Godly Alchemist

Chapter 233: weirdo

Rennes and others stopped at the roof closest to the circular building. Everyone was lying on the roof, only a pair of eyes were observed to observe the building. At this time, they were closer to see the clearer. The building is white in color, polished and built with natural stone, but the roof is black, and the color is not too uniform, as if it was painted later. There is also a platform in front of the gate of the building, which is supported by eighteen columns. I don't know what it is used for. In the end, everyone's guess is to block the rain ... Now the door of this building is closed, I don't know Is it the cause of the night? At this time, the ash rain in the sky has not stopped, and it is still falling down.

"It seems that there is only one entrance to the gate, and there are no windows on the house. We can only enter through the gate. I will go ahead and see. You are here to help me observe the situation around the point." Ren said to everyone, The best thing to reach out to yourself is yourself, and it's your own task to take the lead.

"Wait a minute, if this is really the base of the corpse eater, you are not directly surrounded by entering the gate. Let's look around the house first to see if there are any other ways to enter. Such a large building should be more than this. One door is right, "Jon said.

Rennes also thought that Jon's solution was feasible, so he prepared to investigate the back of the past building. As soon as he was about to go down, McLay was pulled by him. McLai pointed at the deeper direction of the town with his hand. When Ren looked in the direction of his fingers, he lay down again, and was afraid for a while.

Renen saw that a huge figure was walking in the distance. With Renn's eyesight, he could see that this was the giant killer. At this moment, he was pulling a chain, and the chain was bound to kill. After the corpse eater of Max, at this time, the corpse eater did not know whether it was dead or alive. He was dragged forward by the giant man, and a line of blood appeared on his body when he dragged on the ground, but this The trail of dragging disappeared quickly.

"This is the killer. There is a killing field around his body. When he passes me, I feel like I'm suffocating. I feel that as long as he stays with me long enough, I will die in this domain. It ’s down. ”Ban Rick said, the one who knows the killers best is him. He has been here for the longest time, and he has the most chances of seeing the killers, because of his high concentration and the discovery of the killers. After swift avoidance, he survived to the present.

"Is he a soul entity?" Ban Rick suddenly thought of the problem and turned to whisper to Ren.

"Now I can't see it, and I have felt his killing intentions so far. I am the first time to meet such a strong killing intention, whether he is a soul entity or not, I have no confidence to deal with him, I have a feeling that if my soul leaves my body, he will be torn up by him. "Ren watched the killer who was approaching with vigilance. He knew from the breath that the killer was very strong. No less inferior to his own master Ares. Although Ares did not show his coercion in front of Rennes, it also showed that this murderous man was powerful.

Everyone was staring nervously at this approaching murderer. No one had doubts about his strength. At this time, the surroundings were very quiet. Everyone tried to weaken their breathing and gradually heard their heartbeat. Already.

The murderer slowly approached here. He did not find Ren and others, and went directly to the front of the dome. He stretched out his hands and constantly bombarded the door in front of him. This door seemed to be protected by the magic enchantment. Every time a murderer bombards the door, the building's door, including the entire dome and the roof, will appear a yellow mask, and then it will disappear when the light flashes, but the door is intact. The murderous bombardment continued, and the yellow mask did not rupture after flickering.

This murderous man is not the first time he came here to smash the door, it can not be opened every time, this time is the same, he smashed for a while and went to the far side of the town.

Now that Rennes motioned to everyone, he slipped quietly, and quietly touched the dome. Nicole almost called out, and she wanted to stop Rennes, but she was afraid to alarm the murderer, and she could only watch Rennes touch the building.

Rennes knows that this is a good opportunity. Because the homicide smashed the door just now, there is a corpse eater in this building, and it must not dare to come out at this time. En and others help themselves to monitor, this is a good opportunity to look around the dome.

Rennes made a circle around the building. Indeed, as before, the entire building had only one gate and no windows, which made Rennes very disappointed. But soon a detail caught Rennes 'attention. In the shadow of the back of the building, there are some shallow pits above two meters. If it weren't for Rennes' eyes, it would be impossible to see them. These small pits have been leading to the top of the building. Can it be said that this is the passage for the ghouls to repair the roof and climb to the roof through here? Rennes was guessing, but it wasn't. If it was really impossible to repair such a shallow pothole on the roof, it must have been a better climbing ladder or a ladder directly installed on the exterior wall of the building.

Unable to think of any results, and now there is no other way to enter the building, Rennes decided to try it and see what was there after climbing to the roof. Rennes climbed carefully along the pits left on the wall. In fact, Rennes could easily climb to the roof without these pits, but he could climb up to the cliff, but that would happen to some extent. Some sounds are more convenient since there is ready-made assistance here.

Rennes soon arrived on the round roof. As soon as he reached the roof, he saw a dark door. It was a square door that could only be passed by one person. There was a circle above the door. Shaped pull ring, through which the small door can be opened. Rain pulled the door slightly, and saw two eyes staring at him in the darkness. These eyes were neither killing nor frightening, only doubt. Ren is also the owner who looked at these eyes in confusion. This is a young man with shorts in the lower body, no clothes on the upper body, and bare feet. The young man has fair skin and a glimmer of private skin on his skin. Lazy color.

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