God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 64: The Correct Way To Open A One-Word Horse!

After dinner, when she returned to the room, seeing that Lin Xiao was not there, Liu Yifei took out her mobile phone and chatted with her sisters.

Girls are different from boys. Boys will never tell their brothers that they have captured someone, unless they do not regard her as their girlfriend but just for fun, but girls like to share these things with their best friends.

After having a substantial relationship with Lin Xiao, she always wanted to talk about it with her sisters. Unfortunately, with Lin Xiao around, she never had the chance. Now she can finally talk about it.

As the three little golden flowers in the entertainment industry, although Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Tang Yan are very famous, their entertainment methods are very simple. In addition to chatting, binge-watching and watching movies, some entertainment that ordinary people can enjoy casually However, it is difficult for them to try other methods, so they are more enthusiastic about gossip than ordinary girls.

There is no way, the life of filming every day is really boring, they need this to chat and relieve their boredom.

When they heard that Liu Yifei and Lin Xiao had a closer relationship, the three of them were instantly excited.

"Let me go, what are you talking about? You two have already had sex? Oh my god, how do you feel? Does it hurt? Does it feel good?" Tang Yan had just finished eating. After seeing the news, he immediately went to a deserted place. Corner, typed quickly.

"Yifei, please tell me carefully how you felt at that time. I'd love to hear it." Liu Shishi also quickly joined in the fun.

"Yifei, please start your performance." Yang Mi also typed.

It is said that boys are bold and girls are reserved. In fact, most of the time, girls' reserve is just fake. Boys will feel embarrassed even if they just look at the content of a few people's chats, let alone talk about them.

"Let me go, you don't even take protective measures, are you playing so wildly?" Tang Yan looked surprised. Liu Yifei was at the age when she was famous. Aren't you afraid of getting pregnant if you play like this?

"Sister Tang Yan, don't worry about this. It's not like you can't afford to raise Lin Xiao after you give birth to her. Yifei, by the way, is Lin Xiao really that powerful? You're not bragging, are you? It's totally up to you. I won’t come out.” Liu Shishi said with a smile.

"It's good if you can see it. You have to feel it for yourself. Shishi, I'm optimistic about you. Let's take down Lin Xiao and let's see if Lin Xiao is really as powerful as Yifei said." Yang Mi smiled. Gonghuo Road.

"Yifei, would you mind finding another girlfriend for your husband?" Tang Yan also laughed and joked.

"Okay, if you are able, come over tonight and I will give you the bed."

After having a relationship with Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei became more courageous when talking about such topics, and was not as sensitive and shy as before.

"Hey, look at what you can do, you are getting more and more tough." Tang Yan said a little unconvinced: "When the time comes, take Lin Xiao away and see if you will cry."

A few people were chatting happily when Lin Xiao opened the door and walked in.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiao asked casually.

"No, nothing." Liu Yifei shook her head quickly. She didn't dare to let Lin Xiao read the chat history, even if she died.

"Mysterious." Lin Xiao complained, and then asked: "Have you taken a shower?"

"No." As soon as Liu Yifei finished speaking, she looked at Lin Xiao's eyes and quickly changed her words: "Wash, wash."

When Lin Xiao saw this, he chuckled and said with a bad smile in her ear:

"Those who lie must be punished."

Liu Yifei's face turned red and she shook her head stubbornly: "No, you, you wash first."

Lin Xiao chuckled, ignored Liu Yifei's words, and took Liu Yifei into the bathroom without hesitation.

An hour later, after taking a shower, Lin Xiao lay back on the bed, with a look on his face that was still unfinished.

Needless to say, Liu Yifei's flexibility is really good. She can easily complete the one-stroke horse that ordinary people can't do.

Lin Xiao was lying on the bed thinking about it, and Liu Yifei finished brushing her teeth and walked out of the bathroom.

"Huh, you big bad guy, he just knows how to bully me!"

Seeing Lin Xiao's proud look, Liu Yifei couldn't help but complain.

At first, she was a little proud when Lin Xiao asked her to show a straight horse, but later she realized that this guy was so bad, and she would never be able to face the straight horse again.

Taking advantage of him, Lin Xiao didn't mind being criticized by Liu Yifei. He smiled and hugged Liu Yifei in his arms.

"You want more?" Liu Yifei was shocked and asked with some worry: "Can your body bear it?"

"As long as you can bear it, I can bear it.

In terms of waist and kidneys, Lin Xiao has never been weak. However, considering the long-term sexual well-being in the future, Lin Xiao still summoned the system.

If Liu Yifei hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about the system. The system encompasses everything, and there must be something that can strengthen the essence and strengthen the kidneys.

Click on the system's shopping mall and click on search. Lin Xiao found what he needed.

The Supreme Edition of Shenbao Tablets allows you to completely get rid of the troubles of kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency. From now on, you no longer have to worry about the problem of kidney deficiency, kidney deficiency and kidney failure. Note: No side effects.

Take a look at the price and exchange for one million popularity points per day.

Lin Xiao looked at his property panel again.

[Host: Lin Xiao. 】

[Age: 24. 】

[Skills: Photographic memory, singer, actor. 】

[Popularity value: 27 million. 】

Is my popularity worth it?

Lin Xiao sighed secretly, and then immediately performed the system exchange.

In an instant, Lin Xiao felt that his body was full of strength. There was still a slight sense of fatigue, but now it was gone in an instant, and he felt like he was resurrected with full blood.

Liu Yifei was also worried that Lin Xiao's body wouldn't be able to bear it. She never expected that he would fight harder and harder, like a bison, not knowing what tiredness was. She was really convinced.

Life was full of ups and downs, and she soon fell asleep. Seeing this, Lin Xiao straightened her hair, and then went to sleep with Liu Yifei in her arms.

Lin Xiao's life on the set is very happy with the company of beautiful women, and occasionally looking at the envious and jealous expressions of Zhang Yiming, Wei Xiang and others.

Needless to say, the acting skills of Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei, Zhang Yiming and others were basically repeated. The other actors also worked hard, trying to perform well and leave a good impression in front of Lin Xiao, so as to have the opportunity to enter Lin Xiao after the film is completed. company development.

Zhang Yimou is even more like this. He wants to take advantage of the Spring Festival film and surpass Feng Xiaogang in one fell swoop. He works overtime and works hard like a young man, without the airs of a great director at all.

Therefore, although only more than a month has passed, the filming of "Charlotte Trouble" has come to an end. As long as they finish shooting these last few scenes today, their crew can officially wrap up filming.

Of course, during this period, in addition to the steady progress of the film, Lin Xiao's familiarity with the actors and staff has also been soaring. There are more than 200 people in the crew, and now Lin Lian can already know their names and looks. Got the right number.

"Zhang Quan, come on.", "Li Jialin, you performed well just now."

Because of this, Lin Xiao's occasional encouragement made the staff and actors excited. They didn't expect that such a big boss as Lin Xiao could actually remember their own names. They all wanted to be taken seriously. A scholar has the urge to die for his bosom friend.

Looking at the expressions and demeanor of the actors and staff, Lin Xiao couldn't help but think of his past self. When he was named and praised by the principal in junior high school, he had the same expression and demeanor. He must study hard and work hard, and he must not let down the principal. of high hopes.

This is also the reason why Huaxia workers are so easily PUAd by their bosses. They saw Director Lin’s encouragement and support for them in the store. However, the good thing is that Lin Xiao is not a boss who only knows how to draw cakes, and he never shows mercy when handing out red envelopes.

In addition, "Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei also know the basics more and more.

The clothes Lin Xiao bought for Liu Yifei were naturally not wasted.

Liu Yifei was naturally reluctant at first, but Lin Xiao had her own way of making her behave.

If you can't be convinced, then just say (shui)! The truth is simple, and the method is never as complicated as everyone thinks.

Time flies by, and it’s January 15, 2011 before you know it. There are still 17 days before the Spring Festival. Lin Xiao and his team’s "Charlotte Troubles" are finally wrapping up!

"Get up, little lazy pig." Lin Xiao pinched Liu Yifei's nose and smiled.

It was already eight o'clock. Normally, they would have gone to the cafeteria for breakfast, but today Liu Yifei kept hugging him and never let go.

"Well~ don't~" Liu Yifei shook her head, pursed her lips, and said with an aggrieved look.

The movie was finished and she was about to return to Kyoto, and she wouldn't be able to see him for a few days, so she didn't want to get up, and she didn't want Lin Xiao to get up. She just wanted to hold him and keep doing this.

Who would have thought that Liu Tianxian could have such a clingy side. Lin Xiao looked at the beautiful face next to him and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth with a nice smile.

"Okay, let's not go then. Let's take another day off today." Lin Xiao said with a smile, without urging him, he just hugged Liu Yifei and started to eat.

"No, just get up quickly. Everyone is waiting. I don't want to be scolded."

After kissing her once, Liu Yifei still shook her head and said that she just wanted to stay with Lin Xiao for a while, but she didn't dare to really ask Lin Xiao to ask for leave.

"My wife is so sensible." Lin Xiao said and kissed Liu Yifei again.

After dilly-dallying, the two of them got dressed and got up.

By the time they came to the canteen for breakfast, the canteen was already empty as everyone went to the filming location.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yifei was embarrassed to keep everyone waiting at the filming site, and quickly urged Lin Xiao to eat quickly.

Lin Xiao smiled fondly, ate two meat buns and a cup of soy milk, and then went to the shooting scene with Liu Yifei.

"Hello, Brother Lin, hello, Madam Boss."

Seeing Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei approaching, the actors and staff greeted them warmly. The filming is about to be finished, and everyone has a rare smile on their face, and the tone of greeting is much more enthusiastic than the previous few days.

"Hello..." Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, then walked to Zhang Yimou and said hello: "Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Zhang Yimou shook his head, glanced at Liu Yifei, smiled and said: "It's okay, we are all men and can understand.

Although Liu Yifei and Lin Xiao have had a substantial relationship for many days, they still blush a little when they are teased.

"Director Zhang, I'm going to change clothes first."

Seeing that Liu Yifei was a little embarrassed, Lin Xiao said briefly and pulled Liu Yifei towards the dressing room.

What I want to shoot today is not the scene after Charlotte wakes up from the dream, but after Charlotte learns about the sacrifices Ma Dongmei made to protect herself, she discovers that Ma Dongmei is the one she really needs to love with her heart. When she returns to the dilapidated hut, she discovers The scene where Matumei was already with Dashachun.

After changing into a suit, Lin Xiao returned to the shooting scene.

After all the actors were in place, Zhang Yimou took a loudspeaker and shouted: "Finally check your equipment. If there is no problem, we will officially start filming.

The staff quickly became busy and then gave Zhang Yimou an "OK" gesture.

"Very good." Zhang Yimou nodded and shouted: "Countdown to three numbers, 3, 2, 1. Action!"

The sound of slapping the board sounded.

The 256th scene of "Charlotte Trouble", the first time, officially started shooting!

In front of the camera.

Lin Xiao wore a suit and came downstairs to the former dilapidated hut.

I saw an old man wearing a vest

While enjoying the cool weather over there, Lin Xiao stepped forward and said hello: "Uncle, is it Ma Dongmei's family who lives upstairs?"

"Ma Dong what?" the uncle asked.

"Ma Dongmei!" Lin Xiao bent down and shouted again, louder, for fear that the uncle could not hear clearly.

"What winter plum?" the uncle asked again.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao looked helpless and reminded again: "Ma Dongmei!"

"What kind of plum is Ma?" the uncle asked again, with no expression on his face.

Any normal person would suspect Lin Xiao that he was playing tricks on him, but this old man looked like he was really out of his mind.

When Lin Xiao saw this, he stopped talking nonsense to him.

"Okay, uncle, please cool down first."

Lin Xiao said and went upstairs to find Ma Dongmei.

Seeing this, the staff secretly admired Lin Xiao's acting skills. They looked on and covered their mouths to hold back laughter. On the other hand, Lin Xiao not only didn't laugh, but his face

His expression is still quite controlled, which is so rare.

Zhang Yimou couldn't help but praise Lin Xiao again. Such an actor is really rare in a century.

Although many well-known comedians produce very good results, they have been shot many times and laugh a lot. For example, Lin Xiao never laughs and his expressions are always controlled.

He has only ever seen an actor like Lin Xiao who is well-produced.

Even Mr. Xing, who has achieved countless achievements, still laughs a lot.

He really didn't understand how Lin Xiao did it. This expression management was simply unbelievable.

Zhang Yi looked at Lin Xiao's performance quietly in 3.1, his eyes becoming more and more admired, so much so that when Lin Xiao's performance was over, he forgot to shout "Ka", but the assistant on the side reminded him

He quickly shouted: "Wow!"

This was the first time that he was so shocked by an actor's acting skills that he forgot to shout "Ka".

After watching the recording effect, Zhang Yimou stood up and excitedly announced:

"I announce that the movie "Charlotte" is officially finished!"


"Oh yeah!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene immediately erupted into excited cheers. The staff and actors had been waiting for this moment, and now they were all as excited as the students who had just finished the college entrance examination.

I can't help myself.

Finally relaxed, finally free! Finally I can do whatever I want without any worries anymore.

Everyone has paid a lot for the smooth shooting of the movie, and now it is finally over. Everyone’s faces are filled with unprecedented happy smiles.

Some people immediately called their girlfriends or parents to tell them the good news, while others made an appointment to do something together after the deal was finalized.

"Sit down five times in a row at the Internet cafe tonight, side by side?"

"Fuck! I must take you to a good fight tonight. My sword is already thirsty and thirsty!"

"Add me, I'll be a stoner and show off!"

Now is the time when League of Legends is booming, and there are many game fans on the crew, all of whom have made an appointment to go to the Internet cafe for five consecutive times after filming is completed. In order to film, their Internet addiction has long been

I can't control myself anymore. Every day it seems like there are ants crawling on my body.

Seeing everyone so happy, Lin Xiao did not forget to remind:

"The closing banquet will be held at Xinmin Hotel at seven o'clock tonight. Don't forget it."

"Thank you, Brother Lin!"

Hearing this, everyone thanked him excitedly, saying that there was a free meal to eat, and everyone laughed even happier. .

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