God Stick Wife

Chapter 147: : Don't return

... This childhood sweetheart that I thought was dead suddenly appeared, even if it was only suspected, but it should be very excited!

Why is the performance of the Seventh Young Master of his family still so cold?

"Seventh young master?" Seeing that Bai Qi was only silent, the housekeeper could not help but urged again, is the seventh young master really not going to have a look? Bai Qi turned his eyes away lightly, "Since it's just a suspicion, just wait. There will always be a result."

The housekeeper couldn't help being a little stunned when he heard this. Is this the reaction of the seventh young master of his family? This is not normal, it is too cold! Even if any other brother of the Bai family is here, it is impossible for him to be so indifferent!

At the beginning, the relationship between the Seventh Young Master and the Young Master Mo was very good. They were inseparable almost everywhere they went. The Young Master Mo has always protected the Seventh Young Master. The Seventh Young Master was kidnapped twice and was almost injured.

Why is this so cold? Is it the fear that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment? But this reaction doesn't seem to be afraid of this...

Finally, the phone rang again, and the housekeeper picked it up quickly, but Bai Qi didn't say that he wanted to answer it himself.

After a few minutes, the butler hung up the phone.

"The person from the Seventh Young Master Hospital said that the person who came into contact with him was probably Young Master Mo, but the other person lost a memory, and his current memory was a little vague, but the person clearly remembered that his name was Mo Chenxi. The other party has been recuperating abroad for years, but the man remembered that he was from China, so he came back to find his memory. Seventh Young Master, this is most likely Young Master Mo! Young Master Mo was not on the list at the time, it is very likely that It's because of another accident that happened overseas, and lost his memory! We just need to check Young Master Mo's blood and compare it with that person to find out!" The butler said excitedly. Mo Chen revealed that the housekeeper also watched him grow up. In the housekeeper's heart, although the status of the other party is a little different from that of the young masters of the Bai family, he has always been treated as a young master.

When Mo Chenxi had an accident, the housekeeper Bai Fuan shed tears twice. He was naturally happy to hear that the other party was all right now! No matter what happens, life is good!

19:33 painting


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