Goddess Helps Me Simulate Cultivation

Chapter 148: Prince of Wei: The advantage is in me!

Regardless of whether His Highness the Crown Prince colluded with the Demon Sect, or whether he was wronged or not, after this incident, many people will definitely feel a little grudge in their hearts.

Once a pot of dirty water is poured on a person, it is not a simple matter for the person who was splashed with the dirty water to wash the dirty water.

This is what people often say to spread rumors, and the one who refutes rumors needs to break their legs.

The Prince of Wei has been through an extremely torment during this period of time!

He kept coming and going with the ministers in order to maintain his former image.

I want the courtiers' impression of him not to change.

He was so busy that he was exhausted!

He gritted his teeth angrily!

"It must be her! It must be her!" Prince Wei, who has lived for so long, is rarely as angry as he is today: "It caused Gu to be suspected by the father and emperor for a long time, and it caused the ministers in the court to have a grudge against Gu Xin. , she must be unable to bear the shot!"

"Obviously she is a girl, but she wants to contaminate the position of the crown prince. She has no shame! I don't know my duty! I don't abide by women's virtue! I don't respect my elder brother! Despicable and shameless!"

His words seemed to be scolding Chen Qianxue, but in fact, if these words were put on his own.

It seems more appropriate than putting it on Chen Qianxue.

The one without any inconsistency.

"His Royal Highness." One of the prince's staff said condensedly: "Your Majesty attaches great importance to Princess Changning. Our impeachment will have no effect on her, and His Majesty does not believe in the content of the impeachment."

"And, her move is already a showdown with us. Even, she has declared war on you, His Royal Highness."

"If His Highness does not take action, the Minister of the Central Government may feel that..."

"Your Highness, you are afraid of Princess Changning."

"Don't dare to argue with Princess Changning."

Just listen.

The Prince of Wei looked gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "Gu naturally knows the pros and cons!"

[At the age of 60, the Prince of Great Wei, in the name of the righteousness of the royal family, asked Chen Fengyin to arrange a husband-in-law for Chen Qianxue. Chen Fengyin felt that it was indeed quite reasonable, although the marriage of the immortals was indeed a bit late. But Chen Qianxue, as the Princess of Wei, is the most important thing to get married as soon as possible. 】

[Faced with this trick that is so familiar that it can no longer be familiar, Chen Qianxue does not take this trick, she rejected the arrangement Chen Fengyin gave her. However, the crown prince colluded with a group of courtiers and once again put pressure on Chen Qianxue in the name of righteousness. 】

[Chen Qianxue has not had no connections in the court over the years. The two sides are fighting each other in the courtroom, and the ministers can't wait to stage a full-fledged martial arts in the courtroom. 】

[In the end, it was Chen Fengyin who spoke out to stop it, and the matter was put on hold for the time being. 】

[It was found that the father was too partial to Chen Qianxue, so that this plan could not work. Annoyed by the anger, the Prince of Great Wei suddenly wanted to meet Qin Jiong. The purpose is naturally to win over the people around Chen Qianxue, and use the people around Chen Qianxue to deal with Chen Qianxue. 】

【Qin Jiao agreed! 】

"His Royal Highness, she is my brother and sister, we were born and died together!"

Qin Jiao narrowed his beautiful eyes and said to himself, "You asked me to do this kind of thing?"

"How much do you despise my conduct?!"

The Prince of Wei frowned tightly, but he suddenly noticed some small movements in Qin Jie's hands.


A burst of contempt in my heart.

He said, "So?"

"I have to pay more!"

Qin Jun grinned, revealing a row of teeth, like the so-called sisterhood of life and death, in her eyes, it was nothing at all: "Your Highness is the current prince of the Great Wei Dynasty, and the heir of the Great Wei Dynasty. Unexpectedly, in the future position, His Royal Highness took it."

"With such a noble status, your Highness, who is under one person and over ten thousand people, are you using these conditions to test me?"


Changning made friends accidentally! She didn't expect that the people closest to her would have such a virtue, right?

However, this is also just right, I can use this guy in front of me to deal with Changning!

The Great Wei Crown Prince said with a smile, "The lonely day will order people to send ten storage bags into your mansion, and each storage bag is filled with a large number of spiritual stones, spiritual tools, medicinal herbs, and powers. Law……"

"As long as you are willing to do things for the loneliness and become an eye of the loneliness by Changning's side, not to mention this kind of material reward."

"When the time is right, Gu can even make you a king of different surnames!"

"In charge of a Great Wei fief!"


The Prince of Wei paused for a while, then continued: "Gu looking for you, just to have a layer of security and a hole card. It's best not to make Gu need to use you."

"That's none of my business." Qin Jiu raised his mouth: "As long as you find me, whether you need me or not, you have to pay me."


She turned away from here.

Prince Wei frowned, he waved his hand and ordered someone to remove the soundproof formation nearby, falling into thought.

At this time.

One of his staff said, "His Royal Highness, she promised too decisively, I don't know if there is any fraud."

Prince Wei eased his brows and said, "It's okay, there is time to observe her, she wouldn't think that she was secretly recruiting her alone, would she?"

"Let the people who are beside Changning pay attention to this Qin Ji."

"See if she's worth trusting."

"See if she can use it!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Prince of Wei: "If she is playing with the orphan, I will order someone to deal with her in secret. No one has ever dared to play with the orphan!"


The staff nodded.

[At the age of 61, Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiu met alone, Chen Qianxue asked Qin Jiu to pretend to betray her, and then took the opportunity to enter the camp of the Prince of Wei. Beside the Prince of Wei, gain his trust and bring information about the Prince of Wei's actions. 】

[Qin Jiu didn't have time to do this, and this matter was passed into the ears of the Prince of Great Wei. The Prince of Great Wei looked extremely gloomy, and he felt that his belongings were given away in vain! 】

[The woman Qin Jiu not only took his money, but also didn't help him, and wanted to secretly set him up! 】

[At the age of 62, Qin Jiong took the initiative to meet the prince, and the prince of Wei met her with murderous intentions, and was ready to get rid of this woman today. However, Qin Jiong took the initiative to reveal Chen Qianxue's plan to the Prince of Wei in every detail. 】

[Prince Wei is stunned. 】

[Qin Jiao admitted that he is a very trustworthy person, and he naturally wants to do things for others when he receives money. The killing intent of the Prince of Great Wei dissipated in his heart, and he felt quite ashamed. 】


"Is Gu too suspicious?" Looking at Qin Jiu's back, the Prince of Wei shook his head and said, "If Chang Ning told her such a poisonous scheme, if it is used well enough to make Gu fall into a passive state, she can continue. Become the biggest celebrity around Changning."

"However, she revealed such insidious and cunning schemes to Gu regardless of the risk. Before Gu, she thought she wanted to collect money and did nothing."

After listening, the staff hesitated and said, "Your Highness, be careful, it must be right."

"No one can be as trustworthy as Master Qin."

The staff continued: "Especially in the world of immortal cultivation."

"There are even fewer people who talk about credibility like this."

"His Royal Highness, Princess Changning is not easy, and you are right to be careful. Because of the game with Princess Changning, if you accidentally make a wrong move, you may be wrong."

The Prince of Great Wei nodded. He swept away a trace of guilt and smiled: "Although you have only been with you for less than forty years, the uniqueness of your opinion is unmatched by others."

The aide bowed his head and said humbly: "His Highness is too famous, how can the humble position be compared with the seniors?"

"Your Highness."

The staff suddenly said: "Princess Changning wants to take advantage of Lord Qin's deliberate betrayal of her, and let Lord Qin deliberately join your command. Can we take advantage of this, let Lord Qin execute Princess Changning's plan, and let Lord Qin join us openly and aboveboard?" "

"However, at that time, all the information that Master Qin passed on to Princess Changning from us will be released on purpose. In this way, the person who was tricked around will become Princess Changning!"

"She would never have imagined that her conspiracy and tricks would be used by you, Your Highness!"

"She couldn't have imagined that Master Qin was not a false betrayal."

"It's a real betrayal!"

Prince Wei's eyes lit up: "Okay! Just do as you said! As a princess, Changning will be a princess for a lifetime."

"Gu wants to let her know that no one can covet Gu's position!"

[At the age of 63, a big incident happened again in the palace. It is rumored that Qin Jiu and Chen Qianxue fell out due to interests. Qin Jiu really turned to His Royal Highness Prince, so Princess Changning did not eat or drink for several days, and did not go out to the palace to see guests. 】

[At the age of 65, Qin Jiao secretly passed the information, true or false, to Chen Qianxue. 】

[At the age of 66, Chen Qianxue carried out an operation according to the intelligence content, which was a great success and made the Prince of Wei disgrace. But the Prince of Wei was not angry. 】

[Because of this information, he deliberately asked Qin Jiu to hand it over to Chen Qianxue. 】

[He also deliberately compromised his own face. 】

[To confuse Chen Qianxue! 】

[At the age of 69, Chen Qianxue got another piece of information, which was still the real information released by the Prince of Wei on purpose. For this reason, the Prince of Wei was once again at a disadvantage in the open and secret battle with Chen Qianxue. 】

[Many ministers in the court, with different thoughts, turned to Chen Qianxue's camp. 】

[At the age of 73, Chen Qianxue got information again, but this time it was the Prince of Wei, who took advantage of the false information released by Qin Jiao, and everything was ready. He wanted to give Chen Qianxue a fatal blow! 】

[This blow, he has 100% confidence, so that Chen Qianxue can no longer covet the crown prince! 】

"Sir, if this plan can be a complete success, I will make you the first staff member of the Prince's Mansion! Hahaha!"

The Prince of Wei smiled and said, "No matter what, Changning, she would never have imagined that Qin Ji, whom she trusts very much, has already been put under my command!"

"She thought she could make a fool of herself, but in fact..."

"It's her who is being played around in circles!"

"Recently, a place in the Great Wei Dynasty was ravaged by natural disasters. I ordered someone to prepare a batch of relief materials. This was also according to what the husband said and told the father in advance."

"Gu Huan told my father that in order not to be coveted by the thieves for the relief supplies, the flying boat delivered this time is not in the name of delivering relief supplies."

"In the name of transporting commercial goods, they secretly transported these things to the disaster area."

"Father also thinks this is a good job."

Speaking of which.

The Prince of Wei paused for a moment, then continued: "However, what Gu told Changning through Qin Jiu about this matter is that Gu wants to send out a batch of valuable commercial goods, this batch of commercial goods If it is robbed, even the solitary person will be severely damaged."

"Changning, in order to deal with Gu, naturally couldn't let go of this good opportunity. In addition, Gu gave her two opportunities to deal with me, and she has achieved results."

"Changning, she will definitely take action, it's a pity..."

The Prince of Wei smiled and said, "She doesn't know that these so-called commercial goods that are enough to seriously hurt Gu Yuanqi are disaster relief materials! Some of them were taken out from the treasury by the royal father. At the same time, the people who escorted Feizhou also have fathers. King's people."

"My father takes disaster relief very seriously. I remember that once an uncle of the emperor neglected disaster relief and fished the common people. After being discovered by the father, he removed his royal status and was demoted to a commoner."

"It is conceivable that once Chang Ning takes action, how furious the father will be."

"She has already lost! In this chess game, I have the advantage!"

Hearing this, the staff also laughed: "As long as Princess Changning's people do something, our people will appear to prevent Princess Changning from escaping. This matter will also spread throughout the Great Wei Dynasty and into His Majesty's ears. It's a seamless web!"

"Your Highness is wise!"

The Prince of Wei laughed and scolded: "Isn't this a poisonous plan that you came up with, sir? I never thought that Mr. flattery also has a kung fu, hahaha!"

[At the age of 74, the strategy of the Prince of Wei seems to have played a key role. The flying boat carrying the supplies did encounter an interception attack by a group of people on the way! Immortal cultivators transporting disaster relief materials fight against Dao robbers! 】

[The person arranged by the Prince of Wei hidden in the dark place should wait and watch the changes first, and wait for the immortal cultivator who transports disaster relief materials to be killed and injured more than half of the time, and then he will stop the robber. 】

[However, the people arranged by the Prince of Wei were extremely stunned to discover that they recognized the people who robbed the Dao! The person who robbed the disaster relief materials was actually from the Prince's Mansion! 】

[The people from the Prince's Mansion who are going to close the net to catch fish are dumbfounded. 】

[The group of people who robbed the Dao were also stunned. 】

[The robbed is even more stunned. 】

[And when Chen Fengyin arranged for the cultivator to escort disaster relief supplies to see this situation, he seemed to be thinking of something unbelievable, and his back was chilled! 】

"Why do you want to rob the Dao?!" The Prince of Wei arranged for a group of people who were going to catch the turtle in the urn, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "Aren't you from the Prince's Mansion?!"

The group of people who robbed Dao stunned and said: "It's His Highness's staff, let us rob Dao... He said, this is the order of His Royal Highness!"

The immortal cultivator Chen Fengyin arranged to escort the supplies covered the wound on his body, and said angrily: "Prince Prince's mansion, cough... Want to steal the disaster relief materials?! The prince... how dare he do such a thing!?? I... I Report to Your Majesty!"


It's not that there aren't any smart people in the Prince's Mansion, and someone suddenly looked extremely ugly: "No, this person needs to use a communication talisman! Kill him! Don't let His Royal Highness get such a stigma!"




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