God Stick Wife

Chapter 310: : accept contract

fighting. "

Lin Xijiu was noncommittal, "Yeah."

As a contract pet, Lin Xijiu took his little poisonous beast to Bai Qi and the others.

"This is it?" Bai Qi and the others had actually seen Lin Xijiu's actions just now, so they immediately asked when they saw this soft-looking little poisonous beast.

"Little poisonous beast." Lin Xijiu explained the little poisonous beast just now, as well as their communication and results.

Bai Qi's expression turned a little weird, "So, this thing has become your contract beast?"

"What! I'm not a thing!" The little poisonous beast was displeased and glared at Bai Qi.

However, the little poisonous beast doesn't know the complexity of human language, so its words are completely scolding itself.

Bai Qi shrugged, "Well, you're not a thing."

The little poisonous beast felt strange, but he couldn't tell.

"I see that it looks a little difficult to walk. Isn't this a hindrance? Besides, this thing is full of toxins, can we take it with us? Are you sure it won't be a hindrance?" Bai Qi asked suspiciously.

Lin Xijiu looked at the little poisonous beast, "What he said is indeed a problem. If you can't keep up with our pace, then you will only be a hindrance."

"No, no, I just didn't get used to it, I won't stand firm." The little poisonous beast quickly assured


Having said that, the little poisonous beast proved himself, indeed, it ran very fast.

Before, this little poisonous beast had been in the body of that big poisonous beast, to be precise, in the brain. Therefore, he has never stood on the ground before, so of course he was a little uncomfortable and unstable at this time. Therefore, after he got used to it, the talent of this little poisonous beast can be displayed immediately. The little poisonous beast ran so fast, and it was very neat!

Bai Qi slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, "It looks like you don't need to worry about this thing holding you back."

"Why do you keep calling me something, my name is Qiuqiu!" The little poisonous beast became dissatisfied again.

"Calling things is also a nickname, which is quite good." Such a small thing, how good is it to be called a small thing.

Lin Xijiu said: "Let's go. Little thing, lead the way ahead, don't take us into the swamp, we are all ordinary people, and we can't stand the corrosion of such toxins."

The little poisonous beast was suddenly depressed, why did its owner call it a little thing too!

As a result, the name of this ball later became a small thing, because it has always been small, so whoever touched it called it a small thing.

Oh, maybe it's correct to call him "he", after all, he has an IQ long ago, and now he is considered a demon cultivator.

"Oh." After a dull reply, the little thing led the way in front.

This time, with this little thing leading the way, Lin Xijiu and the others not only went to the place they explored before,



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