God Stick Wife

Chapter 308: : under performance

"You're right, of course I won't be like Master." Lin Xijiu held Bai Qi's hand, "So, we have to be together all the time, you know?"

"It's natural."

"We will definitely be together!"

The two held their hands together, and at this moment, both of them could see the firmness in each other's eyes.

After a while, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi went out holding hands, the charm was still under the banyan tree, and the whole person's figure even seemed a little ethereal.

Bai Qi had no expression.

Lin Xijiu raised his brows, "What happened to him?"

"I don't know. Maybe I gave up." Bai Qi said lightly.

"Due Bai Jin?"

"Well." Bai Qi shrugged, "Maybe."

Lin Xijiu walked over, "Charm, we're going up the mountain."

Charm didn't seem to recover from the blow, Lin Xijiu said lightly after looking at the other party: "We're going to Lingu, in the back mountain, come over yourself when you want to come over."

Charm still didn't respond, and then Lin Xijiu took Bai Qi's hand and left.

The two went directly to the back mountain. Along the way, Lin Xijiu told Bai Qi a lot about the back mountain, including several forbidden places and the valley where he went down last time. However, the valley in the afternoon and the forest valley where the giant panda entered this time are not the same place. But it can also be said to be together.

When they came to the back mountain, when Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were climbing all the way, Lin Xijiu stepped on the ground under their feet. "I think this place seems to be a little softer, and the mountain will collapse if it goes on like this."

"Collapse?" Bai Qi also stepped on it, "It's not really that bad, is it? It's not that serious, is it?"

"No." Lin Xijiu shook his head, "You don't understand, the other back of the back mountain is not very stable. I heard from my master that there are many big guys, and they may be beasts that have existed for a long time. There are many beasts in the back, and all

It's a huge guy. These things will shake the earth if you step on the earth. So soft soil is not very good.


Bai Qi's understanding of this place is of course not as deep as Lin Xijiu's, "But it's desolate and uninhabited, and your family is a little closer at the foot of the mountain, as long as your side is not affected, then even if it is Is it alright if the mountain here collapses?,

"Well, that's true." Lin Xijiu exhaled a long breath, "But this is where I grew up, and I played in this place. I don't want it to collapse like this. Let's go. ."

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi all the way to the top of the mountain, Lin Xijiu stopped and pointed to a forest not far away. But say yes



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