God Stick Wife

Chapter 278: : Predestined relationship

My dear? Bai Jin and black lines, where did this neurosis come from!

Just as he was thinking about this, the neuropathy moved very fast, and in a blink of an eye he came to Bai Jin's front, and then stretched out.

A finger directly touched his eyebrows.

For a moment, Bai Jin only felt a very pleasant aroma, and then his brain became a little confused. However, white

Jin also felt that his heart seemed to be very hot, and something was about to jump out there.

Bai Jin felt uncomfortable, and instinctively pulled it with his hand, and then pulled it to a soft, a little cold, but for some reason it let

He felt a somewhat familiar body.

The charm is stunned, and the feeling of confusion has been reduced a lot.

This is something that has never happened before. Usually, when dealing with ordinary people like this, point one finger on it, and then the other party will fall asleep and do beauty.

Dreaming, and his words can safely extract a little bit of the essence of the other party's body. Charm is always just extracting a little bit

Yes, sometimes when I am in a good mood, I will give back a little bit of my unique spiritual power to the other party. In this case, the other party will be

Dreams are more beautiful, and, well, there will be no loss.

Originally, Charm was planning to do this, but he didn't think about it, this person who should have fallen asleep didn't know what was going on.

Then pulled him. It's no wonder that Charm is a little confused now, not to mention that he doesn't take Bai Jin into his eyes.

Really pulled down.

Immediately following, Bai Jin came up and rubbed against Charming's body.

Charm's eyes suddenly became a little colder, especially when Bai Jin ripped open the front of his shirt... Charm was about to slap

When you shoot it, let this person's dream turn into a nightmare, and when you breathe a little more of this person's energy. Suddenly, Bai Jin because of himself

The movement was a bit big, and the pajamas also slid down most of the time, revealing his naked chest.

Enchanted, stunned.

In a daze, he looked at the place where Bai Jin's heart was, and looked at the birthmark of an apricot flower on it.

"You flower peacock, didn't I tell you? Don't laugh at others! Understand? 3"


"You still hum, next time you laugh at others like that, be careful I punish you! 55

How are you going to punish me?"

"How to punish? Such punishment!"

Then, a warm, long kiss.

Charm has lived a long, long time. At the beginning, he was a flower peacock. At that time, he just turned into a human form.

, He has not become so special as he is now, and there is not so much strange energy in his body.

At that time, he was a very pure demon cultivator.

That's the only person he has ever loved, that's the only person he's attracted to, that's the only person he likes, that's the person he... guo... wants to be with each other for a lifetime.

That person likes to hug him very much, at that time, he was still a teenager.

At that time, his hair was not that long. There is no such charm in his body, that person always says that he is very pure

At that time, the man was waiting for him to grow up. Said he was too young to eat.

At that time, they had been together for a long time, but he grew very slowly, after ten years, he still looked like a young boy. Have

God, the man said, they] get married, after getting married, they won't wait for him to grow up. He agreed, looking forward to their wedding.

Then that day, everything changed

A man appeared and wanted to peel him off, saying that his soul was special, that he would absorb all his cultivation, and that he would devour everything he had.

Have. That is a very evil person, really evil.

Then, the wedding scene turned into a **** hell

And that man, to protect him, died. However, the evil spirit was seriously injured.

A lot of things happened that day, the soul of the person he loved blew up more than half, and he didn't know if he could be reincarnated.

And he was still taken away by the badly injured demon, but when the demon was about to drain his cultivation and devour his soul

Waiting, he in turn devoured the other party, and in turn sucked up all the other party's cultivation base.

And since then, there have been many, many problems with his body. Every few years to twenty years after joining the WTO, he will smoke

A lot of energy, but he is too easy to die physically. Then, he needs to fall asleep and needs the Resurrection Grass to wake up.

In this way, it keeps going back and forth.

In fact, he wanted to die. But, always unwilling, he was looking. Find the reincarnation of the one you love, find the same

He lost the token of love between them

No matter what the reincarnation of the person he loves is, whether it is an animal, he will teach the other person to practice after he finds it.

Even if it is a stone, you can take it with you. It's human...that's even better

However, no. No. From the hope at the beginning, to the despair that has passed so many years.


And their token, something that can stabilize their soul, has not been found.

"Flower Peacock, I won't die... You don't want to go with me... You have to live, find me alive again

I haven't consummated with you yet... I'm not reconciled. Flower peacock...you wait for me, wait for me...3

These were the last words the man said to him


Charm snorted, only to realize that Bai Jin didn't know what to do when he saw the birthmark.

At that time, all the clothes on his body had been removed, and a finger had penetrated into his body.

The charming face changed slightly, he closed his eyes gently, and then used the power of his soul to feel and verify

, this person, this person with the same birthmark as that person, is it the person he is looking for, the person he has been looking for... Result 1

But just when Charm started to activate the power of his soul, Bai Jin seemed to feel impatient, and even directly separated Charm's twins.

Legs, just rushed in

The charming face was pale and pale. A place that has never been entered before is so forcefully broken into. It hurts, it hurts...  

, and it seems that his soul is hurting.

And at this moment, Charm put away the activation of the power of the soul. He didn't dare to check, he didn't dare...

If, if it is that person. Well, they're done

If, if not that person... if he, isn't he dirty?

He started too slowly, he had been distracted for too long just now, actually, actually... Yuan... let Bai Jin get close to him, actually in the

When you haven't determined the identity of the other party, let this person...

Charm's heart was beating fast, and he was scared too. I am afraid that this person is not the person I am looking for, I am afraid that I have waited for many years,

Years of searching have turned into nothing. turned into a joke. It became... a void with nothing.

"Hmm..." Charm snorted again.

It was probably because he noticed that the person under him was not paying attention, and Bai Jin's movements were even more rude. Even more imprinted on the charm of the body

dark traces

The charming eyes were a little blurred. Is this... the round house?

painful, distinct, uncomfortable


Not as comfortable as that person said

Charm is a little aggrieved.

The next morning, Bai Jin's biological clock woke him up at exactly 6:15, and then his face

Fascinated, dumbfounded.

This person, this person! What the hell! It's not a dream

Where did this man come from

Looking at the long purple-haired man who was curled up on the side, obviously uncomfortable, and had traces all over his body, Bai Jin

His face changed in an instant...

At this time, the man on the bed snorted softly and opened his eyes.

Pain, body, pain everywhere. "Charming grievances.

Bai Jin opened his mouth, closed it, opened his mouth again, and finally said dryly, "Who are you? Why did you appear in mine?

in the room?"

"You pulled me over, I was sleeping." Charm said.

Bai Jin didn't believe it, he thought about last night, but he didn't have the slightest impression. At this time, Bai Jin didn't remember because of his charm.

Charm came to his room first and didn't remember everything after that

Taking a deep breath, although Bai Jin didn't believe that he pulled the other party into the room, what happened was already a fact. Bai Jin took another deep breath, "What's your name? Why are you in my house?"

"Me? My name is Charm." Charm said softly, "Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi brought me here."

Bai Jin paused, "They're back?" 5

"Well, you arrived in the middle of the night last night, and then when I was sleeping, you pulled me in... You are responsible for me."

Bai Jin was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Charm, "Even if I pulled you in last night... won't you call for help?

Charming innocently blinked, "No, I'm very good."]

Bai Jin

Very nice? What's the answer?

‘Don’t you want to be responsible?’ Charm sighed, feeling really aggrieved, “You did such an intimate thing to me, and still

Don't want to be responsible?

Bai Jin closed his eyes gently, and finally shook his head slowly, "No, I'll... be responsible. Don't worry."

Charming's eyes lit up, and she half propped herself up, pounced on it, and hugged Bai Jin's neck, "Then you will be right in the future.

I am in charge. I am yours, and we are done.

Round house... Is it appropriate to use such an ancient term in modern times?

Bai Jin was a little tired, but he couldn't argue with anything, so he could only softly say "um", and then caught a glimpse of the other party's naked body.

Son, suddenly felt uncomfortable. "Well, you, go take a shower first? I'll change your clothes for you?" 5

"Aren't you going to wash with me?" Charm blinked her purple eyes, "I'm tired, you hug me.

Bai Jin: ",,..5

Bai Jin wants to say, I don't know you at all. Responsible is also because of my principles, and the problem of tutoring since childhood. but

, Bai Jin didn't say anything

Bai Jin silently hugged Charm and walked into the bathroom

Charm did not let Bai Jin go, and asked the other party to wash together, and asked the other party to wash for him. Oh, and also, clean up.

When Bai Jin did this, he was sweating all over, and his body was tense. And, I have to say, this charming

The body is about a temptation for anyone.

Bai Jin's self-control is excellent, and he has no memory of what happened last night. So, feel the most, also

It's embarrassing...that's slightly uncomfortable.

After finally washing it, Bai Jin took Charm out.

Charming himself refused to wear clothes and asked Bai Jin to put them on for him. Bai Jin could only dress the other party like an old mother.

"I'm hungry, I want to drink millet porridge, vegetable porridge, and bananas." Charm said.

"There is porridge below, and there is also vegetable porridge."

"Well, you hold me down." Charm said.

Bai Jin was a little speechless: "Can't you walk?" 5 "Yes, but it hurts, my body hurts." Charm looked at Bai Jin with the same accusation.

Bai Jin

Bai Jin felt that he was really killed by Lin Xijiu and his family's Xiaoqi! It's fine for them to come back by themselves, what are they doing with others!

Bring something like this to... evildoer

Bai Jin can almost imagine that soon, he will definitely follow in the footsteps of their big brother!

Maybe he'll be beaten harder than his lobby brother

The helpless Bai Jin still held Charm down with a blank face, and the housekeeper accidentally dropped a basin. Lin Xijiu and

Bai Qi hadn't gotten up yet, and the housekeeper didn't even know they were back. Suddenly I saw the fourth young master of their family carrying a man downstairs

Carry a man downstairs

The butler's heart was stimulated.

Bai Jinghua was also in the living room, he was already having breakfast, and he would go to the old man's place later.

Bai Jinglin and Bai Heng were both in their own homes.

Bai Ding also got up, Bai Li and Luo Qian hadn't come downstairs yet, and Bai Xiu also got up.

Bai Ding and Bai Xiu were also extremely shocked, watching Bai Jin carry the person downstairs, that was still a beautiful and indescribable... um, man

Bai Jin put Charm on the chair he used to sit on, and then ordered the housekeeper to add a chair.

Bai Jinghua's face turned livid and gloomy.

To Bai Ding's surprise, he almost dropped his spoon!

"I want to eat vegetable porridge and bananas." Charm didn't seem to notice the strangeness of the atmosphere, so said.

Bai Jin looked at the housekeeper, "Uncle Bai, he wants breakfast."

The housekeeper swayed to the kitchen, always feeling that he didn't seem to wake up today.

Charm tilted her head, "Where are Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi? Haven't they gotten up yet? Oh, who is Bai Heng? I can take a look first.

Has he been ghosted? "

Charm feels that she is now with Bai Jin... well, it's also the Bai family! They, they're consummated! Although, although

Soul power dare not verify, but, but it is! It must be!

God, won't do that to him

This guy is definitely there!

So, Charm decided...to help out with something

Everyone was looking at Bai Jin and Charm, and as soon as the word Charm came out, the rest of the people naturally looked at it even more...

Xiao Qi and Lin Xijiu are back?" Bai Ding said.

Bai Jin softly said "um"

"He... was brought back by Xiao Qi and Lin Xijiu?" Bai Ding looked at his ashen father, and then asked directly.

Bai Jin nodded. "Hmm. 5"

"You know each other before?" Bai Ding asked again

"I don't know." Bai Jin's voice was slightly lower.

"Then you..." Bai Ding didn't understand.

Charm glanced at Bai Ding unhappily, "So what if we didn't know each other before? We got married last night, and he said he would meet me.

Responsible. ”5

Bai Ding: "...5

The rest of the white family

Charm deliberately pulled away the clothes on the other side of his neck, "See? He made these, and we're done.

Bai Jinghua slammed his chopsticks, and a chopstick suddenly flew up and went straight into Charm. Bai Jinghua was also frightened

Jump, although he threw down his chopsticks, his most anger was directed at his son, uh, at most charming words would make him unhappy

That's it. But how could the chopsticks fly so evilly?

Bai Jin's pupils also shrank slightly, and when the chopsticks were about to be inserted into the center of Charming's forehead, Bai Jin quickly caught it.


Charm blinked, thinking it was the first time he was going to die, but he didn't!

Charm looked at Bai Jin and showed a very bright smile.

"Thank you for saving me

Bai Jinghua took a deep breath and stared coldly, "You, come with me."3

Bai Jinghua walked to the study room on the third floor, Bai Jin was about to follow, but Charm grabbed his arm. "What did he ask you to do? I see him

It seems unhappy, I feel your blood relationship from him, is he your father?

Bai Jin nodded, "Well, it's my father. I'll go and have breakfast first."5

Charm blinked those purple charm eyes, and asked innocently: "Does he not like our relationship? He wants great

Do you play mandarin ducks? Really not a good person.

Bai Jinghua, who hadn't come yet and went upstairs, almost tripped over.

Bai Jin frowned slightly, "Don't talk nonsense! Father just asked me for something."

"You lied to me again." Charm glared unhappily, "I'm not as easy to lie as I used to be. 5

Bai Jin felt that the other party's words were a little strange, but this was not the time to entangle with the other party, he patted Charm soothingly.

hand, "you eat yours, I'll come down later."

Then clapped away the charming hand, "Eat."

Bai Jin followed behind Bai Jinghua and went upstairs. The housekeeper put Charming's breakfast in front of him, Charm looked at Bai Ding, "You talk a little too much, tell me, your father is looking for him.

If he goes up, will he hit him... by the way, what's his name now? 5"

Charm only found out that he doesn't seem to know... Well, what was the name of the person who married him last night in this life!

Bai Ding didn't understand for a while, "What?" 3

Charm frowned, "Why are you so stupid... You really don't feel like a family with him. I said, my partner, what's your name?

Bai Ding

So, you don't even know your name, so, just... the house is consummated!

Oh! What a **** of a round house!

Bai Ding was very heartbroken.

Bai Xiu said softly, "Let me tell you about our family's situation in detail. 5"

Then, Bai Xiu introduced all the people in their Bai family, as well as their rankings and so on.

Charming thoughtfully, "So many brothers!

At this time, Bai Jinghua and Bai Jin had already reached the third floor.

Charm glanced at the third floor, and then, collected two glasses of water on the dining table, and then poured it into a plate

Charm played two tricks, and soon, the scene in the study was displayed on the plate! Including the sound!

white family

Bai Ding's eyes almost protruded

Upstairs, Bai Jinghua didn't know that he was being peeped!

"Tell me, what's going on! 5"

Yesterday... I was hot-headed for a while, and I couldn't resist the temptation. So pulling him...a relationship happened. After this morning,

I decided to take responsibility. "Bai Jin is from the Bai family, and the Bai family is not someone who can shirk their responsibilities. Therefore, Bai Jin did not say that he did not

There are memories of last night, and I didn't say that he was not hot-headed. In fact, he didn't know how that person appeared at all.

"Hot-headed?" Bai Jinghua slapped him over.

Bai Jin suffered

Charm narrowed her eyes.

Bai Jinghua took out a stick from the study and hit Bai Jin fiercely. Bai Heng has an accident, and now his son also

Such a piece of shit. Bai Jinghua was furious

Charm pursed her lips.

Bai Ding and Bai Xiu were a little anxious.

At this time, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi came down.

"Xiao Qi, come quickly. 5" Bai Xiu said quickly, running towards Bai Qi.

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows, "What? 5"

Bai Xiu dragged Bai Qi to the dining table. Bai Qi saw the picture in the study room and frowned, "Why did Dad get angry?"5

Bai Xiu glanced at Charming, and softly explained what happened in the morning, including the shocking declaration of the other party's consummate house.

Bai Qi's face immediately turned cold, and he looked at Charm with cold eyes, "What did you do?

Lin Xijiu said lightly, "It's really a consummation.

While speaking, Lin Xijiu turned to the worried butler, not feeling the other's worries at all, and said directly: "

my breakfast, thank you. "

The housekeeper had to go get breakfast.

Bai Qi was stunned and frowned.

Really round the house? What is the charm doing?

Bai Qi's eyes were still cold, "Come with me."

Charm flattened his mouth, looked at the plate, and didn't want to move.

Bai Qi walked to the study on the first floor, but Charm still followed.

When the door closed, Bai Qi's eyes were extremely cold, "You are whatever you want, you don't remember what I told you? Charm,

Are you looking for death?" 5

Charm and grievance flattened his mouth, "I can't be casual, I was just joking with you before. I have lived for so many years, and I have

your brother a man

Bai Qi immediately frowned when he heard the words, "My fourth brother doesn't know you at all! Don't say that you fell in love with my fourth brother at first sight.

It's not your fourth brother...yes, it's also your fourth brother...but, it's his previous life. ' said Charm softly.

Bai Qi was taken aback, "What? 5"

Charm explained briefly, and then said lightly: "I am his spiritual pet, and he watched me become a person. That's it,

We were all going to get married, but something happened. I've never been able to find his reincarnation... just found it. "

Bai Qi frowned fiercely, "Are you sure my fourth brother is... the reincarnation of your lover?"5

Charm pursed her lips, "I just wanted to breathe a little bit of energy last night, but then I saw the birthmark on your fourth brother.

, I ... I am a little shaken. I didn't expect your fourth brother to move so fast... Right, just when I was about to activate the power of soul test

When he was certified, he would... 5

Charm stopped, "He's so fast, how could I have imagined that. We are all consummated, and I'm afraid of Bai! You say, if he doesn't

What to do? What to do?"

Charm was also a little anxious, and grabbed Bai Qi's elbow, "You said that if your fourth brother is not, then, then I am not putting myself

Did I give it to the wrong person? He will be angry, I am dirty, what should I do, what should I do, what face do I have to see him... Guo 5 Bai Qi: "... n. 5

Bai Qi really had a headache.

The development of this matter was not within his expectations.

"Bai Qi, I, I don't dare to verify it now, what should I do? What if this is not the case? 5"

Bai Qi took a deep breath, "Even if my fourth brother is, my fourth brother is not your former lover! He has no previous memories.

Recall! They are also equivalent to two people, two people, understand? You are not fair to my fourth brother!"

Hearing this, Charm's eyes suddenly turned red, "Then who is fair to me! I live in such pain, and every time I join the WTO, I have to die.

Many times! Who is fair to me! I haven't done anything wrong, I just want to stay with the person I like, and the result?

From the sky! Who is fair to me! He saved me! He made me find him before he died! He made me wait for him! I am so miserable

Still waiting, I may have waited, you tell me he is not the same as he used to be? This is impossible! He has to be! No

It has to be! I am fair to others! Who is fair to me!"

Bai Qi was silent.

Charm took a deep breath, "I'll be sure that your fourth brother is my lover. If you don't have the memory of the past, I'll get it back.

Let him get it all back!" Charm almost growled.

Bai Qi didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, I didn't use the Charm Domain yesterday." Charm didn't start, and said lightly: "Since your fourth brother touched

I am responsible

After speaking, Charm opened the door and walked out.

Bai Xiu and others came out unhappy when they saw Charm, and saw the other party sitting on a chair and continued to look at the dinner plate.

Then, Lin Xijiu looked at Charm and went into the study with his own breakfast.

Lin Xijiu closed the door while eating, "What's going on?" 5

Bai Qi smiled bitterly and told a charming story.

"Past life?" Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi, "Charm has indeed lived a long time. Usually people who live a long time are losing something.

At times, their life is not something ordinary people can experience, just like my master. You fourth brother and the charm thing you don't

Take care of it, the origin and the demise, they have their own regulations.

Bai Qi sighed softly and glanced at Lin Xijiu, "You have a good appetite."

"Let's go to breakfast, what's there to lose your appetite, isn't your fourth brother not married yet?"5

Bai Qi

Bai Qi was a little tangled: "But, if my fourth brother finds another man...my father and grandfather really won't accept it.


Lin Xijiu blinked and said "oh" slowly, "Just get used to it." 5

Bai Qi: ", n53 Is this kind of thing a good thing to get used to? Is it?

Bai Qi wiped his face, "Let's go, let's go out."

Lin Xijiu went out while nibbling on the cake. Bai Qi couldn't help laughing when he saw the other party's attitude.

When he came outside, Bai Qi asked the housekeeper to prepare food for him.

Bai Ding looked at Bai Qi, and then looked at the charm of the picture on the plate with a dark expression on his chin. Bai Ding said softly

"Well, Xiao Qi, the fourth child has been beaten for a long time. It just happened in the hall, and I don't know what's going on now.

The big brother in the lobby refused to say anything, and now he is locked up in confinement. Grandpa and uncle didn't ask anything from the lobby brother.

Dad is angry, do you want to go up and persuade?" 5

Bai Qi glanced at each other sideways, "Why don't you go?"

Bai Ding twitched the corners of his mouth, and said embarrassingly: "Isn't that because Dad won't beat you if you go? We may not


Bai Xiu also nodded, "Yes, yes!

Bai Li and Luo Qi'an walked down at this time, "What's the matter? Ah, Xiao Qi, Lin Xijiu, you are back."5

Bai Li said hello.

□ Author gossip

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