Goddess’s Personal Doctor

Chapter 759: Terrible witchcraft

This scene made my scalp explode!

Living Human Gu——The moment this thought flashed through his mind, the burly boxer had begun to realize that something was wrong, and began to kick his legs hard, hoping to throw the child who bit his thigh out, but the child seemed to have a rabies vaccine Like a mad dog, he was biting his thighs, even though he was kicked and flew like a rag doll hanging on his legs, he didn't let go at all!

The powerful fist hit the doll's body, just like hitting a cotton ball. Although it seemed that the child's skin was flattened, there was no blood coming out at all. The sound makes me horrified!


The bullet with the muffler flew out and finally hit the doll, but what made me feel even more terrified was that the child who had been biting his fist and couldn't let go, raised his head and looked at me strangely at this time. , The dark pupils seem to be hollowed out!

The next moment, his petite body flew straight out, smashed against the wall, and after rolling in a circle, he got up staggeringly and walked towards me. On the other side, the boxer seemed to be exhausted at this time. Seemingly, he suddenly raised his head and collapsed with a bang!

I gritted my teeth and finally realized that this might be the living human Gu that Qi Landong's people have been refining!

Seeing the slender figure walking towards me staggeringly, I finally gritted my teeth and started the engine, then the accelerator kept banging, and suddenly the car sped out, knocking the slender figure into the air. , flew out like a cannonball and hit the wall over there. The thin figure was like cotton on the wall. After hitting the wall, it bounced more than a meter away, and then fell to the ground again!

I let out a sigh of relief, and when I was about to shift gears and back up, the slender figure lying on the ground moved abruptly, then crawled up again strangely, and raised his head at an unbelievable angle. The black hole, the dark pupil stared straight at me again————

It's the day!

I couldn't help laughing when I looked at the child, because there was a black hole between the child's eyebrows. It was obviously hit by the bullet just now, but the strange thing was that there was no blood coming out, as if it was a real doll. As if, I shifted gears and hurriedly retreated, then slammed the accelerator to the end again, and knocked the doll away again!

At this time, my phone finally rang. Qiao Donglin's voice seemed very disordered, saying that he had already evacuated by car, but the four hired fighters encountered the group of blue shirts, and now they are all lying down. Outside the back door of the clinic, when he left, those people were convulsing, and now they don't know whether they are dead or alive!

I just finished answering the phone when the doll on the ground got up again, but this time he just stared at me with his dark pupils, but instead of walking towards me, he staggered towards the door of the clinic I walked over, and then I saw him hug the thigh of the boxer who fell to the ground and started eating!

The terrifying scene, even I got goosebumps after watching it!

I aimed the muzzle at the gun and fired all the bullets in the magazine, but the doll didn't even shake its figure, just lowered its head and bit the thigh of the boxer, blood dripping out...

Qiao Donglin's car drove to the front door a few minutes later. When he saw the scene in front of him, he immediately covered his mouth and made a retching sound!

"Is this a **** human?" Qiao Donglin asked, looking at the doll who was biting his thigh.

I shook my head and said, "This is Gu!"

"Why is Gu so evil?" Qiao Donglin said with a horrified expression, "Isn't the kid in Thailand so scary?"

"Little ghosts are also gu, it's just spread to Nanyang and then there, and this kind of living person gu is a kind of witchcraft, some evil tributaries handed down by the ancient barbarians and the Miao family great wizards, this is mourning It is a kind of Gu technique for the best of the heavens, refining this kind of Gu is extremely depleting of Yin virtue, are those people in Qi Landong crazy?"

"Don't talk so much now, I feel a little scared. Those people from Qi Landong have escaped, what should we do?" Qiao Donglin asked with a frown.

I shook my head and stared at the living person Gu. There was absolutely no way to do it. It was my fault that I didn't even learn much about Gu when I followed my grandfather, let alone witchcraft. And every time I got a Gu, I myself would Having received the corresponding retribution, now facing a living Gu that I can't even refine myself, I can't help but feel a lot of entanglement!

"Will he die with fire?" Qiao Donglin asked.

I shook my head and said with a bit of dread: "Don't try to get close to that ghost, he seems to be staggering and moving slowly, but it is very likely that this is his disguise, or that he has not fully refined successfully, if not In the event of an accident, he is highly poisonous. If he is bitten, even if his fingernails scratch a bit of flesh, he will immediately be highly poisoned... Those people in Qi Landong seem to have been studying all these years. Poison!"

Thinking of this, I suddenly had a flash of light and said, "Go back first, I'll find someone!"

"Go back directly, leave him alone?" Qiao Donglin looked at the doll who was biting his thigh not far away and said with a look of surprise.

I nodded and said: "Since there is no way to take him, then avoid it from a distance, those people in Qi Landong must be sure to leave on their own, this living Gu should be able to identify the way, here What happened, the people of the Cui family will come to deal with it, and now I am shocked, and we must immediately find a way to restrain Qi Landong!"

"But aren't you helpless?" Qiao Donglin asked with a frown.

"I can't help it, but I suddenly remembered, isn't there someone in the He family still alive in our hands?" I grinned, "Cui Yingjie probably lied, these people from Qi Landong didn't look for He Yinfa. , now that He Yinfa has been recruited to help Nangong's laboratory in the laboratory to study Gu techniques, I have to contact Nangong and talk to He Yinfa..."

"That can only be the case..." Qiao Donglin frowned and said, "Qi Landong's people are alert to us, and it is estimated that they will speed up the rhythm of refining living human Gu. If the Cui family has any action, it is estimated that these days It will also be done in advance, you have to pay attention!"

I nodded and sighed: "Don't worry, I already have some countermeasures now!"

Qiao Donglin looked complicated, and he didn't sigh easily, then we drove the car and dispersed, feeling vaguely regretful about the three boxers who didn't know their lives and deaths, but this world of the weak is sometimes like this, life and death only in the line...

After two o'clock in the morning, I connected the phone from the laboratory, and when I was talking with He Yinfa until four in the morning, I suddenly felt that there was some scattered movement downstairs, it sounded very weak, but I Clearly, this is definitely an abnormal noise...

I immediately woke up Han Yun, who was still sleeping, turned on all the lights, and gave Han Yun a gun. I got up and picked up the poisonous needle bag and a long knife, and pushed open the door of the box. I walked out slowly, and when I reached the entrance of the stairs, my scalp exploded, and I just felt horrified!

At the bottom of the stairs, that spooky child was raising his face full of bullet marks, staring at me with his empty pupils, and a string of black saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth fell on the floor. A scorched black color suddenly appeared, showing that this living Gu was extremely poisonous from the inside out!

Han Yun was so frightened that she let out an exclamation!

I quickly covered her mouth and asked her to call Zhang Haojun immediately and ask him to take someone downstairs to meet you. Then I held the long knife tightly and watched nervously and vigilantly walking down the stairs step by step, staggering. The living Gu who slowly climbed up the stairs!

Under the incandescent light, the child's skin glowed a strange whiteness, but the pupils were pitch-black, and the row of teeth in the mouth looked even whiter, and the black poisonous saliva dripped little by little, as if from **** The evil ghost Shura that climbed out seemed to be extremely terrifying!

Finally, when the child was less than seven steps away from me, I waved the long knife in my hand and slashed out. The cold light flashed in the air and went straight to the other's head to cut it, but what made me horrified was that it kept looking shaking. The swaying child suddenly jumped high at this moment, and while avoiding the knife, he lunged towards me in a straight line, his teeth shone with snow-white light and grinned at me...

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