God Stick Wife

Chapter 252: : ordinary people

Of course Liu Suifeng didn't come to the door empty-handed, he carried a lot of gifts.

Grandma Li took Xiao Shuanzi's hand to open the door, holding it a little tight, so as not to let the great-grandson have any harm that might appear.


Follow the wind! Haha! Little follow the wind!" Grandma Li laughed.

"Grandma." Liu Suifeng actually forgot what Grandma Li's surname was. He and Luo Jingyan used to call them Grandma.

Hey, okay, okay, come in. "Grandma Li let Liu Suifeng and the others in.

"Why do you bring so many things, Grandma can't eat it, can't eat it! Don't spend this money!" Grandma Li rambles

As he talked, his heart skipped a beat when he saw so many things, "Grandma is very happy that you can come to see grandma."

Xiao Shuanzi's gaze was placed on Bai Qi's body.

With so many people coming in, no one looked at it except Bai Qi. Just staring at Bai Qi.

The other party's eyes were too obvious, Lin Xijiu couldn't help but glance at Xiao Shuanzi, then, squinting, this child

, seems a little weird.

Bai Qi glanced at Xiao Shuan lightly, but didn't pay much attention, nor was he enthusiastic at all.

Grandma Li said: "I'm going to pour water, pour water, Xiaoshuo, come and pour water with grandma."

Grandma Li took Xiaoshuanzi's hand to the kitchen and poured three glasses of water cup by cup.

Then, Auntie Li took Xiao Shuanzi's hand and took it out cup by cup.

When Liu Suifeng saw that the other party was about to make the third trip, he was too busy, "We'll just do it ourselves, don't be too busy, grandma."

Such an old child, in fact, as long as you let go of each other's hands and put three glasses of water in a tray, they can come out at once.

Liu Suifeng noticed that Grandma Li didn't seem to let go of the little boy's hand. Is this overdone, or


"No, no, hehe." Grandma Li smiled when she saw that Liu Suifeng had already taken out the third glass of water.

Holding Xiao Shuan's hand, he returned to the living room.

In fact, Liu Suifeng didn't know what to talk about with his grandmother. Luo Jingyan wasn't there. After all, he felt a little awkward. What's more, he

It's important to come here. So I asked Grandma Li's recent status, asked her if she needed help, and so on. Liu Suifeng will fight

It's a direct question about that time.

"Grandma, in fact, this time, I mainly want to ask about one thing. Can Grandma help you think about it? Probably between me and

One year when Luo Jingyan was twelve or thirteen years old, we went out to play together and buried two tops. Come back after we go and bury

Afterwards, we also became seriously ill, and both of us had a fever for several days. Those two tops were when we passed out by the river

When you bring it back, does grandma remember this?"

"Eh? This, let me think about it, think about it." Grandma thought about it carefully, then nodded sharply, "Remember,

Remember, at that time you passed out by the riverside of the L bridge in Hechuan, but we searched for you for a long time and couldn't find it. Later, it was your family who found it first, sir, they brought you back together. But it was fine at the time, the doctor just said you were tired

, fell asleep, but we were terrified. You are holding two tops in your hands, hehe, I remember! My little boy

The master grasped it so tightly. At that time, the lady didn't like such dirty things. Seeing that the young master grasped so tightly, she didn't throw it away.

drop. 5

right. "Liu Suifeng sat up straight, and felt that a little picture of that time appeared in his mind, "Later, no two

God, Luo Jingyan and I got tired of playing with the spinning top. We made an appointment to go out to play, and we buried the spinning top that day. those two

God, we go out to play, where to play, has Luo Jingyan told you before? 5"

"Where to go?" Grandma Li thought about it and said, "At that time, you would go down the mountain behind Tianjing Temple at most.

And on the other side of Reed River and Xiaodutou...5

"At the foot of the mountain behind Tianjing Temple?" Liu Suifeng narrowed his eyes, "I don't remember Luo Jingyan and I meeting at that time.

Often go there...why do we go there?"

"Haha." Grandma Li laughed, "You two were naughty at that time. You said that you saw the monk inside.

The mountain shits, and they said that if they saw monks catching birds there, they must be eating them. They said that they violated the precepts.

What else did God say to catch the bad guys...haha...3

"Catch the bad guys? Catch the bad guys at Tianjing Temple?" Liu Suifeng asked immediately.

"Ah? This, I don't know. The young master said he wanted to catch the bad guys." Li Auntie scratched her head

Liu Suifeng asked again: "Then about the place where we buried the top, before we set off, did Grandma know where we were going?

Buried? In a specific location, or roughly. "

"Are you looking for the place where the top was buried?" Grandma Li recalled carefully, "It seems that in those two days, the young master said

Go to Houshan, your top will disappear after two days of playing. The young master didn't say that he was buried, but he took the top with him.

During the two days on your body, it seems that you all went to the back mountain, otherwise it was Xiaodutou. I remember one time, little master

He was wet when he came, and I was startled, thinking he had fallen into the water. The young master seemed to be in a bit of a state that day.

Not quite right, I always feel... looks dull. What did he say, don't tell the master and madam, and say that he is just crossing the head

After playing it, you have to forget, you can't say that he was playing in Dutou or anything... In those few days, it's just Xiaodutou and Houshan. this buried

Grandma doesn't know about the top, but if you want to bury it, it's only those two places. "

Xiaodutou and Houshan. "Liu Suifeng looked at Lin Xijiu, who nodded, "Grandma, you said, one day

Luo Jingyan was dumbfounded when he came back, his expression was not right? 5"

Yes, there was a day, but after a sleep, the young master was alive and well. I didn't even care

What's wrong? Is there something wrong? It's not good. "Aunt Li was a little nervous.

"We want to know more clearly about Luo Jingyan's situation at that time, my friend is a doctor, he can use hypnosis

In this way, Grandma can recall the events of the year more clearly. Grandma, can you help me remember?"

"Ah? Okay, okay!" Auntie Li hurriedly agreed, "Of course you need to help with the matter of the young master! What should I do?

do it

"Just come with me." Lin Xijiu said, then walked to a place that looked like a study

Grandma Li hesitated, looked at Xiao Shuanzi, and then planned to go with Xiao Shuanzi by the hand.

Liu Suifeng said: "Grandma, I'm here, you just follow my friend. I'll help you stay with this little friend.

take care for a while

"But, but." Grandma Li looked at Xiaoshuanzi, a little hesitant.

Lin Xijiu walked to the study, "Come on." Then he shook his head at Bai Qi, indicating that he didn't need to come over.

Bai Qi didn't move.

Grandma Li thinks that today's grandson looks a little good, and now, I don't know how to explain it. I just had to laugh

"Suifeng, that, my great grandson, Xiao Shuanzi, has a bad temper. I will go, that, if my great grandson loses his temper.

Anger, hehe, with the wind, you can just hold him. Ha ha. ”5

Liu Suifeng thought this sounded strange, but he didn't think much about it, he smiled and nodded. "Good." 5

Granny Li walked back to Lin Xijiu one step at a time, and then followed Lin Xijiu into the room.

Xiao Shuanzi was still looking at Bai Qi, very seriously, deadly, looking at Bai Qi.

Liu Suifeng looked at the child, worried that Bai Qi's gaze would make Bai Qi unhappy. Uh, normal people are stared at like this, okay

Like it won't be comfortable.

"That, Xiao Shuan?" Liu Suifeng raised his smile slightly. The smiling face of Uranus superstar is naturally charming.

However, Xiao Shuanzi didn't give Liu Suifeng a look at all, just looked at Bai Qi.

Liu Suifeng: "a1

Liu Suifeng had no choice but to look at Bai Qi, "What's wrong with this child? If it wasn't for sure that Qi Shao couldn't know him, he would be pregnant.

It is suspected that Seventh Young Master has a relationship with this child. "

Bai Qi glanced at Xiao Shuan expressionlessly, very coldly, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Xiao Shuanzi looked at Bai Qi with a hoarse voice that he hadn't spoken to for years: "The spirit of heaven and earth, the spirit of heaven and earth."5

Bai Qi suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Liu Suifeng was slightly startled and narrowed his eyes.

"How do you know?" Bai Qi asked lightly.

Xiao Shuanzi stared at Bai Qi with his good eyes, "You are very clean. They are all dirty. 5"

Bai Qi glanced at Xiao Shuan indifferently: "What are you?"

I am an ordinary person. However, since I was a child, I was able to see a lot of things, such as the person inside, not

My grandma, my grandma is dead. Now, inside my grandma's body, is the evil spirit. However, that evil spirit was injured by me

. She can't get up. "

Is there someone else in the room? Liu Suifeng looked at Bai Qi, but Bai Qi didn't pay attention.

Xiaoshuozi walked to the room, "You guys, do you want to come and see? 5"

Bai Qi paused and walked over there. Liu Suifeng also walked over.

This door is locked.

Xiaoshuozi looked at the door lock, "Grandma thought she could lock me, but I was too lazy to move. Anyway, that evil spirit

No, run out. "

Xiao Shuizi's hand patted the door lock, and then the door opened.

You are not like an ordinary person. "Bai Qi said lightly.

"I'm just an ordinary person." Xiao Shuan walked in and pointed to a man in his sixties on the bed. looks like six

Ten, but, in fact, this person is also fifty-two.

"Did you see it? The evil spirit inside. Before, she was injured by me, but now, she can't get out. But unfortunately, too milky

Milk didn't want this evil spirit to die. Otherwise, let her die. She died, and grandma's body, too. grandma,

will be sad.

Bai Qi really felt that the breath in this body was different, dark and evil. Evil spirit?

Liu Suifeng said: "You are the only one in your family, oh, and this and grandma?

"Well, other people, my grandfather, father, mother, and my sister in my mother's womb, were all tricked by this evil spirit.

died. car accident. get killed. "Little Shuan has no expression on his face.

Liu Suifeng's expression froze, "When did this happen?"5

"four years ago

"Grandma never said... na5]

"Grandma said, you are good people, you can't, always, bother."

Bai Qi frowned, "You know everything since you were born?"5

"Well. I'm not someone else. I'm just an ordinary person. I just know a lot.?

Knowing the Qi of Heaven and Earth and the Spirit of Heaven and Earth is not as simple as knowing so much. "Bai Qi looked at the little man meaningfully.


The little boy was silent, and then emphasized: "I am an ordinary person."

Liu Suifeng said, "Can you tell me in detail about the situation in your home?"


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