Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 118 No one dares to provoke

"Gun God! Gun God please answer?"

A man in a suit held a communicator in his hand and asked anxiously in a certain BMW car heading towards the villas in Yuhe Villa.

The hunting blade in the back seat looked gloomy, and snorted: "No need to ask, since there is no response, the gun god is probably dead."

"This..." The man in the suit looked terrified.

Gunslinger should have just started, why did he hang up? It's too fast to die!

"I still underestimated this young boy, it seems that the assassination should be carried out with caution." Lie Ren narrowed his eyes, and told the driver: "Notify, let the snipers outside the villa group evacuate quickly. "


"Are you okay?" Shen Lang helped up Su Ruoxue who was still in shock.

"No...it's okay." Su Ruoxue said with a pale face, and then asked in a panic, "Shen Lang, are you injured anywhere?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "You two, stay closer to me, don't move around, that sniper just now has good skills."

Of course, the technique Shen Lang was talking about was not gun skills, but concealment skills. In this alone, the sniper was several times stronger than the poisonous scorpion, and his assassination skills were very shrewd.

"What time is it, you still have time to praise that murderer." Su Ruoxue really couldn't understand Shen Lang's way of thinking, and asked hastily, "Where is that killer?"

"It was solved by me." Shen Lang said indifferently.

Su Ruoxue's heart shuddered, and she didn't ask any further questions. I really didn't expect that the Luo family would go to such a point, planting a bomb in their own home? Things that seem to be in the Arabian Nights really happened.

It was Shen Lang who saved her life again, Su Ruoxue looked solemn, quickly took out her mobile phone, and directly dialed the number of Yang Hu, Director of Huahai City Public Security Bureau.

Liu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, and finally felt the importance of the matter deeply, and also called her parents.

Liu Jianguo was shocked when he learned that his daughter was almost killed by the bombing, and was about to send bodyguards over immediately. Liu Xiaoxiao said that he was rushing back and told his father not to worry.

Su Ruoxue briefly explained the incident to Yang Hu on the phone. Yang Hu was also taken aback. He almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears. Someone dared to assassinate the instructor?

It's a pity that he has something to go out for the past two days, so he can't make it back to Huahai City, and he can't show up in person.

Shen Lang didn't want to make a big fuss at first, but looking at the situation, he didn't want to make a big fuss.

After taking Su Ruoxue's cell phone, Shen Lang silently walked aside and shouted, "I'm Shen Lang."

"Instructor, you..."

Before Yang Hu could finish his sentence, Shen Lang coughed a few times.

Yang Hu understood immediately, and the voice came from the phone again: "Mr. Shen...Mr. Shen Lang, why didn't you notify me when such a big thing happened?"

Shen Lang frowned and said: "I thought it was a personal grievance with the Luo family, but I didn't expect it to rise to this level. Things are a bit difficult to handle, maybe I need to trouble you..."

Shen Lang told Yang Hu how he got into trouble with the Luo family and a series of things.

Luo Tianyao was abolished by Shen Lang, and Yang Hu felt very happy in his heart.

But what is worrying is that it is not a good thing for Shen Lang to mess with the Luo family.

Yang Hu's position is high and powerful, so he can see more clearly. The Luo family has a very deep relationship with the military, and has a deep past with underground forces like Fengyuntang. This Luo family is really too large.

Yang Hu has been gradually finding some evidence of the Luo family's smuggling business over the years, trying to overthrow the illegal industry that suppressed the Luo family, but encountered huge resistance.

The main reason is that the background of the Luo family is so tough that it angers the Luo family, and his status as the director of the Public Security Bureau will come to an end.

But no matter what, as long as he is still the director of the Public Security Bureau, Yang Hu will definitely help the instructor, even if the black hat is gone.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, I will let the police fully cooperate with you!" Yang Hu said solemnly.

Shen Lang sighed: "Okay, don't make what I said so useless. I mean, I want your police to protect Su Ruoxue well. As for the Luo family, I will find a way to solve it myself."

"Instructor, is it possible that you want to deal with the Luo family alone? This is too dangerous! The Luo family is the benefactor of Fengyun Hall, no one dares to mess with it!" Yang Hu was anxious for a while, and the word instructor slipped his mouth again.

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "What do you mean no one dares to mess with you? I dare to mess with you!"

Yang Hu trembled all over, he didn't know Shen Lang's temper. Although this instructor looks frivolous, no one can compare the blood in his bones, and no one can influence his thoughts on the decision.

"Okay, the police will fully cooperate with you! But it will take a few days before I can rush back to Huahai City. I will let Captain Bai go to help you first. I have notified Captain Bai to rush over just now. Don't worry, instructor, Bai Qingyu and her You can still trust it." Yang Hu said.

"Bai Qingyu?" Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, and simply responded: "Yes."

Although Bai Qingyu feels a bit big-chested and brainless, but this woman is kind and upright, innocent and cute, and Shen Lang still has a good impression of her.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang scanned his surroundings vigilantly, and walked towards Su Ruoxue.

"What did Director Yang say?" Su Ruoxue asked worriedly.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Don't worry about this. Don't worry, with me here, you will be fine."

"I'm not worried about this!" Su Ruoxue shook her head, frowned and said, "I'm worried about how to solve this matter?"

"Give me two days, at most two days!" Shen Lang said solemnly.

Two more days... Seeing the serious expression on the man's face, Su Ruoxue was speechless. She didn't want to cause Shen Lang so much trouble, but the matter had reached this point and there was no other way out.

Liu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and hurriedly said to Su Ruoxue and Shen Lang: "You two, stay at my house for the next few days. It's safe there."

Liu Xiaoxiao's mother Zheng Jie is the eldest daughter of the Zheng family, one of the four major families in Huahai City. She has a rich background and the security measures at the Zheng family manor are very tight.

"I..." Su Ruoxue really didn't want to involve Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Give me what's mine, go to my house quickly! My dad is the district committee secretary, and my grandma is the head of the Zheng family. They don't dare to send people to break into our Zheng family openly." Liu Xiaoxiao said quickly.

"That's it." Shen Lang nodded, Su Ruoxue really had to stay in a safer place.

In any case, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible! Shen Lang felt a little anxious. (To be continued)

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