God Stick Wife

Chapter 270: :It's ok

"En." Bai Qi heard the words, and said "um" without any expression, and then said lightly: "Wait a moment to go to your room, I will try

Use the Buddha Yuan relic to see if it can dispel this filthy qi. "At

Hearing this, Bai Guo hesitated slightly, and said expressionlessly, "If Uncle Seven wants to try it, just try it, but don't waste it.

is too big. I looked at it, Uncle Lin didn't seem to like the way Uncle Seven was consuming too much for others.

Bai Qi heard the words, and looked at Ginkgo with sharp eyes, and Ginkgo looked at the other side expressionlessly.

After a while, Bai Qi left without saying a word.

Bai Guo looked at Bai Qi's back, and then showed a somewhat creepy smile. This kind of infiltration is now white anyway

A style of fruit.

At dinner, Liu Suifeng still didn't come out.

Lin Xijiu didn't come back either.

Bai Qi ate a little casually, then followed Ginkgo back to the other party's room.

Before Bai Qi started, Bai Guo suddenly asked, "Where did Uncle Lin go?"

Bai Qi glanced at each other lightly, "I don't know. 5"

"Uncle Seven doesn't even know about it?" Bai Guo's dark eyes blinked, "I thought Uncle Seven knew for sure."

"You talk a lot, let's start." Bai Qi's eyes turned cold.

Ginkgo slowly said "oh", then sat cross-legged.

Where is the injury on the body, explain clearly. "Bai Qi said lightly.

Ginkgo said two places, Bai Qiqi sat down opposite Ginkgo, and then started to heal Ginkgo with Buddha Yuan relics. this time

The radiant power of the Buddha Yuan relic was used, and Bai Qi just integrated his own spiritual power into the Buddha Yuan relic.

This consumption, of course, is much, much less.

Moreover, in the past two days, since the Buddha Yuan relic was thrown into the space, Bai Qi felt that when he took it out again, the relic looked like a

It seems to be more transparent, such an effect was not expected by Bai Qi

Is that space useful for all these things?

Also, the snake egg seems to have fallen into a deep sleep. Bai Qi hadn't paid attention to it before, but now, when he was studying the Buddha's relics

Only then did he find that the space was very quiet, and the sound of the egg was gone. in deep sleep. And Bai Qi has a faint feeling

, This egg seems to be advancing every time it falls asleep. And it seems very difficult for this egg to hatch successfully.

This is Bai Qi's instinctive intuition.

With the help of the Buddha Yuan relic, the filth on Bai Guo's body was expelled in a short time.

And Bai Qi's consumption is very small. He pursed the corners of his mouth. He still didn't know enough about cultivation. If he had known earlier, he would have known earlier.

Thinking of the Buddha Yuan relic, then maybe there is no one who plays wine with Lin now...

Thinking of this, Bai Qi pursed the corner of his mouth slightly. Then he took the Buddha Yuan relic from Ginkgo's room and left.

After leaving, Bai Qi met Sun Liuqing and others who came back.

Bai Feng walked towards Bai Qi, "Xiao Qi.

"Big brother." Bai Qi called out softly, "You just came back?"5

"Yeah, just got back from the municipal. Have you eaten?"

"Yeah." Bai Qi nodded.

Bai Feng didn't see Lin Xijiu, so he was a little puzzled. He was about to ask something when Bai Qi said, "Brother, let's go to dinner, I'll go to Liu Suifeng.

look at the room.

"Liu Suifeng?" Bai Feng paused, "Did he come out for dinner?"3

No. "Bai Qi was expressionless.

When Bai Feng heard the words, he paused again, and then said softly, "I'll go over with you to have a look."

Bai Qi directly refused, "No need, eldest brother, let's go eat."5

Bai Feng didn't insist on hearing this, "Okay, then I'll go to dinner first."

"En." Bai Qi turned his head and left.

At this time, a text message alert sounded on Sun Liuqing's mobile phone. Sun Liuqing looked at it, and then, his heart jumped immediately, "Bai Feng

Bai Feng walked over quickly, "What's wrong? 5

"There's news from Bai Ye, he's here, seeping his head.

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, "The third child appeared in the oozing head? 5

"Well, someone saw it. He was going to that mountain." Sun Liuqing said softly.

Bai Feng thought for a while, "You go to dinner first, I'll tell Xiao Qi the news and ask him what he thinks."5

Bai Feng hurried away, and stopped Bai Qi who was about to knock in front of Liu Suifeng's door.

Bai Qi frowned slightly.

"Why did you come

"Your third brother is leaking out." Bai Feng said immediately.

Leaky head? That's not the third brother, just a stranger who used the third brother's body.

"Well, according to the tip, he should be heading towards that mountain.

Bai Qi was silent for a while, then nodded slightly, "The head is too far away from here, not to mention, we haven't finished dealing with things here.

Bi, let's talk about it when Lin Xijiu comes back. The mountain that seeped the head, sent people to pay close attention to the movement. People from the Celestial Master Association, look at how much there is nearby

Fewer, higher rank, also sent there to see the situation first.

"Okay. If you are from the Celestial Master Association, I will contact you. Or leave it to Sun Liuqing."3

"Well, eldest brother can do it as soon as he sees it." Bai Qi had no objection to this.

Bai Feng glanced at the door, "Are you going in? I'm already here, let's go in and take a look."

When Bai Qi heard the words, he glanced at Bai Feng meaningfully, and Bai Feng was as motionless as a mountain.

Bai Qi didn't object anymore and knocked on the door

Soon after, a hoarse voice came from inside, "Come in. 5"

Bai Qi and Bai Feng walked in together

In fact, Liu Suifeng had already heard the outside voice inside, and naturally, he also heard what Bai Feng said to come in and take a look.

At this time, Liu Suifeng was sitting on the bed.

"I'll use the Buddha Yuan relic to heal your injury." Bai Qi said straight to the point.

Liu Suifeng nodded, "Okay, then thank you very much."

Bai Qi silently turned his head to look at Bai Feng, indicating to the other party that the person has seen it and can go out.

Liu Suifeng lowered his eyelids and did not speak.

Bai Feng said: "Then I'll go out first." Looking at Liu Suifeng's pale face, Bai Feng fell silent and went out.

That kind of injury is serious, isn't it?

I feel that this person's face is much more ugly than that in Bamboo Forest.

Bai Feng went out, and Bai Qi healed Liu Suifeng, but it didn't take long, and it was over in about ten minutes. Just Liu Sui

Feng's face was still a little morbidly pale.

Seeing that the other party's consciousness was sober at this time, Bai Qi glanced at Liu Suifeng's face, and said lightly, "What else is wrong with you?

Liu Suifeng opened his eyes and shook his head, "No. 5"

"Oh? I see that your face is still not very good. I healed Ginkgo. After he recovered, the breath on his body seemed to follow you.

It's different now.

Liu Suifeng was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then said softly: "It's about, I haven't adjusted it. The seal on my body

All unraveled, and the previous strengths have also returned. I need to adjust again. "

Bai Qi didn't know whether to believe this explanation or not, but just hummed lightly.

The top has been found, and at Lin Xijiu's place, when he unlocks the secret inside the top, I hope he can tell me.

"Huh?" Bai Qi looked at each other, "You want to leave?"

"Well, I took Xiaoshuan and wanted to go back to the imperial capital first. The things have been found, there shouldn't be anything I can help here, right?

"That's not necessarily true. We'll talk about it when Lin Xijiu comes back." Bai Qi disagreed with Liu Suifeng leaving now.

Liu Suifeng had no choice but to nod when he heard the words, "Then let's wait for Lin Xijiu to come back. I'll be in retreat for two days."

"Well, yes." Bai Qi responded, did not stay any longer, and left.

Liu Suifeng breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Qi left, Liu Suifeng came to the bed, leaning on the back of the bed, at this moment, the door was suddenly blocked.

Turn it on again. Liu Suifeng thought that it was Bai Qiqiang who had something to say, looked over, and was stunned for a moment, because it was Bai Feng who came in.

The other party closed the door quickly after entering.

Liu Suifeng tensed up in an instant, and he sat upright unconsciously.

Is something wrong?" Liu Suifeng asked, but he didn't look at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng walked to the head of the bed and said thoughtfully, "I'm fine, but I think you have something to do."

Liu Suifeng finally looked at Bai Feng after hearing this, "What can I do?"5

Bai Feng's sharp eyes swept Liu Suifeng up and down, and slowly said: "Compared to when I left before, you look more like

It's not good, people have lost a lot of weight, don't you feel it yourself? 55

"I don't feel anything." Liu Suifeng said lightly: "With the complete release of the seal on the body, there are subtle changes in some things.

It's normal, I'm going to retreat for two days to adjust. ”5

Retreat?" Bai Feng looked at Liu Suifeng, "Are you hiding from me? 53

Liu Suifeng frowned and pursed the corner of his mouth, "You think too much, what am I going to hide from you?

"Oh." Bai Feng said lightly: "It's fine if you didn't hide from me. I also think you don't need to hide from me. Didn't you say that we originally

It's nothing to come, and there's nothing to hide. "

Liu Suifeng lowered his eyelids, letting his long eyelashes cast a shadow on his eyelids, and he said indifferently, "Mmmm."

He said, "I'm going to rest. If you're okay, go out." 5

Bai Feng took a deep look at Liu Suifeng, said "um" softly, and went out.

Liu Suifeng felt that the door was closed, and closed his eyes gently, feeling extremely tired.

On the other side, Bai Qi returned to the room. After a simple bath, he lay on the bed, leaning against the back of the bed, Bai Qi took a shower.

out that ring

This ring is not a spiritual thing, and it doesn't change much when it is placed in the space, except that it seems to be more transparent,

The color is also purer.

It seems that there is no impurities at all.

Bai Qi put the ring on his ring finger, but after a while, a suction force came from the space again, and he put the ring on the ring.

sucked in.

Bai Qi was inexplicably agitated.

Why can't this ring fit in my hand! The spirit of heaven and earth and the spirit of heaven and earth are too domineering! Bai Qi is very unhappy!

The so-called inheritor was not chosen by him.

Why is it that after being forced to choose, his own things should be treated so unfreely! He Bai Qi is willing to wear something with that

What does the spirit of heaven and earth have to do with the spirit of heaven and earth! Bai Lingqi is very displeased.

It's just that Bai Qi couldn't do anything after all.

Lin Xijiu didn't come back until midnight. Bai Qi fell asleep with a gloomy face

It wasn't until dawn that Lin Xijiu returned to the room and saw Bai Qi's quiet but unpleasant sleeping face.

Lin Xijiu paused and walked over. I wanted to touch Bai Qi's cheek lightly, but the dust on my body was very strong.

Lin Xijiu thought about it, and finally walked into the bathroom first.

And Bai Qi suddenly woke up when he heard the sound of water inside. Lin Xijiu! In an instant, Bai Qi moved towards Wei

I looked in the direction of the door of the living room

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