Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 102 Attachment

Shen Lang smiled cheekily: "Okay, I'm still happy!"

Okay, relax your body, I'll give you a massage. "

After finishing speaking, Shen Lang put his hands on Su Ruoxue's fragrant shoulders.

The intimacy made Su Ruoxue's pretty face flush, and she didn't feel too conflicted in her heart.

For some reason, Su Ruoxue no longer hates Shen Lang. It may be due to the experience during this period of time that Su Ruoxue's impression of him has also changed greatly, and she even has a vague sense of attachment that is hard to explain.

She felt that as long as this man was by her side, she would feel at ease.

Soon, she felt a special force coming from Shen Lang's hands, pouring into her body along the acupuncture points on the back, flowing through all the limbs, giving Su Ruoxue an indescribable sense of comfort.

Su Ruoxue was a little surprised, Shen Lang's massage was too effective.

"How do you feel? Are you comfortable?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face flushed slightly, and she nodded honestly: "Yes."

Shen Lang smiled without saying a word, and continued to massage Su Ruoxue. There was a pleasant fragrance coming from the woman, and Shen Lang's eyes fell on Su Ruoxue's pink neck like a white swan.

Shen Lang couldn't help thinking of the charming scene last night, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of evil fire. Although he was very restrained, he was still a man of blood and vigor. After suppressing it for so long, it was inevitable that he felt a little itchy.

Moreover, the laziness and enjoyment of the woman in front of him really gave people a fatal allure.

Su Ruoxue didn't notice Shen Lang's scorching gaze, but felt that under the man's massage, the fatigue accumulated throughout the day was swept away, whether it was physically or mentally.

This feeling was extremely wonderful, her body involuntarily relaxed, and even felt slightly soft.

Shen Lang's fingertips were very warm, and under the massage of his fingertips, a very comfortable feeling enveloped her perfectly.

"Ah~~~" Su Ruoxue let out a long breath, and her body completely relaxed. The tense heart also slowly sank.

The weight of her eyelids became heavier, and Su Ruoxue fell asleep in a daze.

The woman is wearing a dress, with a proud figure of undulating mountains, highlighting her charm under the dress.

Looking at Su Ruoxue's innocent sleeping face, which was indescribably lazy and pretty, Shen Lang smiled, and couldn't help but kiss that white and rosy cheek.


Suddenly there was a piercing scream from the upstairs bathroom.

As soon as Shen Lang's face changed, he bounced off the sofa in an instant, and rushed upstairs like a shadow, rushing into the bathroom like lightning.

"There... there are strange things in it!"

Liu Xiaoxiao panicked and pointed to the bathroom, her voice was trembling, her pretty face was pale, and her delicate body was a little weak from fright.

Shen Lang shrank his eyes, walked into the bathroom, his eyes flicked for a moment, and found a fiery red thing under the bathtub, which was still beating.

"This is..." Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Damn it, it really didn't take much effort, such a rare thing in the world can be met in a big city.

I saw a fiery red toad under the gorgeous large bathtub, and its back was covered with strange golden patterns. Shen Lang had seen this thing in the old man's book.

The fire toad, born in a damp and cold place, eats carrion for a living, and has a strong vitality. It is extremely difficult to find traces of such things in time.

Although it looks a bit scary, the fire toad is actually not poisonous, but the blood of the fire toad contains fire poison.

Once it is accidentally contaminated with the blood of the fire toad, the skin will burn like a fire, and the skin will fester all over the body; if the fire poison enters the body, the blood vessels will burst and die.

But this kind of fire poison is exactly what many high-level martial artists pursue all their lives. As long as there is a cold medicine to induce it, fire poison can be refined.

But for Shen Lang, his nature is fire, and fire poison will not erode his body, but can help him suppress his restless true energy.

"Haha, Xiaoxiao, you've done a great job!" Shen Lang couldn't help laughing, and turned to look at the panicked Liu Xiaoxiao behind him.

Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao trembling, Shen Lang's eyes became a little straight. Of course it's not because of anything else, but because Liu Xiaoxiao is completely naked!

Except for the aquamarine pendant on her neck, Liu Xiaoxiao's fair and delicate skin can be seen all over her body, with soap bubbles on it, and her black hair is casually scattered on her shoulders, which further accentuates her fair skin.

Delicate and elegant face, straight Qiong nose, cute kitten-like expression when frightened... After a closer look, I have to say that Liu Xiaoxiao is indeed a top-notch beauty, and Shen Lang was a little stunned.

Liu Xiaoxiao was in shock just now, and really didn't think that much at the time.

Seeing that Shen Lang was casting a slightly aggressive gaze at her, Liu Xiaoxiao's delicate body trembled, and then she realized that she was not wearing any clothes, and her eyes immediately went dark.

God, I, Liu Xiaoxiao, did such a stupid thing? This girl's body has never been seen by a man before, it's over, this girl's chastity has fallen to the ground!

This mental blow was so severe that Liu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, her small mouth grew big, her mind went blank, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Shen Lang couldn't help swallowing his saliva, he thought it was bad to peek at girls, but the beautiful scene in front of him really made him unable to move his eyes away.

Liu Xiaoxiao fell into a sluggish state, and after admiring it for a while, Shen Lang reluctantly withdrew his gaze, smiled at Liu Xiaoxiao and said, "Then what... Xiaoxiao, why don't you go out of the bathroom first?"


After all, Liu Xiaoxiao let out a scream, the penetrating power of this voice could instantly kill a soprano player, like an explosion.

Shen Lang was taken aback.

This time also woke up Su Ruoxue who was dozing off on the sofa downstairs, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiaoxiao!"

Su Ruoxue thought that there was an accident, so she rushed upstairs and found Liu Xiaoxiao standing naked in front of Shen Lang, almost thinking that there was something wrong with her eyes.

Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly hid behind Su Ruoxue as if she saw a life-saving straw.

"Shen Lang, you... you rascal, if you dare to look at me again... this girl will dig out your eyeballs!" Liu Xiaoxiao said in panic.

Damn, this is too cruel. Shen Lang felt very innocent, seeing that Su Ruoxue looked at him wrongly, he hurriedly explained: "Little Xueer, don't get me wrong, I'm not..."

Su Ruoxue's aura suddenly changed, and she shouted coquettishly, "Shen Lang, you...do you dare to peek at Xiaoxiao taking a bath?"


Shen Lang nearly spit out a mouthful of old blood, and quickly explained: "It was Xiaoxiao who screamed in the bathroom, and I came to the bathroom to see what's going on, not to peek!"

Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face had turned into burning clouds, and she desperately shouted: "Shen Lang, you beast, you pervert, big pervert!"

"Who is perverted? Wasn't that careless?" Shen Lang yelled.

"You are! There has never been anyone... How much do you want to take advantage of me! You... woo~~~" As she spoke, Liu Xiaoxiao burst into tears.

Shen Lang was speechless, and always felt that jumping into the Yellow River would not wash him off.

He glanced into the bathroom, and found that the fire toad was jumping in the direction of the sewer. Shen Lang was anxious, and said casually: "We'll talk about it later, you go out first, there is a snake in the bathroom! You are not afraid of being caught by the snake!" Snake bites, then I have no problem staying here."

snake! There are snakes in the bathroom!

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were so frightened that they almost jumped up.

Like most women, they are most afraid of snakes. Seeing Shen Lang's serious face, as if he wasn't lying anymore, the two beauties quickly ran out of the bathroom. (to be continued)

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