God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 81: Endorsing Wahaha Makes Wang Lihong Cry With Anger!

"Boss Lin and Director Feng, the future tourism economy of Dahua City is in your hands. Come on, let me toast you.

At the banquet, Mayor Zheng looked at Lin Xiao and Feng Xiaogang and said.

"Mayor Zheng is serious. We are just a movie maker. The economy of our Dahua City depends on Mayor Zheng and everyone here." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

He doesn't dare to bear the hat of tourism economy casually. It only has disadvantages but no advantages.

After that, he raised his glass and looked at Mayor Zheng and said again: "Mayor Zheng, I toast you this glass of wine and thank you for your support of our crew.

After clinking glasses with Mayor Zheng, Lin Xiao drank it all in one gulp.

After toasting Mayor Zheng, the remaining people and Lin Xiao also toasted separately, leaving no one behind.

Looking at Lin Xiao who was talking and laughing freely, Mayor Zheng couldn't help but nod his head with increasing appreciation.

If it were any other young man, so handsome, so rich, and so talented, he would definitely be a little arrogant to some extent. Only Lin Xiao can be so humble and polite.

Very powerful.

Feng Xiaogang looked at Lin Xiao and silently gave a thumbs up in his heart. In the past, he only thought that Lin Xiao was talented and handsome. Now it seems that Lin Xiao is much better than his peers.

Even some experienced people are not as eloquent as Lin Xiao.

After eating and drinking, Feng Xiaogang and Lin Xiao went to the hotel to sleep late, and started busy with filming the next day.

Feng Xiaogang was busy contacting the construction team and the film project approval issue, while Lin Xiao called Zhang Ze.


After the call was connected, a man's voice came quickly.

"Hello, Zhang Sheng?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Who are you?"

"I am Lin Xiao, the star of "Charlotte Troubles". I want to invite you to star in a movie. Do you have time here?" Lin Xiao asked again.

"You, what did you say? Are you Lin Xiao? Are you really the Lin Xiao who plays Charlotte?"

Listening to Lin Xiao's words, Zhang looked excited.

That was his idol, the goal and direction of his efforts. He never expected that Lin Xiao would call him, and he was filled with excitement.

"Yes, it will be replaced if it's fake." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Hehe." It was really Lin Xiao. Zhang Ze giggled with joy. He was stunned for a while before he remembered:

"Lin, Brother Lin, did you just say that you wanted to make a movie with me?"

"Yes, do you have time?" Lin Xiao nodded.

"Yes! I have time! I'll come over now." Zhang Ze nodded quickly.

Lin Xiao is now one of the top celebrities in the country. Perhaps his status in the entertainment industry is not as good as that of veteran actors and directors such as Zhang Yi and Zhou Xingxing, but his current popularity can definitely be said to be the first in the entertainment industry.

Especially his creative talent, it can be said that no one can match him.

If there is an opportunity to participate in Lin Xiao's movie, let alone Zhang Ze, even some already famous star actors will not refuse.

"That's good, come to the company in the next two days to sign the contract." Lin Xiao said.

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Ze nodded quickly.

Regarding Lin Xiao's invitation, Zhang Ze did not dare to delay, fearing that the role would be snatched away if he acted slowly, so he immediately bought a ticket from Xiaoshan to Kyoto.

Arriving downstairs at Baichuan Film Investment Co., Ltd., Zhang Ze still looked nervous and apprehensive. In the absence of a video call, he was still a little worried that this was just a beautiful joke.

Until he saw Lin Xiao walking towards him with his own eyes.

"Zhang Ze, welcome, thank you for your hard work along the way." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Lin Xiao really asked him to make a movie, and he really had a chance to become famous in one fell swoop! Zhang Ze looked at Lin Xiao with excitement on his face.

"Lin, Brother Lin, when can we sign the contract?" Zhang Ze looked at Lin Xiao and asked, fearing that Lin Xiao would change his mind if it was too late.

Lin Xiao saw this and asked Liu Dong to get the contract directly, with a salary of 20,000 yuan.

Zhang Ze briefly read the contract and signed his name on it. Seeing Lin Xiao also signed and stamped it, the stone in Zhang Ze's heart finally fell to the ground.

Heaven can tell how long he had stayed for this day.

"Brother Lin, thank you, thank you~~." Zhang Ze thanked him excitedly.

Lin Xiao looked at Zhang Ze and asked with a smile: "Are you interested in joining my company?"

If it hadn't been for the filming of "Eight Hundred", he would have really forgotten about this potential stock. Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally take advantage of the trend to recruit a wave of people.

"Lin, Brother Lin, are you telling the truth?" Zhang Ze looked at Lin Xiao with a look of disbelief on his face.

He was very excited, but he was afraid that it was just a joke, so he didn't dare to expect too much.

He already felt happier and luckier to have the opportunity to star in Lin Xiao's movie. Joining Lin Xiao's company was something he never dared to think about.

"Of course it's true." Lin Xiao nodded.

"I, I do! Brother Lin, I do!"

Zhang Ze said excitedly that at this moment, he was like a lottery player who suddenly won five million dollars, and he was so happy that he couldn't find where to go.

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded and looked at the excited Zhang Ze and couldn't help but laugh.

Now that I have another general under my command, life is so wonderful.

"And I will love the world you love, the smile you wish for, your hands on me..."

As soon as he signed the contract with Zhang Ze, Lin Xiao's cell phone rang.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was Yang Mi.

"Hey, Mimi, why did you remember to call me?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile after pressing the answer button.

"It's really embarrassing for me to call you that. If you call me so intimate, aren't you afraid that your family will be jealous if they find out?" Yang joked with a smile.

"How dare she? Does she know what the family status of men in Kyoto is?" Lin Xiao dismissed it.

"Pfft~" Yang Mi couldn't help but laugh out loud. She really didn't understand why men like to be so tough-talking.

"I'm sorry, I really wasn't laughing at you." Yang Mi explained with a smile, and then asked: "Okay, no more joking, Lin Xiao, I heard from Yifei that you are planning to make a new movie, how about it? , leave me a role?”

Let me just say, why did you call me so suddenly? That's it.

"Mimi, I'm so sorry. The roles are full. Let's do it next time. I will leave a role for you next time." Lin Xiao explained.

"No." Yang Mi said coquettishly: "Brother Lin, why don't you just give me a role? I'm not satisfied with the role. Isn't that just a matter of your words?"

Tsk tsk tsk, I have to say that Yang Mi really knows how to act coquettishly.

As soon as she acted coquettishly, Lin Xiao felt like her big white rabbit was squeezing crazily on her body, and her whole body became numb.

However, it is a pity that although Lin Xiao enjoys Yang Mi's coquettish feeling, he does not intend to give her a role just because of it.

"Mimi, as I said before, if you come to my company, you can choose any role you want." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Humph, he is really a heartless man." Yang Mi complained, obviously unhappy with Lin Xiao's actions.

Lin Xiao didn't say anything and hung up the phone.

"And I will love you on earth..."

Just after hanging up the phone, Tang Yan called again, with the same purpose as Yang Mi.

Liu Shishi also called later, and the same thing happened.

Lin Xiao treated everyone equally and did not give out the role in any of them.

They thought that after the three of them finished the phone call, they could have some peace and quiet for a while. Unexpectedly, another call came in soon.

This time it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" Lin Xiao.

"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiaolin?" After the call was connected, a man's voice came quickly from the receiver, and his voice was somewhat familiar.

As if he was afraid that Lin Xiao would hang up directly, the man hurriedly introduced himself:

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Brother Hu from Tang Dynasty. I heard that you are planning to shoot a new movie recently. I wonder if you can give me a chance to audition."

It turned out to be Brother Hu. Could it be that Liu Shishi had leaked the news.

Lin Xiao muttered inwardly, but still said: "Mr. Hu, I'm sorry, the role is already full, I can only work together again next time if I have a chance.

Although Lin Xiao admires and respects Brother Hu, it is obviously impossible for him to give him the green light. He is a die-hard fan of Tangren and it is impossible for him to jump to his own company.

With limited resources, Lin Xiao would naturally not put resources on him.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to bother you." Brother Hu sighed helplessly, obviously a little disappointed.

As soon as Brother Hu hung up the phone, dozens of celebrities called Lin Xiao one after another, all wanting to get an audition opportunity.

Unfortunately, there were not many roles left, and most of the actors were directly rejected by Lin Xiao.

One phone call after another made Lin Xiao even have the urge to turn off her phone.

"Honey, let me set your phone to silent so that no one can find you."

Upon seeing this, Liu Yifei rubbed Lin Xiao's head and said with a smile.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Xiao to actually set his cell phone to silent. The movie was in preparation, and it would be bad if he missed some important calls.

"I won't bother you about setting it to mute. If you really want me to be happy and relax, then help me mute it." Lin Xiao looked at Liu Yifei and said.

"Here?" Liu Yifei asked doubtfully.

She doesn't mind helping Lin Xiao. The key is that she is in the office. Isn't it a bit too bold and risky?

"Yeah." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Husband, can I help you when I get back?"

"not good."

Liu Yifei struggled symbolically, and finally knelt down half-pushed.


Needless to say, just through a glass door, you can even hear the footsteps outside. This feeling is really exciting.

Lin Xiao was sitting on the boss's chair as a boss when his cell phone rang again.

Giving Liu Yifei a look, Lin Xiao answered the phone.


"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiaolin?"

A woman's voice soon came from the receiver, and she sounded a little excited.

"Who are you?" Lin Xiao asked confused.

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Zong Fuli, the daughter of the chairman of Wahaha Group. I would like to invite you to be the product spokesperson of Wahaha Group. Are you willing?" the girl asked excitedly.

She had long thought that the group should have a new product spokesperson. As Lin Xiao became popular, she began to encourage her father to make Lin Xiao the new product spokesperson of the group.

Mr. Zong was not happy at first, but later he heard that during the filming of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Wang Lihong actually broke the appointment without even notifying him in advance. Mr. Zong immediately changed his mind and agreed to his daughter's request.

Precisely because she got her father's approval, she immediately called Lin Xiao for fear that her father would change his mind.

Wahaha, group spokesperson?

Lin Xiao is no stranger to Wahaha and knows that it is a very good company.

To be honest, although this company is very good and conscientious, Lin Xiao has no idea of ​​becoming the spokesperson of his group because he really doesn't lack the endorsement fee.

However, considering that Wang Lihong was the original spokesperson of Wahaha, he immediately agreed.

Lin Xiao is not a generous person. Wang Lihong broke the appointment. He had no choice before, but now that the opportunity is presented to him, he naturally

I don't mind making the other person sick.

"`"Okay, I agreed. " Lin Xiao said directly.

"Really?" Zong Fuli looked excited: "Don't you even ask about the endorsement fee?"

"It doesn't matter how much the endorsement fee is when you endorse a conscientious company." Lin Xiao said with a smile, singing a high-pitched tone.

Listening to Lin Xiao's words, Zong Fuli felt more and more wise that he changed his spokesperson.

Even Mr. Zong couldn't help but nod. This Lin Xiao really feels like a national entrepreneur. No wonder he dares to compete with Hollywood. He is really good.

The two hit it off immediately and soon signed an endorsement agreement. As for Wang Lihong, he also received a notice of termination.

"Sister Peng, what's wrong?"

Wang Lihong was practicing singing in the karaoke room. He saw his manager walking around and looking at him from time to time. He obviously had something to say, so he stopped and walked out of the karaoke room to ask.


"I, I..." The agent looked at Wang Lihong with hesitation on her face. She was wondering whether she should tell Wang Lihong the matter.

If you tell him, it will definitely have a big impact on his state of mind, but if you don't tell him, the consequences may be even worse when he finds out when he goes online.

After all, at this time, even if he was in a bad mood, at least he was watching.

"Sister Peng, what's wrong? If you have anything to say, just say it." Wang Lihong asked again.

The agent looked at Wang Lihong and finally made up his mind and said, "Lihong, Wahaha is going to terminate your contract."

"Sister Peng, stop joking." Wang Lihong said with a smile, not believing it at all.

"Really." the agent emphasized.

Seeing the serious expression on his agent's face, Wang Lihong realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly asked: "Why?"

"I, I only found out after asking around." The agent looked at Wang Lihong and hesitated to tell the reason.

After learning that it was Lin Xiao who had stolen his endorsement, Wang Lihong was so angry that his eyes widened with disbelief on his face, as if he was possessed.

After the "Richest Man in Xihong City" incident, seeing Lin Xiao becoming more and more popular, he finally adjusted his mentality and prepared to accept this fact.

However, he didn't expect that as soon as he adjusted his mentality, there would be such a delay.

He had just adjusted his mentality, but it collapsed in an instant.

It would be okay if he was robbed of his endorsement by someone else, but he really couldn't bear it if he was robbed of his endorsement by Lin Xiao.

If he had known what would happen now, he would never have terminated the contract with Lin Xiao rashly. Just because of that one thing, he lost too much.

If he had established a good relationship with Lin Xiao from the beginning, the benefits he would have gained now were beyond his imagination.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Li Hong, Li Hong, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

The agent looked at Wang Lihong's dull eyes and lost his soul, and quickly asked worriedly.

However, Wang Lihong seemed to have gone crazy and could not give any response to his agent at all. .

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