Goddess Helps Me Simulate Cultivation

Chapter 156: Settlement Rewards! Break through the realm of golden elixir!

[The simulated cultivator you invited chose "Chen Qianxue". In this simulated cultivator's life, he survived for 170 years, 1 month, and 9 Tai! Successfully activated the achievements of "Three Team Core", "Power and Opposition", "Assaulting the Elderly", and "Going to the Finals", and unlocked four additional rewards! You get the following rewards-]

Chen Qianxue's hasty death seems quite outrageous, but it seems normal to Bai Yi, because every time Chen Qianxue died in the simulator, the cause of death was very outrageous.

In other words, every tool person in the simulator will die like a plot kill every time.

Bai Yi would also feel indignant at first, feeling that the simulator is just embarrassing people.

Then, by now, he has accepted it calmly.

"The core of the trio, this achievement is very clear. Chen Qianxue, Qin Jiu, Fu Shuangni, this trio of tools, in this process of imitating immortal cultivation, Chen Qianxue really belongs to the three, and is the most core. that person."

Bai Yi touched his chin and muttered to himself, "Maybe it's because of her status in the Immortal Cultivation Simulator, the one with the highest status among the three tool people."

"So she can encounter all kinds of things, and at the same time she has a lot of resources and connections."

"In this way, the other two tool people have been revolving around her."

As for the second achievement, "power and power", this is also a good understanding.

Chen Qianxue, Qin Jiu and Fu Shuangni joined forces to force the Prince of Wei into a wave, and let the other party enter the Lengluan Palace directly, facing the wall for decades.

During these decades, Chen Qianxue has been winning over various forces and harvesting a large wave of grass.

Really do it under one person and above ten thousand people.

It is not an exaggeration to have power over the government and the opposition.

"Beating the Elderly", Chen Qianxue's achievement is exactly the same as the achievement that Fu Shuangni had activated before.

The unlucky Daoist Blood Lotus became the tool person for the two tool people to settle the rewards.

The tool people in the tool people belong to yes.

"Go to the finals..."

Bai Yi looked at the last reward, and almost read a poem, but fortunately, he immediately dismissed the dangerous idea and said, "This achievement seems to be easier to understand, she is the only one in the trio. to the end."

[Reward 1: Destroying the Prisoner's Spirit Finger (one of the most precious attack techniques in the library of the Great Wei Dynasty)]

[Reward 2: Be cautious (you will think twice before you do anything before you decide to go ahead)]

[Reward 3: Bloodline of the Great Wei Royal Family (From now on, you will have no problem doing a paternity test with the Great Wei Emperor)]

Three optional rewards appeared in front of Bai Yi.

I have to say that Chen Qianxue is in the simulator, as the princess of the Wei Dynasty.

The things she came into contact with were not on the same level as Qin Jiu and Fu Shuangni.

The Great Destroyer of Prisoners pointed out that Bai Yi had no impression of this exercise that rewards 1.

In the simulator, Chen Qianxue had never learned this technique.

Then why does this practice become a settlement reward?

Could it be simply because of Chen Qianxue's identity, so this practice method is equivalent to having something to do with her?

One of the best methods of attacking the Great Wei Dynasty is still very attractive to Bai Yi.

He felt that even if the cultivation base reached the realm of God Transformation, this cultivation method was worthy of a God Transformation powerhouse.

After all, the Great Wei Dynasty had a royal ancestor.

It is the powerful and powerful person in the realm of God Transformation.

The cautious heart of reward 2, Bai Yi felt that this thing was of no use to him, and he felt that this reward seemed to be a little pitted.

If he accepted this reward, he would become extremely cautious, even more cautious than Chen Qianxue.

Is this the equivalent of completely rewriting your character from the inside out?

In that case, is he still him?

This question flashed through Bai Yi's mind.

If you turn into a person you don't even know, then you're really cheating yourself.

Facing this kind of reward that made him hesitate, Bai Yi thought about it and ignored it.

As for reward 3, that's even more outrageous.

The former is to change your personality from the inside out, and the latter is to change your DNA from the inside out.

good guy!

One is more unreliable than the other.

Are there any other options? Isn't that there is only one reward that is worthy of him?

"Pick 1!"

A long and complicated practice method flooded into his memory.

Let Bai Yi learn "The Great Destruction of Prisoners" in an instant.


Integrate directly!

Straight to Mastery!

It was as if he had practiced this practice for hundreds of years.

Quite miraculous.


The hints of the four additional bonuses will follow within a very short time.

[Additional reward: all the spiritual power of the first layer of Jindan (a spiritual power that is so pure and indescribable at first glance)]

[Additional reward: Convincing power increase (the idea you put forward when you communicate with people whose strength is lower than yourself, others will have a high probability of being convinced in their hearts)]

[Additional reward: Daoist Blood Lotus Handwriting (Experience Handwriting of Daoist Blood Lotus from Qi Refining Realm to God Transformation Realm)]

[Additional reward: Dawei Royal Flying Boat (a flying boat with extremely luxurious specifications, it is difficult to destroy it with ordinary Jindan realm)]

Four additional rewards were presented in front of Bai Yi's eyes. It must be said that Chen Qianxue's settlement rewards looked a little different at first glance.

Among these four additional rewards, any one of them is singled out.

It's enough to make Bai Yi feel the emotion of surprise.

enough to see...

How rich is Chen Qianxue's settlement reward.

"All the spiritual power on the first floor of the golden core! But...I don't remember that she has broken through to the second golden core in the simulator? Why do you only get all the spiritual power on the first golden core?"

Bai Yi had a slightly surprised look on his face. He was not disappointed by this reward.

Just quite surprised.

"Could it be that as the tool person's cultivation level increases, it becomes more difficult to obtain all the spiritual power of her own realm?"

After thinking about it, Bai Yi could barely think of such an explanation.

Fortunately, he is not greedy.

All the spiritual power of the Jindan layer is enough for him now.

When the rewards are distributed!

in the house.

Shu Zhihua, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened a pair of beautiful eyes, and she sat up straight for the first time, looking in one direction with a thick unbelievable expression on her face.

Her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to penetrate several walls and locked onto Bai Yi's body.


When Bai Yi broke through to the tenth floor of the Foundation Establishment, due to the shelter of the hidden formation, Shuzhihua in his sleep did not feel any movement.

To be honest, the hidden formation was arranged by Shuzhihua with the help of Bai Yi, and she probably didn't expect it...

He helped Bai Yi arrange a formation, but he concealed it from himself.


this time.


Breaking through the golden core and breaking through the tenth floor of the foundation building are two completely different concepts!

The hidden formation that Shuzhihua had arranged for Bai Yi before could not hide the huge movement that occurred when he broke through the golden core. This movement naturally awakened Shuzhihua.

"This is... disciple's breath? He... he is breaking through the realm of Jindan?!!"

In the tone of Shuzhihua, there is a strong sense of wonder.


That's Jindan!

Although she has accepted the fact that her disciple is actually a genius at the level of evildoer, it seems normal for evildoers to build so many foundations at such a young age! But.

Such a young immortal cultivator has broken through to the golden core realm, and it is not a demon that can justify it!

"Could it be..."

Shu Zhihua was stunned: "My disciple, is that immortal really reincarnated?"

"I slept with a fairy?"


The strange thoughts that just popped up in her mind were immediately dismissed by Shu Zhihua, and her face was dignified in addition to shock.

She immediately went out, worrying in her mouth: "How can this disciple say that a breakthrough is a breakthrough? Doesn't he know that a breakthrough needs to be fully prepared? If there is such a small mistake in the breakthrough process, the consequences will be unimaginable. !"

As a person from the past, a cultivator of the sixth level of gold core, Shu Zhihua clearly understands the dangers.

Moreover, she has also seen many immortal cultivators, when breaking through the golden core...

Because of various accidents, the breakthrough failed.

Those who end up better will breed inner demons, fall into the devil's way, and become a big devil.

If the end is bad, you will be crazy all your life, and you can't even be the devil.

And the most tragic end is the direct fart!

There is no chance of surviving!

It is precisely because he has seen many such examples that Shuzhihua feels that Bai Yi is messing around!

"But he has already begun to break through the realm of the golden core. Now reminding him in the past will only disturb him, which is more likely to make his breakthrough fail. I can only protect the disciples and hope that he will break through smoothly."

Shu Zhihua, with a worried tone, just arrived at the place where Bai Yi was staying, and was about to protect the law for Bai Yi.


A dazzling mysterious light burst through the roof and went straight to the sky!

In the dark night, it is extremely conspicuous, as if a strange treasure was born!

The movement of writing and painting is a pause.

She raised her head and looked at the bright mysterious light, feeling the surging momentum coming towards her.

She froze.

Stayed for a few breaths!


"Breakthrough succeeded?!!"

She is stupid.

How long has it been since she found out that Bai Yi was about to break through to the Golden Core Realm? Does that add up to ten breaths?

Shuzhihua remembered when he broke through from the tenth floor of the foundation building to the first floor of the golden core.

It took more than three days and three nights to break through.

However, what about Bai Yi?


How many breaths?

"Shouldn't I still be sleeping?" Shu Zhihua felt that she might not be awake, and what happened in front of her really challenged her cognition, and also touched her blind spot of knowledge.

inside the house.

Bai Yi sensed the existence of Shuzhihua, he looked up at the empty roof, and felt that he was a little out of touch this time.

I am afraid that the entire Qinghe County has noticed the movement of breaking through to the golden core realm.

This kind of mysterious light, like the birth of a strange treasure, can be clearly seen by ordinary people.


In Yuanying County, which is relatively close to Qinghe County, if there are people with better eyesight, it is possible to see his breakthrough.

never mind.

If you are seen, you will be seen, it doesn't matter, anyway, there are already too many secrets in your body.

He didn't need to explain anything to anyone at all.

The question is talent!

Believe it or not.

same time.

The other three rewards have also been distributed, and the second additional reward does not have an obvious feature. After all, this kind of thing involving probability is very buggy.

Bai Yi guessed that this settlement reward was possible because Chen Qianxue was a person who was good at persuading others in the simulator.

Perhaps it is for this reason that there is such a special reward.

to be frank.

This thing is comparable to a nascent talent.

The "Blood Lotus Daoist's Manuscript" made Bai Yi feel a little useless. Of course, what I'm talking about here is for himself, and it's not of much use.

However, if this handwritten note is placed in the Immortal Cultivation World...


It's enough to set off a bloody storm, and I don't know how many people will die because of it.

It may even provoke the situation of several dynasties.

Because this manuscript is really special! It is as special as any secret treasure, and even in the eyes of some people, this thing is more precious than the secret treasure.

Especially in the eyes of the great powers of the Nascent Soul realm, this handwriting is enough to make those great powers of the Nascent Soul let go of the morality in their hearts and have a heart of snatch.

In contrast, the last extra bonus is the kind that is more moderate.

A luxurious royal flying boat appeared in one of Bai Yi's storage bags.

Fortunately, his storage bag has a large space, enough to accommodate this flying boat.


Such a large flying boat appeared in the house.

It is estimated that the entire house can be crushed.


It's just that huge.

It is not so much a "boat" as it is a "ship", a giant flying ship!

All rewards.

All received.

Looking at the big hole on the roof, Bai Yi couldn't help but mutter to himself: "It seems that the house needs to be repaired and strengthened again, otherwise, I won't be able to bear such a toss!"


He didn't ignore Shuzhihua who was stunned outside, got up and opened the door and walked outside.

Looking at the sluggish Shuzhihua, Bai Yi smiled: "Are you alright?"

Shu Zhihua shook her head stiffly, and she swallowed.

The eldest elder seemed to be sorting out some thoughts, and in turn asked: "Teacher, are you really not a reincarnation of an immortal, and you are re-cultivating in the human world?"

This is the second time she has asked this question.


at the same time.

Chen Qianxue, who was also in Qinghe County, when she returned to reality, felt an astonishing momentum and rose into the sky.

When she looked in the direction from which the momentum came, she could only see a dazzling profound light that was fleeting in the blink of an eye.


restore calm.

Chen Qianxue looked slightly surprised: "That direction, isn't that man, where he lives? And the mysterious light just now, if I guessed correctly, someone broke through the golden pill!"

Although Chen Qianxue is currently a foundation-building immortal cultivator, when she was in the immortal cultivating simulator...

She is a serious breakthrough to the realm of Jindan!

"is it him?"



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