Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 124 Exempt

Bai Qingyu's heart skipped a beat, but she was worried that Shen Lang would do something violent, and immediately grabbed him: "Don't be impulsive!"

"Boy, do you still dare to call me? Believe it or not, I can kill you in minutes?" Zhou Bin sneered.

"I do not believe!"

A man in a suit and leather shoes yelled violently at the entrance of the restaurant, with a stern expression on his face. This man could not be Li Fei. Behind him were two tall bodyguards.

When Li Fei learned that Shen Lang was coming to his place for dinner, he rushed over in a hurry. He didn't expect this to happen.

"Mr. Shen Lang, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Li Fei strode forward, lowered his head and bowed to Shen Lang.

Bai Qingyu frowned, so the so-called "Boss Li" is Li Fei? Zhou Bin and Li Fei are acquaintances, it is estimated that Zhou Bin also has some problems this week. But speaking of it, it was a bit weird that Li Fei was so submissive to Shen Lang. "

Shen Lang frowned: "It's not too late, something happened in your place, you should solve it."

"I'm sorry Mr. Shen Lang, I didn't take care of my own people!" Li Fei bowed and said.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Bin was shocked and speechless.

How could a person of Li Fei's status be so submissive to a kid? Zhou Bin couldn't believe it, what kind of character is this kid really?

The waiter at the side gasped, his scalp was numb with fright, he never thought that Shen Lang really knew Li Fei, this would be a catastrophe.

"Brother Fei, I..." The waiter was trembling and didn't say a word.

"Take this man out and teach him a lesson." Li Fei ordered unceremoniously to the two bodyguards behind him.

"Yes, Phineas!"

Two bodyguards strode forward, gagged the waiter familiarly, and pulled him down.

The waiter was crying and howling, and he could already guess his fate.

Li Fei took a deep breath and said to Shen Lang: "Mr. Shen, this time it was my mistake, please don't take it to heart."

Shen Lang nodded lightly, and said: "Then what, I don't have to pay for this meal, right?"

"Of course, let alone a meal, all your consumption here will be free." Li Fei said with a smile.

Turning his gaze to Bai Qingyu, Li Fei said respectfully: "Captain Bai, I really didn't expect you to be Shen Lang's girlfriend, hello, hello."

In Li Fei's heart, he really admired Shen Lang more and more. Even the captain of the criminal police can date a girl like this, which indirectly shows that Shen Lang's ability is astonishing.

Bai Qingyu was speechless, pinched Shen Lang's shoulder, and whispered in his ear: "Why did you mix and match with Li Fei?"

"I have nothing to do with him, I just let him do things for me temporarily." Shen Lang said in a low voice.

"This..." Bai Qingyu couldn't figure out what was going on in Shen Lang's mind.

Zhou Bin coughed: "Ahem...Mr. Li, long time no see."

Before Li Fei paid attention to him, Zhou Bin felt that he was underestimated, and felt a little unhappy.

"Is this person your friend?" Shen Lang mockingly pointed at Zhou Bin at the side.

Zhou Bin and Li Fei squeezed out a smile. He didn't believe that, with his status as the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, would Li Fei not give him some face?

"No, I don't know him." Li Fei coughed and said.

"You..." Zhou Bin was dumbfounded.

In Li Fei's eyes, although Zhou Bin's abilities are great, they are still far behind Shen Lang. He would not be so stupid as to make Shen Lang unhappy because of Zhou Bin.

Zhou Bin had obviously annoyed Shen Lang just now, if he didn't follow Shen Lang at this time, he would probably be upset. Li Fei is such a smart person, of course he knows this.

"Since he doesn't know you, it's really sick for this guy to call you his friend." Shen Lang pointed at Zhou Bin and said with a smile.

Zhou Bin's face was livid with anger, and he roared, "How dare you call me sick?"

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and said: "Is it not because of illness? It seems that you said you know the owner of this store? He doesn't seem to know you."

Zhou Bin turned his eyes to Li Fei, his face was a little ugly: "Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

"This kind of unreasonable guy should be thrown out! Li Fei, do you think what I said is right?" Shen Lang asked Li Fei with a smile.

Li Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and could only agree: "Mr. Shen Lang is right, he should be thrown out."

"I, fuck, Li Fei, you... how many times have I helped you before? Why don't you give me any face?" Zhou Bin pointed at Li Fei, his face turning blue and turning pale.

Li Fei was sweating on his forehead, and Zhou Bin was the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to mess with someone like Zhou Bin.

But Shen Lang spoke, he didn't dare to disobey, Li Fei put on an indifferent expression and said to Zhou Bin: "Mister, I don't know you, please respect yourself."

"You..." Zhou Bin's lungs were about to explode. What's going on? Why did Li Fei choke himself for a kid?

"What are you, since you have nothing to do, why don't you hurry up!" Shen Lang said lazily.

Zhou Bin jumped into a rage, and roared: "You bastard, you have to wait for me, and I won't let you sit in prison, my surname is not Zhou!"

Bai Qingyu shouted coquettishly, "Zhou Bin, how dare you?"

Zhou Bin roared with a ferocious expression: "Think I dare not? Bai Qingyu, don't think that Yang Hu can stand on my head and shit on me if he faces you. I don't care what the identity of the little boy next to you is. My territory, dare to be arrogant in front of me, I will abolish him!"

Just kidding, as the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Zhou Bin has never been angered like this.

Bai Qingyu was furious, and she finally saw Zhou Bin's insane face clearly.

The corner of Shen Lang's mouth twitched, he stared at Zhou Bin with a cold look, and said with a half-smile: "Are you going to abolish me?"

"No matter how arrogant you are, I will not only destroy you, but also kill you!" Zhou Bin's face was full of madness.


Shen Lang smiled coldly, picked up the Lafite bottle on the table, stepped forward, and threw it at Zhou Bin's forehead without any explanation.


There was a crisp sound of the wine bottle breaking, before Zhou Bin could react, he was hit on the forehead by the red wine bottle in Shen Lang's hand.


Zhou Bin was dizzy and uttered a deep wailing, his eyes went dark, his body fell down, he was unconscious, and his forehead was still bleeding.

"You..." Bai Qingyu was taken aback.

Shen Lang didn't even say hello, just beat Zhou Bin to the ground, which is too violent.

Li Fei's scalp was numb, and Shen Lang was so courageous that he even dared to hit the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.

What a bold man. (to be continued)

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