Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 138 Are you talking about him?

"Oops, the cloud piercing palm just now made the true energy in the body start to become disordered again." Shen Lang's heart sank suddenly.

You can't procrastinate, you must make a quick decision before your own strength is still alive!

Seeing that Shen Lang vomited blood, Lie Ren and Aaron were overjoyed, thinking that Shen Lang had been injured internally by their palm attack just now.

This kid is nothing special.

Aaron sneered and said: "This kid has been seriously injured, it's just at the end of his strength, let's go!"

Lie Ren sneered, and rushed towards Shen Lang first, and swept towards Shen Lang's head fiercely with a whip leg.

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, and grabbed the right leg of the hunting blade like lightning.

Lie Ren was shocked, feeling as if his right leg was being clamped by iron tongs, and he could never get it back. I wondered in my heart, didn't Shen Lang vomit blood and get injured? How can he still catch Tan's leg that he hit with all his strength?

Pulling and pinching, Shen Lang directly crushed the Lie Ren's leg bone into pieces!

There was a crisp "click", and the intense pain distorted Lie Ren's face.

"Hmph!" With a flick of Shen Lang's hand, the hunting blade was thrown flying, and hit the wall heavily, making a heavy muffled sound.

"It's really useless!" Aaron let out a haze full of face, and stared at Shen Lang with red eyes. He used his right palm to force his true energy, as if he wanted to prepare for the strongest blow.

Shen Lang's eyes were like torches, his right hand was secretly clenched into a fist, and the veins on his right arm were bulging! A trace of black air rose up.

"Die to me!" Aaron let out a violent roar, and suddenly slapped Shen Lang, hitting Shen Lang's heart.

Shen Lang turned a blind eye, seeing that this palm was about to slap Shen Lang's chest, Aaron used his internal energy to increase the output, showing a ferocious expression that vowed to slap Shen Lang to death.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Lang raised his head slightly, and punched without any fanfare.

"Hmph!" Aaron's mouth was full of disdain, and he thought Shen Lang had punched him indiscriminately out of desperation.

For Wuxiu, the palm technique is the most respected, followed by the fingering technique, and the boxing technique is the least popular.

The martial artist uses internal force, spewing out the internal force from the palm, the internal force is vast and majestic, while the boxing only carries the internal force, which is as fast as thunder, just like the difference between the sea and lightning.

Although thunder and lightning are fierce, they are far less vast than the sea.

Generally, only low-level martial arts can use boxing, and high-level martial arts look down on guys who use boxing.

It's a pity, but Aaron didn't know that there was a kind of boxing called Qishangquan which was different.

Seeing Shen Lang's punch, Aaron wanted to block Shen Lang's attack with his right palm. In his opinion, things like boxing are relatively low-end after all, and it is expected that Shen Lang's move will not cause any harm.

The next moment, all palms intersect.


The sound of bones breaking followed, and Aaron's face twisted instantly.

Aaron thought that his palm could defend against Shen Lang's attack, but he didn't expect it to be so ridiculous! Shen Lang broke his right arm with a punch, and the bones were broken into several pieces. The whole arm was scattered by Shen Lang's punch, and the blood surged wildly.

Before Shen Lang's punch stopped, he hit Aaron's face directly.

Aaron's pupils suddenly enlarged, and he saw Shen Lang's right fist approaching his cheek inch by inch, and it was impossible to dodge anymore!

The next moment, the sound of a heavy object smashing into a watermelon came, and half of Aaron's head was blown away by Shen Lang's punch! The blood was soaring, blood clots scattered, mixed with brains, eyeballs and other turbid filth, the dead couldn't die anymore!

Shen Lang's punch was like a bomb, it was really shocking to be able to strike such a strange force!

Aaron's horrific corpse fell in a pool of blood, and he couldn't believe it when he was dying. What kind of boxing can have such exaggerated power?

The principle of Qishangquan is that there are multiple strands of strength in one punch, whether it is fierce, or feminine, or there is softness in the rigidity, or rigidity in the softness, or horizontally, or straight, or retracted.

Inspired by true qi and its own strength, it caused multiple forces to erupt out of each other in a dislocation, and this produced the "bomb" effect.

Not to mention a five-star master like Aaron, even a six-star master, even in the middle stage of his cultivation, would be killed if he received Shen Lang's half-baked Seven Injury Fist head-on.

Hunting Blade, who fell by the corner of the wall, twitched all over, his face completely terrified.

Although Lie Ren had guessed that Shen Lang might be tricky before, he never dreamed that Shen Lang's strength was so strong.

Damn, this kid has been hiding his strength before!

Getting into trouble with such a malevolent star is what Luo Tianyao deserves to do!

Shen Lang took a few breaths. Although the old man taught him the seven-style seven-injury boxing, although he only learned a little bit, the power is not bad.

It's just that after using the Yishiqishangquan, he consumed a lot of the true energy that he could only control. Now the disordered true energy in his body is getting more and more out of control, and there is also a sharp tingling sensation in the heart and lungs.

Enduring the pain in his heart and lungs, Shen Lang locked his eyes on the hunting blade in the corner, and strode over.

The hunting blade was not willing to give in, he jumped on one foot, with a ferocious expression on his face, and slashed at Shen Lang's forehead with his palm, as if he wanted to put all his eggs in one basket.

It's a pity that the hunting blade, which has become half a useless person, is far from a threat to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang kicked violently.


Shen Lang's kick hit the opponent's lower abdomen firmly, blood spurted from the hunting blade, and the whole person flew seven or eight meters away, and fell on the foot of the sofa.

"Cough cough..." Lie Ren covered his lower abdomen, coughing up blood continuously from his mouth.

With a blank expression on his face, Shen Lang stepped forward and stepped heavily on Lie Ren's face.

"Luo Tianyao's lackeys, you can mess with me, Shen Lang, but any woman who dares to bully me is seeking death." Shen Lang said with a grin, exuding a strong evil aura.

Hunting Blade was trembling all over. He always felt that he had a lot of backbone and he was considered a capable master. He would rather die than beg for mercy from the enemy in a low voice.

But the huge fear before death filled Hunter's Blade's heart, instantly defeating the will and belief in Hunter's Blade's heart. He was really unwilling to die like this, gritted his teeth and begged for mercy: "Shen...Mr. Shen, No...I am not bullying Miss Su, please spare my life, I am grateful...as long as you let me go, I can tell you any news about the Luo family!"

"You want me to let you go? It's a dream!"

Shen Lang's face showed no emotion or anger, and he increased the strength on his feet.


The severe pain and torture made Hunting Blade still unable to help but howl.

Soon, the bridge of Hunter Blade's nose was forcibly broken by Shen Lang's feet, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his mouth and nose, which looked a bit miserable.

At this moment, Shen Lang was no different from a bloodthirsty demon, without any mercy in his heart.

Continuing to increase the force on his feet, Hunter Blade's head was trampled to pieces. After his limbs twitched a few times, he fell unconscious and was trampled to death by Shen Lang.

There were bloody corpses everywhere in the hall, which looked horrifying at first glance.

Shen Lang picked up the sharp knife on the ground and chopped off the hunting blade's head with a dull expression.

After doing this, Shen Lang turned and walked towards the bedroom door on the right side of the suite.

Luo Tianyao was hiding in the bedroom. Shen Lang's main target when he entered the Hisun Group building was Luo Tianyao.

With a loud "boom", Shen Lang kicked open the bedroom door, sending sawdust flying.

Luo Tianyao inside was trembling with fear. He held up the gun with trembling hands and looked at Shen Lang in horror: "You...don't come over. If you come over again...I'll shoot! Hunter...Uncle Hunter Blade, hurry up." ...Come and save me!"

Luo Tianyao yelled in panic.

"Are you talking about him?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly and threw the things in his hands over.

Looking at the flying thing, Luo Tianyao subconsciously reached out to catch it, but he didn't expect it to be a bloody head!

It's from the Hunting Blade!

Luo Tianyao's hair stood up all over his body and he sat on the ground in fright, shaking off the gun in his hand. (To be continued)

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