Goddess Helps Me Simulate Cultivation

Chapter 146: Dayan City, which began to expand rapidly

Next, Chen Qianxue did not continue to stay in Dayan City because when such an idea came up, she needed to act.

Escorted by a group of Wei Wei guards, Chen Qianxue returned to the Great Wei Imperial City.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Jiao also went with him.

hateful! "On a flying boat at an altitude of 10,000 meters, thinking of the experience of imitating immortality, Qin Jiu suddenly said with a bit of gritted teeth.

"This time, we must get rid of that guy, Prince Wei!

Chen Qianxue gave her a calm look: "If you say this sentence elsewhere, it is estimated that a group of people will take you to the Dawei Heavenly Prison in the next moment."

Her words seemed to remind Tai that she was actually speaking to Wei Miwei, who was secretly protecting them.

After Chen Qianxue said this, a group of big Wei Miwei was ready to move.

One by one they settled down.

at the same time…

They were each surprised.

With such rebellious words, Her Royal Highness actually allowed this girl Qin to speak up, and did not tell this girl to shut up, nor did she ask this girl to stop what does it mean?

Although they are just a group of secret guards hiding in the dark, it does not mean that they will not think too much.

Could it be that there is no harmony between the Princess Changning and the prince of the Great Wei Dynasty?

When did the relationship between the two parties become so rigid or even to this point?

Fortunately, they were just a group of secret guards, and the order given to them by His Majesty was to always obey Princess Changning's orders.

This means that they don't need to care about this kind of thing, they just need to complete the things that Princess Changning instructed them, that's enough.

The power disputes between the royal families are not something they can participate in.

There is no right to speak.

Why can the Qin girl intervene? They don't quite understand.

Maybe it's because of this girl Qin, a very special reason.

After all, if she was not special, why did Princess Changning travel thousands of miles to find her?

Qin Jiu didn't know that his words could make a group of Wei Weiwei's secret guards turn into brain monsters.

Chen Zhong was beaten to death, and after his words, he said in disbelief: "That's just right, let me see how many dogs that guy has. When I was at the wing, all of Chen Qianxue's mouth twitched. , She felt that Qin Jie's way of thinking about problems was a bit too simplistic.

However, for a while, she couldn't think of anything to refute.

Qin Jie's dialogue was simple, but it seemed to make some sense.

If you have absolute strength, you can pull out all the prince's wings!

In this situation…

Can the prince of the Great Wei Dynasty still see a threat to her?

Obviously not.

It's a pity that we don't have the strength to do what you said. "Chen Qianxue said: "There is a dignified prince of the Great Wei Dynasty, the eldest son of the emperor. Its own strength is not weak, and it must be stronger than us after living for so long. ’

"In addition to being the prince for so many years, sitting in that position for so long must have accumulated a lot of power. We can't see these powers on weekdays, and he won't take them out."

"But once we can see it, once we force him to use it and take it out, we are in danger."

Chen Qianxue paused and continued, "You know, what do I mean?"

Qin Jiu gave a "squish", but nodded without refuting.

She naturally knew that Chen Qianxue was talking about imitating immortality last time.

In the last simulation of immortal cultivation, the prince of the Great Wei Dynasty took out the information he had accumulated over the years one by one.

Then, not only did Qin Jiu get attacked on the way back to Fengcheng.

Moreover, the series of methods used by Chen Qianxue to die on the battlefield was surprising.

The hidden connections and background are even more unfathomable.

such an opponent.

After Ji saw that Qin Jiu didn't speak, Chen Qianxue continued: "So we can't act too recklessly this time, we must find his weak points, and through these weak points, we can break down his secret accumulation bit by bit. strength."

"Or find one of the opponent's most fatal weak points, and use this weak point to deal a fatal blow to him, so that he can no longer turn over in any way."

Qin Jiu touched his smooth chin: "So in the end, we still need to wait?

Chen Qianxue nodded and said, "I have to wait, but I don't want to wait stupidly."

Great Wei secret guards: "..."

Listening to Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiong discussing how to overthrow the prince of the Great Wei Dynasty.

These secret guards can't wait to puncture their eardrums now.

Two aunts.

Can this kind of thing really be said so openly?

If His Majesty knew this.

They couldn't understand why Her Royal Highness the Princess and Miss Qin could be so unscrupulous.

Among the immortals, the Great Wei Emperor Chen Fengyin saw for the first time what Qin Gu looked like with his own eyes. He sighed with emotion that Qin Jiu Bai Daya came to protect China to do a man's work, so he was named Wang Ji of Chen Qian.]

People made big hair, and when they saw the treasure in the object, they couldn't stop moving! In the next day’s class, when Wenda’s second interview [44 years old], in order to compensate Qin Ji for his contribution to the Wei Dynasty, Chen Fengyin specially gave Qin Ji an official position, and his grade was not low. 】

(Qin Jiao became the youngest third-rank officer of the Great Wei Dynasty.]

[Many courtiers are quite critical of this. 】

[But they were all suppressed by Chen Fengyin. 】

[At the age of 45, Chen Fengyin handed over the heavy responsibility of combating the remnants of the previous dynasty to Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao, which means that the crackdown on the remnants of the previous dynasty will be fully launched! 】

[At the age of 47, a large number of remnants of the previous dynasty were arrested and brought to justice. They want to use the contacts and strengths they have managed for many years to disrupt the situation of the Great Wei Dynasty and let them escape. 】

[However, they didn't know that Chen Qianxue and Qin Qiu had already guarded against all their conspiracy moves. 】

[Destroyed the various schemes of the remnants of the previous dynasty! 】


Great Wei Dynasty.

Palace interior.

Looking at Chen Qianxue's gift to Bai Ji, Chen Taige, the emperor of Wei, couldn't help but take a deep breath, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his tone contained anger: "Collaborate with the devil to prepare to slaughter Wei. The common people want to destroy the river embankment and cause huge floods, and unite with foreign barbarians to invade the border of Dawei...

"It's so hard to read!" He was annoyed: "If it wasn't for Changning and the others who had made preventive preparations and eliminated the conspiracy and tricks of these chaotic ministers and thieves in advance, the Great Wei Dynasty would have turned into a mess!

A group of rats in the gutter died, and they were dying and struggling to die, extremely stupid! "


"If I hadn't given birth to a good daughter with ability, and this good daughter had a special friend to assist her... I'm afraid it would be obvious when I abdicated.

In Chen Fengyin's mind, Chen Qianxue is already one of his best sons and daughters, and the others are not as good as Chen Qianxue's princes and princesses. What is the use of greeting each and every one of them every day?

Show their kind of filial piety?

That kind of filial piety can be eaten as food?

If it weren't for Changning's dream of predicting the future, then those princes and princesses? I am afraid that by now, they are still surrounded by a group of remnants of the previous dynasty, eyeing them!

The more I think about Chen Fengyin, the more angry!

Hate that iron is not steel!

He also knew that he was not qualified, so he reprimanded his sons and daughters in person.

There is no way who will let him, the emperor of the Great Wei Dynasty, be kept in the dark before this?


It's embarrassing!

Wild mountains.

Big City.

One, Lord Lord, those former court officials who wanted to collude with Du Jianzuo, as well as the demon cultivators they contacted, have been wiped out by us! However, their resistance was very fierce, and the one who did not report to Fu Shuangni was a big Wei secret guard, who was one of the secret guards Chen Qianxue left for Fu Shuangni.

At the beginning, when Chen Qianxue left Dayan City, he specially left behind a group of secret guards. There were five or six golden cores, and the rest were all in the foundation-building state.

If it were changed to other words, it would be reluctant to let the secret guards of the Great Wei Dynasty stay in Dayan City.


The strength of these secret guards has surpassed Dayan City itself!

Normal people would worry that they would be overshadowed by these secret guards.

But obviously.

Fu Shuangni, who owns a casual simulator, is not a normal person.

Or that she wasn't human at all.

Fu Shuangni is not afraid of being swayed.

She also doesn't mind being put on hold.

Because, what do you want to do in the Immortal Cultivation Simulator? What is the purpose? She was very clear in her heart.

It is nothing more than wanting to live longer, nothing more than wanting to activate more achievements.

Then, when the rewards are settled, you can get better rewards.


Why should she be worried about being overthrown? It doesn't matter if she is empty.

Fu Shuangni is not from this world.

She has countless recapitalizations.


It was the confidence that she was not worried. "At the same time..." The big Wei Miwei didn't finish his sentence, he continued to report to Fu Shuangnihui: "We have trained tens of thousands of people over the years, and these people have been placed in In every corner of the Great Wei Dynasty, and rooted in the bureaucratic grassroots of the Great Wei Dynasty."

"However, many people have already climbed to high positions. Among them, the person with the highest position has become the magistrate of a local county. Moreover, under our great arrangements, he will not be long before.

A huge credit will be made. "

"Through this credit, he can continue to rise steadily and have the opportunity to enter the state capital."

With the help of the secret guards of the Great Wei Dynasty, a group of people raped in the bureaucracy of the Great Wei Dynasty, and they were like a duck to water.

Before they had no background in the bureaucracy.

Now their backstage is Princess Changning of the Great Wei Dynasty, the most beloved daughter of the Great Wei Emperor.

And there is also the assistance of a group of big Wei Miwei.

Do you want credit and ways to get promoted?


In the past few years, Dayan City has easily emptied the grassroots bureaucratic system of many county towns, and big cities like Fengcheng and Jihaicheng, which are relatively close to Dayan City, have been brutally murdered by Dayan City!

Some of the traitors that Dayan City had planted in Jihai City had already become the son-in-law of the ruler of Jihai City.

With Dayan City as the center for thousands of miles, there is almost no trouble, and it can be hidden from Fu Shuangni.

In the workshop over the years, Fu Shuangni has also expanded Dayan City one after another, and each expansion is a huge expansion.

The Chengcheng Wall was basically built and then torn down. In the end, the city wall was simply not needed.


The scale of Dayan City is no less than that of Jihai City. The total population of Dayan City has already exceeded one million, and these populations are basically absorbing homeless refugees.

There are countless refugees in the entire Great Wei Dynasty!

These refugees absorbed by Dayan City are only a drop in the ocean, and the number of demons in Dayan City has reached an astonishing 90,000!

What is the concept of more than 90,000 monsters?

There are already too many monsters in Dayan City. If you throw a stone at random, the person hit by the stone may be a monster.

And the half-demon family has reached more than 30,000 people. The reason why there are so few half-demon clan is that not everyone likes to live with monsters.

Not every monster likes to live with human beings. After all, there are still a small number of weirdos.

But more than 30,000 half-demon clan...

Actually enough!

Some remote and small towns in the Great Wei Dynasty may only have a population of 20,000 or 30,000.

Now that the team has become so big, Fu Shuangni is definitely not as easy to manage as before. There are often some troubles in Dayan City. However, because she is very strict with the law, the chaos in Dayan City is different from that of other big cities in the Wei Dynasty. In comparison, it is less, and the society is stable.

Fu Shuangni in the city lord's mansion, after listening to the report of the big Wei Miwei, she nodded, and then asked, "How are the people who are placed in the Xiuxian sect?"


Fu Shuangni not only set out to make up the bureaucratic system, but also extended the devil's claws into the Xiuxian sect!

Because in the world of immortality, the sect of immortals is also a huge force,

If all the cultivators of the entire Great Wei Dynasty were united together.

The terrifying power it possesses is not inferior to that of the Great Wei Dynasty!

The secret guard replied: "We have more than 5,000 people in the Xiu Xian sect, but most of them are only disciples of the outer sect, and only a few two or three hundred people have become disciples of the inner sect." There are only a dozen or so. Personally, he became the true disciple of some elders in some cultivating sects. "

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