God Stick Wife

Chapter 280: : two babies

Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu left from Bai Heng, and after getting into the car, Bai Qiqi said, "I didn't expect that there is such a song in the hall.

Zhe, but since the lobby brother has long known the identity of the woman Helen, he will not leave any obvious handle when he is in contact with the other party.

. Or it can be done the other way around, Xiao Ming is estimated to have fallen this time. "

Lin Xijiu nodded, "It's not a ghost, it's good to have your own reason.

Where are we going now?" Bai Qi asked.

"I'll take you back first, and then I'll go buy something."

Bai Qi looked at each other, "Can't you take me with you?" 3

"It's not impossible, mainly because it's unnecessary. I plan to go to my house to retreat for a few hours after I buy it, and then paint

Fu Lu. You'd better go back, don't you want to talk to other people? 5

Bai Qi nodded, "Okay then, let's get in touch before the evening. 5"

Lin Xijiu responded, "Yeah. 5"

Lin Xijiu sent Bai Qi back home. Bai Xiu didn't go to the company today, so when she saw Bai Qi came back, she hurried up to greet him.

Lin Xijiu didn't delay here, and left immediately.

"Xiao Qi, did you come back from Brother Tang? How is Brother Tang now?"

"Sixth sister, don't worry, what Brother Hall has suffered is just some skin trauma." Bai Qi said lightly, and then and Bai Xiuyi

Go to the library.

"I told the sixth sister what happened, and the sixth sister was responsible for communicating it to other people. I would go to the room to practice after a while. You don't need to eat.

Call me, and when my practice is over, I will come down. "Bai Lingqi said. Lin Xijiu is not around, and there is nothing else to do.

Love can be done, since Bai Heng's context is clear, other things naturally don't need him to intervene. with father and uncle

They are here, and it can be done.

Bai Xiu nodded.

it is good.

After a quarter of an hour, Bai Qi left the study and returned to his room.

On the other side, here at Lin Xijiu, after he finished shopping, he was going to go straight back to his house. But yes

As for the woman named Helen, Lin Xijiu had found the other party's photo in the documents that Bai Qi had read before. now suddenly

When I came across it, Lin Xijiu also looked at it.

There is indeed another soul living in this woman's body, and that other soul is very weak. But remove the false

In addition to being weak, there seems to be something else... This soul gave Lin Xijiu a feeling, which made Lin Xijiu feel a little familiar.

Not familiar with this soul, but somewhat familiar with this race

His master should have told him...or someone else told him, but maybe he was too young at the time

So what's left are very vague memories of Lin Xijiu keeping up with Helen.

The place this woman went to was a club, and Lin Xijiu directly put an invisibility amulet on her body. he follows this

After a woman entered the club, she saw that the other party was familiar with them and entered a box.

Naturally, Lin Xijiu followed. There was no one else in the box. It seemed that this woman was waiting for something.

people. The other party ordered a pot of good tea, and asked someone to bring a few bottles of good wine, both white wine and red wine, and some meals.

After about ten minutes, everything the woman ordered was delivered.

However, before the woman waiting for her arrived, the woman finally picked up her mobile phone and sent a message, seemingly urging something.

Lin Xijiu glanced at the message sent by the other party and memorized the number on it. And the content is only a few words: have you arrived?

This is a woman's inquiry, and it really is an appointment with someone. From this point of view, there should be only one person in the appointment.

But the woman has not waited for a text message to reply.

After more than ten minutes, the woman seemed a little impatient. The other party took out her mobile phone and was about to call, and then

Lin Xijiu suddenly felt the invasion of a different aura...

At this moment, several figures in black invaded from the window. These figures in black are not cultivators, but they are

Judging from his hands and breath, he belongs to the ranks of killers and is the top among ordinary people.

This woman named Helen also responded very quickly, almost the moment before those people arrived, the other party sensed something

, and then quickly kicked two things, one was a sofa and the other was a coffee table, and after kicking the two things towards the intruder,

The woman hurried to the door,

But at this moment, the door that could have been opened easily was locked.

Helen slammed two shots on the door lock, and at this moment, the door was opened from the outside to the inside.

Push it away hard.

Helen's pupils shrank, "It's you...,"

Helen, this time you are making too much noise in Huaxia, which has been noticed by the Chinese authorities. I'm on the boss's orders

come to take your life

Helen screamed, "How could you do this to me! 5"

The man who entered shot directly at Helen, and the killers who jumped in from the window also arrived.

Of course, Lin Xijiu couldn't just watch this body die.

A remnant of the outer soul is probably in danger.

So Lin Xijiu shot.

Two minutes later, Helen was taken outside the club by Lin Xijiu and headed all the way to the western suburbs. Helen didn't know Lin Xijiu. Although this person appeared out of nowhere and saved her, Helen was wary of the other party.

very high. It's just that although Helen always tried every means to escape along the way, it was always impossible.

"Who are you? Where do you want to take me?" Helen thought she would not get a response this time, either.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xijiu stopped, and then slapped a Fu Lu on the opponent's forehead.

Helen fainted, and then woke up as the remnant.

"Lin Xijiu." Remnant Soul called out Lin Xijiu's name.

Lin Xijiu looked at the other party, "You know me?"

"I saw you when I was in Huzhou City. You came for Bai Heng, right?"


"Actually, it's best if you came. I'm afraid that in my current state, I won't be able to steal two children at all. You go with me into our clan,

But you have to promise me a condition, you can take the two children away, but you can't do anything to my other clansmen. 5”

Lin Xijiu glanced at the other party lightly, "If they don't provoke me, I naturally won't do it. If they provoke me,

I can't guarantee it. 55

The woman smiled bitterly, "Then let's go."

"Why did you choose Bai Heng?" Lin Xijiu asked indifferently.

Because I don't like what you humans call political marriage, and because I am a sacrifice to be offered sooner or later, so

When I found a good human being and a good soul that night, I started my own secret method...

After the secret method was opened, I was safe for a few years, and they didn't even think they would be able to find me. I can after a while I want

life, and after that period of time is over, although I will die, I have finally achieved what I want instead of offering sacrifices.

Life, what do you think? 5"

The woman said something sad, it seemed to be the melancholy of resignation

Lin Xijiu was silent for a while, and said nothing about it.

They walked all the way, very fast. With this woman leading the way, Lin Xijiu entered the western suburbs and went deep into a dense area.

in the woods

"I'm going to use my soul power to open the channel of my family, because I'm taking you as an outsider, so we only have one

hours of time. At that time, you don't have to worry about me, even if I am caught by them, I will be dead sooner or later anyway. you will two

Just bring a child out. "

"You asked Bai Heng to do three things for you, what is the purpose of those three things? What formation did you destroy? You are looking for a spinning top.

what's inside?

Lin Xijiu was not in a hurry to let the woman open the passage, he needed to understand the situation first.

That's the secret of our clan, I'm sorry, I can't tell you, I can only say that it has nothing to do with Bai Heng, I just borrowed

his hand. In addition, can you help me with a sentence for Bai Heng? I don't think it's possible for us to meet again. ""You say it. ”5

"He never knew my name, it wasn't because I deliberately wanted to hide it from him and didn't tell him, in that dream,

If I tell him my real name, then I can be sensed by the people in the clan. And now the same is true,

Once he knew my real name, those people would immediately know where I was. I didn't finish my business before, now he helps

Everything I've done has been done, it's been done, and my life has come to an end. So he can know my name

, although I don't know if it makes sense to him. You help me tell him: my name is Long Hope. "

Just after the woman finished speaking, the other party immediately opened the passage with the power of the soul, and soon, a deep tunnel appeared in the forest play.

In front of the wine, at the same time, some people appeared in the tunnel.

It cannot be said to be a human being, but only a real shadow. When those real shadows appeared, one of them immediately

Come and catch Dragon Hope. The woman dodged and rushed in. Lin Xijiu naturally followed behind the woman and rushed in.

This passage is not long, but only a few seconds. After that, the two people rushed to the innermost, and then entered an empty space.


The woman shouted immediately after landing: "Totem, Luxi, come out quickly!

With the woman's shouting, many people were alarmed, and then two small figures flew out, one was about four years old.

The little boy, a little boy about two years old, is different from ordinary little boys in that the two of them flew out.

Long Hope stretched out his hand and sucked the two little boys to his side, pushing them directly into Lin Xijiu's arms.

"Baby, you will follow him in the future, he will protect you. He will also take you to find your biological father and leave

In this nightmarish place, it is the mother who is not good, and the mother who is not able to protect you. Follow him! Never come back

The woman roared wildly, and then motioned for Lin Xijiu to hurry into the passage.

The two little boys were very silent. Facing the madness of their mother, they were very silent and seemed very calm.

There was a hint of regret at the bottom. But maybe it was because they had been explained a long time ago, the two little boys didn't struggle in Lin Xijiu's arms


There are countless shadows coming towards this side, even Lin Xijiu dare not say that he can deal with so many people.

Lin Xijiu took a deep look at the woman standing in front of them, and then entered the passage.

Some shadows have already chased over, but for Lin Xijiu, these shadows are not a problem. His palm winds past,

The spiritual power brought by it directly overturned those shadows, and then rushed out of the passage with two little boys...

Just after Lin Xijiu and the others rushed out, Lin Xijiu immediately heard a huge explosion coming from the entrance of the passage behind.


Lin Xijiu was silent for a while, and then threw out a few more thunder talismans, the same explosion sounded, and then, Lin Xijiu

With the two little boys, they quickly left the place.

Inexplicably, three words appeared in his heart: Qiang Liang people. This should be the name of that race, but Lin Xijiu couldn't remember the name of this race that his master told him.

Or what someone else said...

If it wasn't for his own master, then when he was very young, would he be the one who told himself?

's mother...

Lin Xijiu was stunned for a moment, and then quickly rushed out of the western suburbs with the two little boys.

After getting into his car, Lin Xijiu glanced at the two children sitting side by side in the passenger seat.

"What's your name?" Lin Xijiu asked.

The older boy turned his head, "Totem, my mother said my name is White Totem."5

"My name is Luxi, and my mother said my name is Bailuxi."5

"Have you met your own father?"

The two children shook their heads, "We haven't met each other, but every time I meet my mother, my mother will tell my servants about my father."

Lin Xijiu raised his brows and looked at Bai Totem, "As far as I know, in your mother's and father's dreams, when you

It's already two years old, don't you have any memory? You should have been with your father for two years.

Bai Totem shook his head, "I know about this, but my mother told me about it, from the time we were taken into the clan.

After we met, we] were washed our bodies and souls by the secret methods of the Qiang Liang people, and some memories were also erased. ?

Sure enough, the Qiang Liang people

Lin Xijiu was silent for a moment.

"Uncle, mother asked us] to follow you, what's your name? Is it Lin Xijiu? Mother told us] that if this

Who in the world can protect us, that person's name is Lin Xijiu. "Bai Luxi said, looking at Lin Xijiu with his eyes open,

Those eyes seemed to belong to the innocence of a child, but they seemed not.

Lin Xijiu nodded, "My name is indeed Lin Xijiu, can I really protect you? I can't give you a definite answer.

. But I will try my best, except me, the rest of the Bai family will also protect you. This time I came here

your father. ”5

The two children listened quietly, and they all nodded.

Lin Xijiu's car quickly drove to Bai's house, and the two children opened the door by themselves and came down to follow behind Lin Xijiu.

Bai's family, only Bai Xiu is at home now, but the housekeeper and others are naturally there. When everyone saw the two children, they suddenly

was shocked.

Especially the housekeeper Bai, because these two little radish heads really look exactly the same as when Bai Heng was a child!

Well, although it's not so exaggerated, but between the eyebrows and eyes, it's all like Bai Heng!

So the housekeeper was the most shocked.

Bai Xiu was also shocked, because it could be seen that these two children were very similar to their lobby brother!

"You...Lin Xijiu, these two children

"I was supposed to pick it up at night, but now I brought it here by chance, what about Bai Qi?

Xiao Qi practiced upstairs. "Just as Bai Xiu finished speaking, Bai Qi came downstairs. He felt Lin Xijiu's arrival before.

Come, that's why I came downstairs, it really is.

"These two children are the sons of your brother Bai Heng in the lobby, Bai Xiu, take them to settle down, and you can introduce them to them by the way.

Tell us about your family's situation. "Lin Xijiu said.

Bai Xiu is a little confused. How many years has it been? They haven't seen such soft and cute buns in their Bai family!

There were two of them, and they both looked so cute, Bai Xiu suddenly loved her mother.

Bai Xiu hurriedly walked to the two little guys, "I'm your aunt, you can all talk, just call me aunt."

The four-year-old one must be able to speak, but this two-year-old Bai Xiu is not sure yet. Bai Xiu deliberately put his own voice

The sound was very gentle and gentle, for fear of scaring the two little babies.

"Auntie." The two little guys both called out, although they didn't have the peculiar crispness of children, they looked a little low.

point, but also seems to be able to see a little bit of nervousness.

Bai Xiu suddenly felt that her whole heart was about to melt, she hurriedly agreed, and then took the hands of the two children to the sand in the living room

send away.

Lin Xijiu walked towards Bai Qi, "Are you practicing just now?"

Bai Qi nodded, glanced at the two little guys, and frowned slightly. "Didn't we make an appointment for the evening? These two children

Between the eyebrows and the eyes are the shadow of the hall brother. At first glance, they are people of our Bai family, but how did you bring them out at this time?

Did you meet that Helen?"

Lin Xijiu nodded, "It is indeed a coincidence."

After that, Lin Xijiu briefly explained... Bai Qi listened quietly.

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