he was still speechless for a moment.

I heard that this person was injured by a stray bullet and has been in the hospital of the military region these days.

Sun Liuqing didn't get up, just glanced at Bai Ye lightly.

Bai Ye's walking posture was a little awkward. He walked to the bed and looked down at Sun Liuqing.

"I'm here to see you." Bai Ye said.

Sun Liuqing glanced at the other party lightly, and was not sure whether the other party knew or didn't know what happened these days. If the Bai family deliberately concealed it, then it's possible that the person didn't know.

But it stands to reason that the Bai family should not hide this person. If this person's brain is pumped, it is impossible for the rest of the Bai family to follow their brains, right?

Bai Ye mixed up with himself, this should be something the Bai family absolutely does not want to see, let alone approve of!

"why do not you talk?"

Bai Ye asked, then sat down beside the bed.

Sun Liuqing unconsciously glanced at each other's legs and didn't say anything. Bai Ye was about to say something, when suddenly the window was automatically opened, Bai Ye and Sun Liuqing were full of alertness, and the two jumped up from the bed.

At this moment, a paper crane flew in, and it looked like a paper crane made of white paper. Except for the function of automatic flight, it really looked like an ordinary paper crane.

The white paper crane opened its mouth: Sun Liuqing's amulet, the amulet is ready, come and get it.

Sun Liuqing: "…"

white night:"…"

Zhi He urged in the air, Sun Liuqing finally took a step forward, Zhi He spat out a necklace, and Sun Liuqing took it.

"Wear it on your neck, you don't have to take it off when you take a shower." After saying this, the paper crane disappeared.

Sun Liuqing was silent for a while, then Bai Ye walked over and picked up the necklace, "Sit down and I'll put it on for you. I also have one around my neck. It's very similar to this one. It's a bit like a couple's necklace."

Sun Liuqing was speechless. He was pulled by Bai Ye and sat down, and Bai Ye put a necklace on the other side.

"What's the matter with that Yang Luoyan from the Yang family? Are you familiar with that girl? Xiaoqi said that you picked gifts together for her mother. What does this mean?" , asked directly, then squatted down in front of Sun Liuqing and looked into the eyes of the other party.

19:33 painting


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