Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 158 We can't afford to mess with you

After leaving the police station, Su Ruoxue, Liu Xiaoxiao, and Su Yunshan were all outside.

As soon as they saw Shen Lang coming out, everyone's faces lit up with joy and they immediately gathered around him.

I just saw a wave of special forces leaving the police station, and Shen Lang was not among them. Now that Shen Lang has come out, it basically means that everything is fine.

"Shen Lang, how are you?" Su Ruoxue asked anxiously.

"I told you it would be fine." Shen Lang said with a smile.

"Yes." The corners of Su Ruoxue's mouth curved, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"It's okay." The stone in Su Yunshan's heart was finally relieved. Even the military did not touch him. One can imagine Shen Lang's weight.

Liu Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief, but Shen Lang's body was really extraordinary. This time the matter was such a big deal, but Shen Lang still didn't have anything wrong. Liu Xiaoxiao was a little confused, what on earth did this guy do before?

Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu also walked out of the police station.

"Director Yang, Officer Bai, I really want to thank you this time. I will definitely treat you to dinner another day!" Su Ruoxue bowed slightly.

"Let's talk about it when we have time." Yang Hu smiled politely.

"Where are you, Officer Bai?" Su Ruoxue asked with a smile.

Bai Qingyu glanced at Su Ruoxue and sneered: "Forget it, take care of your lunatic!"

After saying this, Bai Qingyu turned around and left, with a hint of coldness in the corners of her mouth.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was slightly unnatural, but she didn't think too much and held Shen Lang's right hand tightly.

Back at the hospital, Shen Lang originally wanted to go through the discharge procedures, but considering that Su Ruoxue was still hospitalized, he was too lazy to leave and simply stayed for a few more days.

The injuries to his heart and lungs were not completely healed, so a few days of recuperation would not be a bad thing.

In the morning, Shen Lang was exercising in the ward.

After being in a coma for a few days, his body was a little stiff and needed some exercise, so Shen Lang started doing squats.

Taking advantage of this time, Liu Xiaoxiao knocked on the door of Su Ruoxue's ward and walked in.

Su Ruoxue was lying on the hospital bed, flipping through a summer fashion magazine, humming classical piano tunes, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Xiaoxiao, you're here." Su Ruoxue put down the magazine and turned to Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiaoxiao poured a cup of hot water, handed it to Su Ruoxue, and muttered: "Xiao Xue'er, let me tell you something."

"What's so mysterious?" Su Ruoxue said while drinking hot water.

"Lin Cai'er from the Public Relations Department is here again today, and she personally brought food to Shen Lang this morning!" Liu Xiaoxiao said.

Su Ruoxue blinked: "I know this. Assistant Lin also brought me preserved egg and lean meat porridge, which is delicious. By the way, I have some left, do you want to try it?"

Liu Xiaoxiao was speechless and curled her lips and said: "Xiaoxue, you have no sense of crisis. You have to be careful that your man is taken away by others!"

"Pfft!" Su Ruoxue almost spit out the water she just drank.

"What are you talking about? Shen Lang and I... haven't confirmed our relationship yet, okay?" Su Ruoxue said with a blushing face.

Liu Xiaoxiao immediately said: "Then you should be more aware of the crisis! The girl is so attentive and abducting the man is not a matter of minutes. Don't you know how gentle and considerate she is when she feeds your man porridge today?"

Su Ruoxue's pretty face changed color slightly, showing a thoughtful expression, and said: "Shen Lang... shouldn't be that kind of person, right?"

"Xiaoxue, your thinking is too rigid! Don't think that Shen Lang is so kind to you now and is willing to risk everything for you, but he may fall in love with other women. Besides, Lin Caier is so virtuous and has good cooking skills. She is cute and cute, and I am afraid that men will fall in love with a girl with that kind of personality, right?" Liu Xiaoxiao said.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face gradually froze, realizing the seriousness of the problem, she pulled Liu Xiaoxiao's clothes and said, "Then Xiaoxiao, what do you think I should do?"

"What else can I do, take advantage of this time, you and Shen Lang get your marriage certificate, anyway, you are already engaged." Liu Xiaoxiao said, sticking out her little tongue.

"No! I... Shen Lang and I haven't developed to that point yet... Besides, although Shen Lang is fine now, there are still so many things to take care of in the company, and the crisis of Tianrong International has not been overcome yet. How can I think about getting married?" Su Ruoxue said through gritted teeth.

Liu Xiaoxiao sighed slightly.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao, why don't you help me take care of Shen Lang these days? Don't let that Lin Cai'er take care of him!" Su Ruoxue said firmly.

"Pfft!" Liu Xiaoxiao covered her small mouth, couldn't help laughing and said, "Our President Su is indeed a woman who has fallen in love, and she can even speak the words of such a little woman."

Su Ruoxue blushed and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Okay, okay, this beauty will reluctantly help you take care of him." Liu Xiaoxiao sighed. But Shen Lang is already alive and kicking, so he shouldn't need much care.

"Then I'll leave it to you, my good Xiaoxiao!" Su Ruoxue curled her lips.

"Yeah." Liu Xiaoxiao nodded, but there was a little knot in her heart. I thought to Xiaoxue, aren't you afraid that I will snatch Shen Lang away from your best friend? There is really no sense of crisis at all.

Hisun International Building.

In an office on the top floor.

Luo Ye and Luo Yan sat on the high-end sofa without saying a word. The atmosphere was very gloomy, and their expressions were even more gloomy.

Luo Yan sent people to search everywhere for the medicinal materials on the prescription given by Shen Lang. They had already collected them, but they spent a lot of money.

There are dozens of medicinal herbs in the prescription, and they are extremely valuable. Just a thousand-year-old wild ginseng cost 200 million directly from the auction house!

Fortunately, the prescription was really effective. The miracle doctor Yin Jiu made pills based on Shen Lang's prescription. After Luo Tianyao took it, Luo Tianyao's symptoms disappeared immediately.

However, Luo Tianyao fainted immediately. Because he had endured inhuman torture for seven or eight consecutive days, Luo Tianyao looked as if he had aged ten years, with white hair growing on his head and swollen body everywhere.

How could Luo Ye and Luo Yan not be heartbroken? Besides being heartbroken, they also developed a deep fear of Shen Lang.

The only good news is that Yin Jiu has a way to restore Luo Tianyao's paralyzed legs. This method is not an ordinary treatment, but to help Luo Tianyao get a new leg!

This "new leg" is not a prosthetic leg, it is a real leg! Yin Jiu has a way to connect other people's legs to Luo Tianyao without causing rejection in the body.

Luo Yan has already sent people to find living human legs that are suitable. However, even if the new legs can be installed, they are far less flexible than the original legs. At most, they can only walk.

"Father, do we still have to deal with Shen Lang?" Luo Ye asked in a deep voice.

Luo Yan's old face was abnormal: "Huh, stupid, can you deal with this kid? He made him anxious, and our Luo family probably won't have peace for a day! This time Tianyao was rescued, I'm sure this kid can't be beaten next time Tianyao is dead!"

Luo Ye remained silent, but he really couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

"Don't mess with this kid in the future, we can't afford it." Luo Yan said weakly.

For the Luo family, people like Shen Lang are basically impossible to deal with! Even the Military Commission didn't give a shit, and it was obvious that Shen Lang had been protected.

With the ability of their Luo family, they simply cannot hire anyone who can kill Shen Lang. Even if they could, the price would be too high! The Luo family cannot afford it. How many five-star masters are there in the entire Huahai City? What's more, Shen Lang is far beyond the level of a five-star master.

Maybe his grandson shouldn't have gotten into trouble with such an evil star. (To be continued)

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