Fuyuan Hotel, Chinese restaurant, 6:30 pm.

Except for two staff members who were anxious to catch the train home, the rest of the staff and actors were all present.

Compared with the commencement banquet two months ago, the number of people at the completion banquet was nearly half less, with only 103 people.

"Brother Lin, Sister Yifei."

Seeing Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei walking in, the staff and actors present greeted them one after another.

Compared with when we first met, the tone of greeting was obviously much more cordial and less unfamiliar and distant.

"Everyone, take a seat." Lin Xiao waved with a smile, and then looked at the staff responsible for signing in at the door: "Is everyone here?"

The man nodded: "Except for two people who are anxious to catch the train home, everyone else is here."

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Xiao nodded and said, "You should go find a seat and sit down."

After saying that, he turned to look at the waiter: "The food is ready to be served."

After giving instructions, he and Liu Yifei walked to the main table. After being polite with Feng Xiaogang, they sat down at the main table.

Lin Xiao and the others had booked a private room in advance, and the kitchen had already begun preparations at five o'clock. After receiving instructions that the dishes could be served, they immediately asked the waiters to bring the prepared dishes.

Spicy eel, braised mandarin fish, charcoal grilled chicken wings, aromatic pork belly, Maoxuewang, roasted lamb leg...

One after another delicious food was brought to the table, and the Chinese restaurant was instantly filled with aroma.

Looking at the large table of delicious food, the staff and actors couldn't help but sniff and swallow.

Everyone was a little surprised by such a luxurious closing banquet.

Different from the opening banquet, the opening banquet is about spectacle and style, and it is also for the staff and actors to work hard on filming.

The final banquet does not require these, just leave after eating, there is no profit relationship, it is just a conscience.

Therefore, although most directors' opening banquets are luxurious, the closing banquets are basically clear soup with little water, and those with three or five meat dishes are regarded as the conscience of the industry.

They have never met someone like Lin Xiao.

Looking at the large table of delicious food, the staff and actors couldn't help but start talking.

"Let me go, it's so luxurious, Brother Lin is too grand. I should say it or not, in terms of life, Brother Lin is unparalleled."

"No, the closing banquet between me and the crew of Lao Mouzi last year was not so luxurious. Brother Lin really thinks highly of us."

"I now hope that Brother Lin's movies will be a hit at the box office. I hope that Brother Lin can make another movie and continue to follow Brother Lin."

"Me too, even if I'm a little tired, I hope to hang out with Brother Lin, work under Brother Lin, and feel respected."

Everyone sighed, and some even took photos and sent them to the crew group.

Most of the actors in the group had already finished filming and left the crew. After seeing that photo, they immediately went crazy and started talking about it.

"Let me go, what's going on? This big table of delicious food, is the movie finished?"

"Yes, we wrap up today, and Brother Lin is treating us to a wrap-up banquet."

"So luxurious? It makes me want to drool."

"Wow, wow, it smells so good! Isn't it too late to take a flight?"

"I want to eat it!"

"The chicken drumsticks in my hand suddenly lost their flavor."

Seeing the emotions of everyone in the group, Liu Yifei couldn't help but laugh, poked Lin Xiao with her finger, saw the other person looked over, handed over the phone, and said with a smile:


Lin Xiao glanced at it and was also amused.

Knowing that the movie can be a big hit at the box office, there is no need for him to be stingy with money for a meal. After all, everyone has worked hard with him for so long.

If, like other directors, he is not sure whether the movie will be a hit at the box office, he will definitely not be willing to spend so much money to treat everyone to dinner.

The food was almost served and everyone was hungry. Lin Xiao didn't waste any more time. He pretended to cough twice and stood up from his chair while holding the wine glass.

The staff and actors instantly became quiet. They all put away their mobile phones and turned to look over with hopeful expressions on their faces.

Everyone knows that the banquet is about to begin.

Smelling the rich aroma of meat, they were really ready to move.

Seeing everyone looking at each other, Lin Xiao cleared his throat and spoke slowly:

"Today is the closing banquet and also the thank-you banquet. After this meal, everyone will go their separate ways again. The next time we meet is not necessarily when. Therefore, I may talk a bit too much today. Don't blame me. Nagging."

Hearing this, everyone present smiled slightly, with touches of emotion, relief, and reluctance in their eyes.

"I have been with you for two months and I have a lot of feelings. The biggest feeling you give me is that you are sincere, kind, serious and hardworking. If nothing else, just Liu Weimin, his hand was burned. In order not to affect the crew's As the filming progresses, I still carry the camera and run with it.”

"And Zhang Qiang, in order to speak his lines more fluently, I even saw him quietly reciting his lines outside the hotel at 11:30 in the evening. It's rare!"

"I won't name them one by one. Really, I am very happy and honored to be filming with you. I am really touched by your seriousness and hard work."

Listening to Lin Xiao's words, everyone present could not help but tremble in their hearts, they were deeply moved.

Especially Liu Weimin and Zhang Qiang mentioned by Lin Xiao. Looking at Lin Xiao, I felt like a scholar would die for his confidant.

Lin Xiao paused and continued:

"During this period, I have been really moved by you. I can't stop talking about it."

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. Everyone must be hungry, so let's officially start the dinner."

"Finally, thank you all for your hard work during this period. I hope that when we gather together, we will be like a ball of fire, and when we are apart, we will be filled with stars. There is no such thing as a banquet that never ends. I hope that everyone will have a bright future."

"Come, let's drink together for our hard work and sweat over the past two months, and for our bright future!"


After Lin Xiao finished speaking, everyone raised their wine glasses and shouted at Lin Xiao with excitement on their faces.

Lin Xiao drank all the wine in one gulp and turned the glass upside down, and everyone drank the wine in the same gulp.

After drinking the first glass of wine, everyone stopped being polite and started eating while talking and laughing.

Feng Xiaogang looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but give a thumbs up secretly.

This Lin Xiao is really not simple. Even though he is handsome, talented and has acting skills, he has such a high emotional intelligence. He has won the hearts of this group of people with just one sentence.

In the future entertainment industry, there will inevitably be more big stars like Lin Xiao.

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes with a look of love and admiration.

"Director Feng, I'd like to toast you. Thank you for your hard work during this time."

After receiving the wine, Lin Xiao poured himself another glass of wine, looked at Feng Xiaogang and said.

"Boss Lin, you're welcome."

Feng Xiaogang said with a smile, the two clinked their glasses and drank it down in one gulp.

After taking a few bites of food, Lin Xiao came to the editing and art table with a wine glass in hand.

Now that the movie has been shot, all that's left is editing and dubbing and subtitles.

"Come on, let me toast you all. From now on, it's all up to you." Lin Xiao raised his glass with a smile.

Everyone raised their glasses, clinked their glasses, and drank it all in one gulp.

After returning to his seat, after a while, the staff and actors also stood up to toast him and Feng Xiaogang.

The whole Chinese restaurant was so lively.

PS: A new author, I beg you readers for your support! Asking for flowers, asking for collection, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards! Ask for all the data!

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