
Just when Lin Xiao was about to upgrade the relationship between the two, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Obviously, the waiter came over with the prepared dishes.

Listening to the voice, Lin Xiao immediately stopped his plan and returned to his original seat.

Sure enough, the next second, the door opened and the waiter walked in with a plate.

"I'm starving. Let's eat."

As soon as the waiter left, Lin Xiao took a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of Australian dragon and tasted it.

This thing is not cheap. Even in 2010, it cost more than 200 pounds per kilogram in a restaurant. One piece weighs almost seven or eight kilograms, which is almost as much as an average person's monthly salary.

Lin Xiao had only heard of this dish before, but had never tasted it. Now that he had a taste, he suddenly felt that it was just like that and not worth the price at all.

He had thought that such an expensive dish would be delicious, but to his surprise, it was not as delicious as the fried rice noodles at the school gate.

Liu Yifei was quite embarrassed at first, but she laughed when she saw Lin Xiao also looked embarrassed.

This guy is not as bold as he said.

Liu Yifei thought about it, looking at Lin Xiao who deliberately ate to relieve his embarrassment, and felt that he was getting cuter and cuter.

Smiling slightly, she also picked up a pair of chopsticks and started eating.

As usual, Liu Yifei ate very little, and most of the food went into Lin Xiao's stomach.

"Let's go."

After eating and drinking, Lin Xiao stood up and looked at Liu Yifei.

Then, the two walked to the cashier.

"Didn't you say I was treating you? Why did you pay the bill?"

Liu Yifei turned to look at Lin Xiao and blinked her beautiful eyes.

"How can I really ask you to treat me?" Lin Xiao shook his head and joked: "I don't want to be called a stingy person by someone."

"I don't know how." Liu Yifei shook her head.

After dinner, the two of them went home.

Sitting in the taxi, thinking about the scene in the restaurant just now, the corners of Lin Xiao's mouth couldn't help but curl up with a nice smile.

Although he didn't actually come in person just now, he was almost sure of Liu Yifei's intentions. There was only one opportunity left before he could win over Liu Yifei.

When the time comes to film "The Richest Tomato" together, after spending time together day and night, Lin Xiao is confident that she can definitely win over Liu Yifei!

Back at the rental house, it was already 8:30 pm. Lin Xiao took a shower first, then sat in front of the computer and thought about the movie.

Although Feng Xiaogang and Liu Yifei have joined, he can't just be the boss. There are still many things waiting for him to do.

First, he had to register a film shooting investment company, and secondly, he had to contact some important actors in the film in person.

It's not that he doesn't trust Feng Xiaogang. If he really gives this power to him, Lin Xiao estimates that many related people will be recruited.

As his first movie, he didn't want the quality of the movie to be affected by some connections.

Also, during the concert, he had to contact a well-known singer, otherwise, the audience would not be able to feel the shocking feeling.

After working hard until 12:30 in the evening, Lin Xiao closed the diary and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Lin Xiao went to register a film investment and shooting company - Baichuan Film Investment Co., Ltd.

It means the sea is open to all rivers, implying that the company is booming and stars are gathering here.

The subscription was 10 million, and the actual payment was 100,000.

After the company was registered, he asked Feng Xiaogang to help solve the qualification problem, and he himself called Zhang Yiming.

Lin Xiao is very satisfied with the role of Zhuang Qiang played by Zhang Yiming. If possible, he still hopes to continue to invite him to play the role of Zhuang Qiang.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhang Yiming?"

After the call was connected, Lin Xiao asked.

"It's me, you?"

"Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Lin Xiao, the boss of Baichuan Film Investment Company. Our company is preparing to shoot a movie recently, and there is a role in it that we would like to invite you to star in. I wonder if you have time."

Before starring in "Charlotte", although Zhang Yiming appeared in many movies and TV shows, he was not well-known and was not much better than a walk-on actor.

At this time, he was still in the stage where he acted whenever there was a role, and he was not qualified to choose a role at all.

When he heard that a boss wanted to film a movie with him, Zhang Yiming immediately agreed.

"Yes, I'm free. Boss Lin, what role am I going to play?"

"Male number two."

"Male number two! Boss Lin, are you kidding me?"

"No, you will see when you are free and come to Kyoto to sign the contract."

"Okay, okay, I'll be right over."

Zhang Yiming became even more excited when he heard that his boss asked him to play the second male lead in a movie. He originally thought that he would only be asked to play a small supporting role, but he did not expect that it would be such an important role.

Afraid that his character would be cut off, Zhang Yiming simply packed some things and bought a ticket to Kyoto.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. Have you had a hard time on the road?"

"No hard work, are you Boss Lin?"

"Well, just call me Lin Xiao."

After receiving Lin Xiao's affirmative answer, Zhang Yiming's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

On the way here, he checked Baichuan Film Investment Co., Ltd. and found that it was a newly established company.

Now that Lin Xiao is so young and looks like a second-generation rich man who has started his own business, Zhang Yiming suddenly loses his expectations for the new movie he is about to star in.

After finally playing the second male role, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to become famous and really become a blockbuster.

Now it seems that this is a trap. None of these rich second-generation movies made for fun can be watched, let alone hope to become famous.

No wonder a little-known actor like him was hired for such an important position as the second male lead.

Zhang Yiming was suddenly filled with disappointment.

Seeing Zhang Yiming's disappointed look, Lin Xiao silently took out the script and handed it over without explaining.

"This is a movie script. Read it first."

Forget it, it’s here now, let’s take a look and talk about it.

Zhang Yiming sighed, took the script and started reading it.

Is this really the movie I want to star in?

After seeing the movie script, Zhang Yiming was stunned and froze on the spot.

He originally thought he had stepped into a trap, but he didn't expect that the script was so good, far exceeding his expectations.

He even couldn't believe that such a good script fell into his hands so easily.

Is it possible for him to play such a role that is instantly popular without having to pay any price?

"Boss Lin, is this role really for me?"

Zhang Yiming looked at Lin Xiao with a look of disbelief.

Zhang Yiming's performance was as expected by Lin Xiao. No actor in the entertainment industry could refuse this role.

Not to mention those actors who have not yet made their mark, even some actors who are already famous are not willing to miss such an excellent script.

"Well, the salary is 20,000 yuan, do you want to sign or not?"

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, looked at Zhang Yiming and asked.

There is still money?

Zhang Yiming felt that even if he was asked to pay 20,000 yuan, he would have to win this role.

"Sign, I'll sign!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Yiming nodded and agreed.

He was even too embarrassed to read the contract too carefully. After a brief glance, Zhang Yiming signed his name on the contract.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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