God Stick Wife

Chapter 261: : do not move

Regarding what Lin Xijiu said, Xiao Shuanzi shook his head after pondering for two seconds.

"Not today, I'm going to send my grandma away." 3

Lin Xijiu forgot about this, so he nodded when he heard the words. "it is good."

Luo Jingyan came over with a cane and thanked Lin Xijiu and the others.

Lin Xijiu just nodded lightly, Luo Jingyan rubbed Xiao Shuanzi's hair, "This child is a stuffy gourd, he himself

The physique is quite special, and I will have to trouble you a lot in the future. Thanks a lot.

Liu Suifeng smiled lightly, "When did you become so polite?

Luo Jingyan smiled bitterly, "Isn't this how I have escaped death twice? Always be polite!"

Xiao Shuan suddenly turned his head, "I can't live with you in the future."5

Luo Jingyan was taken aback for a moment, didn't he agree yesterday that he would adopt Xiaoshuanzi in the future?

I can't be with you, but if Uncle Suifeng wants to, I can. "

Luo Jingyan looked at Liu Suifeng and then at Xiao Shuanzi, very puzzled.

Aunt Li was afraid that Luo Jingyan would be unhappy, so she hurried over here. "Good grandson, what are you talking about, and Uncle Luo

Isn't it good to be together?" 3

Xiao Shuanzi shook his head, "It's not bad, Uncle Luo is just an ordinary person, I'm with him, and I have a lot to do with his fate.

A big impact will hurt him. "

Luo Jingyan was a little dumbfounded, just as he was about to say that he didn't care, Liu Suifeng said, "Then let me do it, it's the same anyway.

Luo Jingyan smiled bitterly.

Xiao Shuanzi walked to Liu Suifeng's side, "Uncle Suifeng, I will follow you from now on. 5"

Liu Suifeng smiled and rubbed the little guy's head. "Good." 5

After that, Liu Suifeng and Lin Xijiu left.

Lin Xijiu and the others don't care who will raise Xiaoshuanzi in the future. If there is no one to support them, they are not incapable of

Come on yourself, it's not a big deal.

The three people who left soon came to the back mountain of Tianjing Temple. The back of the temple leads to two directions, and the one on the east is right.

It is a bamboo forest.

Lin Xijiu and the others came to the small bamboo forest first. According to what the two of them said yesterday, the big bamboo forest at the back was formed by the previous one.

The small bamboo forest of the past multiplied.

That big bamboo forest should have been planted on purpose. After all, when the bamboo forest first started, bamboo shoots, etc., could be sold for money.

These things are also run by someone.

The bamboos in the small bamboo forest are a little older in age, and they seem to have survived for a long time. However, no ghosts have formed yet, at least Lin Xijiu didn't feel the aura of ghosts in it.

After turning around, neither Lin Xijiu nor Liu Suifeng found anything.

"Let's go over there, it is said that there is an inn there, isn't it?" Bai Qi said, "I was listening to those two people yesterday.

Waiting, I feel that the boss is a little weird. Not to mention opening an inn here, it is only good for him to open a business,

Others are not good. "

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Although the inn is deserted now, it's still okay to go and see it."

The three people came to the middle, and there really are two roads, dividing this large bamboo forest and the small bamboo forest just now.

It was cut open, and there was a huge inn here.

The area of ​​this inn is quite wide, but because of the barrenness, coupled with the original antique style

Inn, so it looks more run down.

There are some buildings that show the attitude of tripping him, probably because of this, the inn has become a dangerous building

, no one is near here

Since there is no profit here, then naturally no one will continue to open any inn, and will not have anything to do with it.

maintenance move.

Liu Suifeng circled the inn and walked around the inn, while Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi walked into the inn.


Lin Xijiu took Bai Qi's hand and did not let the other party get too far away from him. After thinking about it, he suddenly continued the topic of the morning.

, was interrupted at that time

"Aren't you telling me why you're angry?"

Lin Xijiu seemed to be very obsessed with getting this answer, and wanted to know if Bai Qi was angry and why.

Bai Qishao was a little helpless, he glanced at Lin Xijiu, "Can this topic be exposed here? Don't you think it is now?

Are you talking about this very weird?

Lin Xijiu didn't think there was anything strange, so he shook his head with a paralyzed face. There was a slight puzzlement in his eyes


Bai Qi's mouth twitched slightly, "We'll talk about this later tonight."5

Or just don't talk about it! What's there to discuss about that kind of thing! There's no need to talk about it after getting out of bed!

Lin Xijiu was slightly disappointed when he heard this, but he had no choice but to nod his head. "OK then.

"En." Bai Qi continued to walk inside, and then went up to the second floor of the inn.

The space on the second floor of this inn is also very large. He walked to the corridor outside.

Department, and naturally let the other party walk over.

In the corridor outside, you can see a lot of scenes in the depths of the bamboo forest, "It's quite artistic to see it in the daytime, but

If it is night, the bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest are swaying, and these shadows will look like ghosts. 5 Lin Xijiu has never been afraid of ghosts. When I was a child, my favorite thing was to raise little ghosts, so I don't think there is anything wrong with the so-called ghost shadows.

How scary. He followed up: "The location of this inn is good, but it may be that I came here to make a living.

Interested people move the feng shui here, so the business is not good. "

"So, Boss Ma who just started doing business here is because he pays attention to Feng Shui?" Bai Qi raised his eyebrows

"I didn't mean it that way, but obviously the feng shui of the past was different from the feng shui of the present. In Feng Shui

Above, I didn't learn enough. My senior brother may know more, but unfortunately he is not here now. "Lin Xijiu said

Then he took Bai Qi's hand and walked to a corner where there was a potted plant. Inside is a huge cactus.


A creature like a cactus is planted in a pot, as long as it can see sunlight, even if no one will take it for a year or two.

It can also survive very well, and besides, this thing is not worth much. So that's probably why it's still here.

This cactus is growing well. "Bai Qi glanced at it, in this corridor, there are half a day in here.

The sun can be seen all the time, even if it is a cloudy and rainy day, because there are corridors, there is no need to be afraid of the rain.

The corridor here is still very thick, and the corridor is a bit wide, and the potted plant is inside, so it is not easy to get rain.

"It is indeed growing well, this thing is placed here in Feng Shui, a kind of attracting wealth. And if I don't

If there is an error in the estimate, there is probably a small gossip array under the cactus. "

Lin Xijiu said, and finally let go of Bai Qi's hand, and moved the potted cactus plant to the side.

Sure enough, Bai Qi found a gossip array under it, it was a mirror, a mirror of gossip, red. special

Thin, and the back is up and the mirror is down. The words on the back are those gossip patterns, because the mirror is very thin,

So even if it is pressed down by a huge potted plant, as long as no one deliberately presses it and moves it, it is naturally impossible to discredit this gossip.

The mirror was crushed to pieces.

Lin Xijiu picked up the gossip mirror, observed it for a while, and then put it back in place, and put the potted plant in it.


Bai Qi raised his eyebrows, "There is no one doing business here, what are you doing in there?"

"Sometimes feng shui is not just for wealth, but also for some qi. There has been no such thing as a

What's the matter, even if there is a landslide over there, it doesn't affect other places. Even though it's a bit shabby here, there's no other

his calamity. So it's better not to mess with things here. "Lin Xijiu said, then turned to Bai Qi seriously.

He said to the other party: "You have to remember that the qi of a place has its own reason, which is the luck of the place itself.

As a practitioner, don't destroy it indiscriminately, because maybe you will suffer retribution at some point. Especially when you're dry

Jing, protected by the air of heaven and earth and the spirit of heaven and earth, these two auras accompany you, if you affect the air of a place

, the consequences may be more serious.

Bai Qi was silent for a while, "The consequences are more serious?"

"If you do good deeds, then you will get more benefits, but you don't know Feng Shui, so you don't know how to do good deeds. In this respect, what I know is only a skin, and I can't teach you. Maybe I can give it another day. you ask a master, feng shui

Learn from true masters. "

Bai Qi was not really interested in this. He doesn't need such a master... I always feel that Lin Xijiu is following him

It's enough to be around him, not to mention that all he wants is a Lin Xijiu.

"And what if it's a bad thing?"55

"This will have more serious consequences and may contaminate your aura. Although the air of heaven and earth and the spirit of heaven and earth

Very domineering and huge, but doing too much of this kind of thing is always bad. It will also affect your practice and mood,

Therefore, you must understand before you can do it. If you don't know much, you may pay the price for your lack of knowledge. ”5

Bai Qi nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, then I see."

Lin Xijiu took the matter of inviting a real Feng Shui master as Bai Qi's master to heart.

But now there are not many people who practice purely feng shui, so this is also a matter of chance.

Lin Xijiu took Bai Qi's hand and walked to other places.

At this time, Bai Qi, who was leaving, suddenly felt something, and he glanced behind him. Through that corridor you can see farther,

Even in the daytime it feels ghostly.

There seems to be something flashing in there

Lin Xijiu didn't feel anything, but felt that Bai Qi was a little different, so he asked, "What's the matter?

Is there something wrong?" 5

Bai Qi looked at the other party, "It's nothing, maybe I saw it wrong, so I said in such a bamboo forest, don't say yes

At night, even during the day, it will feel ghostly. ”5

Lin Xijiu smiled, because he didn't feel anything, so he didn't take Bai Qi's words to heart.

The place on the second floor turned around again, and then walked towards the back area

Just when the figures of the two disappeared in this area, in the depths of the bamboo forest, at the junction of the small bamboo forest and the big bamboo forest.

A black shadow slowly appeared here, the shadow looked at the direction of the inn, and then disappeared in place

□ Author gossip

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