God Stick Wife

Chapter 283: : Snake egg move

Bai Jin came to Bai Feng's side.

Bai Feng turned his head away, "What's the matter with you? Why didn't I know you were interested in men before?"

Bai Jin sighed, "This is an accident I don't want to happen. 5"

Then, Bai Jin briefly explained the matter.

Of course, Bai Jin didn't know the so-called past and present life, so he was only talking about the changes on his own side.

Bai Feng's brows were tightly wrinkled, he glared at Bai Jin, "You really deserve to be beaten. 5"

Bai Jin also thought the same, so when his father started, he had no intention of evading at all.

He also felt that he deserved to be pumped.

Bai Feng thought of himself again, so he didn't say anything.

Xiao Shuanzi walked towards Bai Totem and Bai Luxi, "If you two want to raise this rooster, it's useless to ask Uncle Bai Feng.

Yes, you have to ask your seventh uncle. If your seventh uncle allows you to keep it, then you keep it, if not, then let it go

white seal

Can you not say this in front of my face, little embarrassment?

Bai Jin glanced at his eldest brother with some sympathy, but what Xiao Shuanzi said was right, this monster of a big cock, if

If the lethality is strong, it is impossible to keep two children, and to determine whether this big **** is lethal, it is still up to their family.

Xiaoqi came to do it, what the big brother said really didn't count. This is not a real pet!

Bai Feng is bloody

The two children nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you brother Xiaoshuanzi for reminding us, we got it.

Soon after, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi also came out. When they saw the big cock, both of them raised their brows.

Demon repair, but not yet transformed.

"Where did this rooster come from?" 5

Bai Qi asked, and Bai Totem pointed directly to the other side of the wall. "We saw this rooster jumping in from there, Seventh Uncle,

The big rooster is very beautiful, can we keep it to play?

Raising a monster without a shape change to play? Bai Qi was speechless, twitched the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Lin Xijiu beside him

Lin Xijiu said lightly: "You can keep it as you wish, but if you can't control this big **** by yourself,

After being injured by him, that is also your business. Everyone is responsible for their own choices, understand?

The two children seemed to understand something, but they both nodded and took responsibility for their own choices. They still understand, big cock

It was they who insisted on keeping them. If the big **** becomes bad in the future or wants to peck them and hurt them, it will be his fault.

After the two little guys understood, they also nodded, so this big **** that came in from the wall, it was logical

Completely stayed in the middle of Lin Xijiu and the others.

Charm came out from the inside. Just now, Bai Jin asked him to stay alone for a while, saying that he was going outside to talk to his elder brother.

Charm is a little unhappy.

There are some whispers that you can't take with you, and you have to go outside alone!

Although not very happy, Charm did not use spells to eavesdrop.

Now coming out, Charm naturally moved towards Bai Jin.

"Let's go to Huainan's urban area to play." Charm said to Bai Jin like this, Bai Jin's heart suddenly froze.

It's just a simple plane ride, and there are so many situations that can happen. If you take this person into the crowd, Bai Jin will feel a little bit.

Can't imagine what kind of riot this guy will cause

Charm looked at Bai Jin without speaking, and pouted, "Don't you want to accompany me?"5

"What do you want to do in the city? What to play?" Bai Jin asked.

Feel the breath of the crowd over there, and then it is best to absorb it. The crowd is divided by nature and the breath of heaven and earth.

The essence of the essence that came out. "

Charm said seriously.

If the above sentence is taken apart, Bai Jin probably knows what every word means and how to write that word.

Yes, but when they put them together, Bai Jin shrugged, saying that he didn't understand what this sentence meant at all.

Lin Xijiu heard the conversation here and turned his head directly. "So that's why you've died so many times before,

You are a calamity, and you have to dig into the crowd, so you die countless times, right?"

Charm nodded, reluctantly, but there was nothing she could do. "Who told me that I didn't have bodyguards before, but now

Huabaijin's skills are very good, he can protect me, at least I shouldn't have to die so many times.

Bai Jin suddenly realized that he had really overlooked something before, "What does it mean to die so many times?"

Charming heard the words and blinked innocently, "Didn't I tell you about myself?"

Bai Jin looked at the other party and asked blankly, "What do you think?"5

Charm lowered his head, "My physique is a bit special, an ordinary monster, it's impossible to hurt me.

Yes, but ordinary people have this ability, so I am always killed by ordinary people, but I need the spirit of ordinary people, so

So I can only keep getting close to those ordinary people...n..."

Bai Jin was silent.

Charm is slightly uneasy, "I don't want to cause so much trouble, really, but if I don't absorb those ordinary people

I can't survive on my own. I don't really hurt them either, I don't take too much, not to mention I

Now what I have absorbed is only some of the essence that is freed between nature. I'm not a bad guy. Do not worry. "3

Bai Jin looked at Charm with his head down, looked at the other party's uneasy look, and then turned to Lin Xijiu, "Is there no other way to solve his physical problems? 55

"If it's just a matter of qi, we have a lot of people on our side and it can be solved, but if it involves some other things, it won't work.

Well said. ”5

"What else is involved?" Bai Jin asked.

You need to ask him.

Bai Jin looked at Charm, "If you need the energy of ordinary people, there are quite a few ordinary people here, and I can

To take you to the place where the army is stationed, the essence in there should be a little better than the quality you absorb in the general population, right?

They were all soldiers. 5”

Charm Wen Yan blinked, "Is there such a good place? Can I go there too? 55

"Yes, and you won't cause too much disturbance if you go there. It's Big Brother's territory, even if there is an unexpected situation.

It's better to control it within the scope of your own control. ?

Bai Feng was also listening to the conversation here, so he nodded after hearing this.

What the fourth brother said was right, it would be easier to control it if you went to the army. 5”

Charm nodded immediately, like a chicken pecking at rice. "Go there, go there. In fact, I was very envious of it decades ago.

, but ordinary people have the ability to hurt me, but I can't go there, I can only look at it, I didn't expect that this time

It's really awesome to be able to succeed

white seal

Bai Jin: ",,..5

What is it? I was very envious of it decades ago...g... Decades ago Decades ago, the two brothers Bai Feng and Bai Jin thought about it.

It's all these words

Then you go with them].

Lin Xijiu had no objection, just looked at Bai Jin and Bai Feng, "He hasn't died this time, maybe those in the past

Also has something to do with his constant death experience, might as well try not to let him die this time and see if his body has other

Changes, as for the other needs that will be discussed later. "

Bai Jin felt that there were too many things about Charm that he didn't know, but it was not convenient to ask now. wait till night

Please ask again later.

"Then big brother, let's go." Bai Jin said.

But Bai Feng shook his head, "You go first, I'll go there after a while, there are other things to deal with. 5"

Bai Jin nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and left with charm.

Bai Feng walked over to Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, "When he acted last night, Liu Suifeng behaved a little differently.

form…. "

Bai Feng explained in detail what he saw last night, and then asked Lin Xijiu, "Do you know what happened to Liu Suifeng? And once I went to his room and saw him vomiting blood, But the blood that comes out is not red

, but white and the same light that appeared on him last night. I don't know why I always feel that way

Light is not good...

Bai Feng himself is not a cultivator, so he can't tell whether it is because he cares about chaos or something else.

Something is wrong with instinct.

"I haven't seen the specific situation you mentioned, so I can't say anything right now. But Liu Suifeng's own physique is a little special.

However, I don't know the way he practiced, but I'll feel it the next time we fight against the enemy together. "Lin Xijiu said.

Bai Qi glanced at Bai Feng suspiciously, always feeling that his elder brother seemed to care a little more than Liu Suifeng.

Thinking about the dodging of Liu Suifeng's eyes towards his eldest brother in the past, and his instinctive feeling that Liu Suifeng might have

A tinge of heartbeat appears... to

Bai Qi suddenly felt that he should separate Bai Feng and Liu Suifeng, the fourth brother had just had such a thing with Charm, if his eldest brother

Besides...his dad probably can't stand it, especially since his eldest brother is their boss after all.

"Liu Suifeng is not a child himself. If he has any problems and needs our help, he will say. Big brother, don't worry too much,

I'm more worried about the charm. Big brother hurry up, I'm afraid that only the fourth brother will be able to handle it. 5”

Bai Feng paused slightly when he heard the words, but had no choice but to nod his head. Then he left, and Bai Qi glanced at himself meaningfully.

The back of my eldest brother left, pursing the corner of his mouth

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi beside him, "Let's go, go to those demon cultivators. 5"

Bai Qi nodded

"I'm impatient to talk nonsense with them, and bring Sun Liuqing along. Although Yang Hui was the one who communicated with them before, this time it's a matter of

The Chinese army, and Yang Hui doesn't have that kind of negotiating ability, let's go to the elder brother's military area to pick up Sun Liuqing. "Bai Qi


Lin Xijiu nodded.

Just as the two were driving to the military area, Bai Qi in the car suddenly looked a little strange.

Lin Xijiu turned his head slightly, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The snake egg moved. "

"Is it about to hatch?

"It doesn't look like it's about to hatch, but there is some movement," Bai Qi said.

Then Bai Qi took out the snake egg, and the milky white snake egg looked more transparent.

Above you can see a faint green snake.

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