God Stick Wife

Chapter 246: : Slaughter the world [Close...


Before he knew Lin Xijiu, if someone said that one day, Bai Qishao would do this for one person, he wouldn't believe it.

And now... Bai Qi smiled bitterly, what he was doing was himself, what else could he not believe?

After about ten minutes, Bai Qi got up and went out.

Lin Xijiu was leaning on the back of the bed, looking at the unknown place a little dazed, when he saw Bai Qi coming out, he immediately looked over.

Bai Qi walked over, dried his hair on the chair beside him, and then went to bed.

"Don't sleep? Aren't you sleepy?"

"It's okay. I'm a little sleepy, but I can't sleep." Lin Xijiu lowered his eyelids and said.

Bai Qi leaned over and leaned on Lin Xijiu's body, "What's wrong?"

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi and said softly, "So, I used to have a wife."

Bai Qi was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes, "Your master..."

"Yeah. My brother said, my master said it himself, my master died because of my master, and my master could only watch him go to hell. Until now, because the enemy is too powerful, my master has not been able to take revenge... Bai Qi, are you afraid?


"Afraid?" Bai Qi raised his eyebrows, wondering why the topic suddenly turned here, "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that my master and I'm enemies are too powerful, and it will affect you. I'm afraid... I will not be able to protect you." Lin Xijiu said very lightly.

Bai Qi raised one of his brows lightly, not arrogant, as if he was just stating a fact, but the pride in his words was not hard to hear.

"I, the seventh young master of the Bai family, grew up so big, and I never knew what to be afraid of. When I knew that I would die at any time, I was never afraid of anything. What's so scary?"

Hearing this, Lin Xijiu paused lightly, then hugged Bai Qi who was above him, and kissed the other's lower lip. "Well, it's fine if you're not afraid. Even if you're afraid, it's impossible for me to let you go now."

Bai Qi glanced at the other party and said lightly, "Try to let go."

Lin Xijiu chuckled and put his head on Bai Qi's neck. "No, I won't let go." I have let go once, how can I let myself let go a second time. No way! No matter what happens, it won't!

Thinking like this, Lin Xijiu's eyes flashed with determination.

Bai Qi was hugged by Lin Xijiu and lay beside him. Bai Qi thought about it and suddenly said, "The ring, I found it."



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