God Stick Wife

Chapter 300: : Remembrance

Charm was stunned when she heard the words, and then she looked at Hongfen in disbelief.

"What do you want to say?

Red pink's eyes are light, "Don't you understand what I'm trying to say? This person may not be the person you are looking for at all, you

Why are you sure he's the one you're looking for! 55

You..." The charming voice was a little trembling.

"When you were verifying just now, didn't you verify it?"5

"No, I didn't feel any familiar aura from him at all." Hongfen's voice was as cold as it was cold


Charm suddenly felt a little chills all over his body, "How can it be? How is this possible? No, no, maybe he passed the wheel.

After returning, it is impossible to verify the aura on his body unless he goes to the end. "

"You are deceiving yourself! The verification of the soul does not need to go to the last step at all, and now it is only the last step.

Now, how long are you going to deceive yourself!" There was a hint of sternness in Hongfen's voice.

The charming face suddenly turned pale.

Although Bai Jin turned around and left, the voices of these two people were very high when they spoke, and they were naturally heard by Bai Jin.


Bai Jin stopped and turned his head.

"So you think of me as someone else?" Bai Jin looked at Charm with a blank expression, "Then I guess this is not the case.

The woman who knew where she came from is right, I'm not the one you're looking for. "

Hearing the words, the charming face could not help but change again and again, and he almost stumbled towards Bai Jin. "You are him, you are

It's him, how could you not be him, I'm going to re-verify it for you! 5"

Speaking of charm, he was about to grab Bai Jin's hand, but he was avoided by Bai Jin before he touched it.

"Don't have to verify anything, I've never been anyone else, I don't care who you're looking for, anyway, no

To find my head. Enchanted, our relationship ended here. "After speaking coldly, Bai Jin turned around and left.

Is this the end of the relationship? Charm couldn't help but froze in place for a while. Bai Jin's words made him not understand for a while what it meant.

Righteousness, so became a little confused.

Pink frowned, then walked towards Charm.

"You should act more cautiously. When you are not sure, you have not even entered the most important soul verification.

Okay, how can you mess with him!

Charming's face was pale, he looked at the pink, and then slowly shook his head. "Don't say it again, I don't believe it

. I don't believe it at all, my feelings can't be wrong. You haven't verified to the last step, it's my business, you don't

Stop it!" 5

After finishing speaking, Charm chased Bai Jin a little staggeringly.

Hongfen's brows were tightly wrinkled, and after a long time, she turned and left.

Charm finally grabbed the opponent's hand when Bai Jin arrived outside the base, Charm seemed a little crazy.

"You must be him! You must be him! You can't be his, Bai Jin, go back with me to do some soul verification

. I want to be sure that you are him!" Charm said eagerly, holding Bai Jin's hand and going inside.

Then, the charming hand was thrown away fiercely.

Bai Jin used a lot of strength, and when Charm was thrown away, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Bai Jin looked at each other indifferently

Eyes, "Can't you understand people's words? I said that our relationship ends here, I'm not the person you're looking for, and don't bother me in the future.

Look at me, don't you understand when I say this?"

Charm finally realized what, he murmured: "What does it mean that our relationship is over? I don't understand you

What you mean...I don't understand. "

"It's not that no one wants me, not to mention that you forgot that at the very beginning of our acquaintance, you were involved in it yourself.

At that time, you didn't say that you treated me as someone else. If you had said it earlier, then the so-called responsibility, I would only take it as a joke

come to see

The charming face was ashen, "Bai Ye! If you weren't that person, I wouldn't approach you at all! You, if not

That person, who has something to do with you!" 3

Bai Jin heard the words, the originally cold face turned cold, and there was an indescribable irony and alienation.

I'm so sorry for disappointing you, but fortunately, it's not too late for you to know now, just get out of my world later

After speaking, Bai Jin didn't take another look at Charm, turned around and left, and entered the base...

This time, Charm did not chase after him.

I don't know how long has passed, Charm left the place


When night came, Lin Xijiu finally came out of the house.

Bai Qi was waiting nearby, so when he saw Lin Xijiu coming out, he naturally greeted him immediately.


Lin Xijiu nodded, and was about to say something when the charm appeared, and he grabbed Lin Xijiu's arm.

Bai Qi narrowed his eyes

Lin Xijiu pulled his arm away, "What happened? 5"

The charming appearance seemed too anxious, so Lin Xijiu asked.

"Is the person I'm looking for Bai Jin!" Charm asked with gritted teeth.

Lin Xijiu was speechless, "Is the person you are looking for, why did you come to ask me? 5"

No matter what aspect this is from, this shouldn't be asked about him, right? Isn't it the one who should know the charm the best?

Charm took a deep breath, "I want to test my soul, he won't let me test it. 5"

Bai Qi finally frowned and said, "What happened? 5

Charm didn't want to say it, he just said stubbornly: "I want to test his soul, I want to prove that he is the person I am looking for!

"Why didn't Bai Jin let you verify?" Lin Xijiu also asked, "This is a matter between you, don't you think you shouldn't?

come to see us?"

Charm is very irritable, "We have a problem, he doesn't want to verify it for me, I need your help to convince him!"5

Bai Qi pursed his lips, "Where is my fourth brother? 5"

Inside that temporary base.

Bai Qi glanced at Charming lightly, "Charming, Rong, let me remind you of one thing, you were the one who insisted on being with my fourth brother.

Yes, and it was you who swore that he was the person you were looking for, and told me the stories of your past and present lives. I am looking at

For the sake of that story, I agreed, you and my fourth brother are together. Now you're trying to tell me, in fact, you didn't


I told you at the time. When I want to make sure, I don't have time..." Charm lowered his head, he took a deep breath

He took a breath and raised his head again. "I just want to make sure right now, make sure he's the one I'm looking for!"

Bai Qi took a deep look at the other party and said lightly, "What if you're sure about it?"

The charming face suddenly turned pale.

"Since there is only that person in your heart, don't worry, I will definitely help you. My fourth brother doesn't need to be any

Who's stand-in, in fact, whether he is or not has little to do with my fourth brother. Verification of things, not in a hurry, today

I have other things to do, tomorrow. I promise to convince my fourth brother to let you test your soul, such an answer

Are you satisfied?

Charm felt that he should be satisfied, but Bai Qi's indifferent words reminded him of Bai Jin, the one who talked about their relationship.

Bai Jin is tied to this end.

There was an instinctive fear in Charming's heart, and he always felt that he seemed to have messed up something.

He felt even more that maybe he had proved that Bai Jin was the person he was looking for, and their relationship might not be able to return to the past.

And if Bai Jin wasn't the person he was looking for... Charming's heart panicked. Whatever the outcome, he felt

I can't face myself

So after taking a deep breath, Charm nodded with difficulty, then turned and left the place...

Bai Qi looked at Lin Xijiu, his voice was very soft. "Is this one of those weird circles?"

Lin Xijiu paused, "Maybe. 3"

"There is still a little time now, we don't have to rush to the temple, let's go to the fourth brother's place." Bai Qi said.

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Okay.

Liu Suifeng and Bai Feng came back from the front yard and bumped into Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi who were going out.

Liu Suifeng said, "Are you going to the temple now?"

"Wait a while and then go, we are going to the base now. Tonight, Liu Suifeng, whether you go or not

In this way, you can simply stay here. Or if you go, then you and your elder brother stay in the temple. " Bai Qi said.

Liu Suifeng nodded, "I see, I originally planned to stay at the temple with Bai Feng tonight."

Bai Qi didn't say anything else, and went out to the courtyard with Lin Xijiu.

The two came to the base, and then went directly to Bai Jin. Bai Jin is in a meeting, but after hearing that Bai Qi and the others are here

, the meeting ended after a few minutes.

Bai Jin looked at Bai Qi and the others in surprise, and smiled slightly: "Why did you two come here?"3

"I came here to see your fourth brother." Bai Lingqi said

Bai Jin raised his brows, and there was still a slight smile on his face. "Come with me, go somewhere convenient to talk


Lin Xijiu didn't go there, he turned around in this base at will. Naturally, I want to leave this time for Bai Bu

and the two brothers Bai Jin.

Bai Qi followed Bai Jin into the room, "Fourth brother, I'll just cut to the chase. It was my fault before, charming

Things have not been clearly explained to you. Now I will tell you about it in detail. ”5

Bai Jin was a little helpless, "Can I choose not to listen? 5"

"No." Bai Qi smiled mischievously, "Fourth brother is not someone to run away, even if he chooses not to listen now, he will still do so in the future.

I want to listen, so let me tell you, at least I think the fourth brother seems to be at peace now. 5”

Bai Jin smiled bitterly, it wasn't that he was calm, it was just that the charming thing happened suddenly. seems to be calm

Besides, he has nothing else to do. Anyway, that's what it's all about, isn't it...

So fourth brother, just listen to me explain the charm thing clearly. "Afterwards, Bai Qi slowly said what Charming had told him before.

A past life story.

Bai Qi's speech was very slow, not sensational, but this slow, with an indescribable taste. Bai Jin has been

Listening, after Bai Qi finished speaking, he slowly lowered his eyelids.

It turned out that the man had such an unforgettable memory.

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