Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 167 What Did This Beauty Do?

Seeing her serious expression, Shen Lang wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Have you ever cared about other women besides Xiaoxue?" Liu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a while, but couldn't help asking.

Shen Lang didn't understand why Liu Xiaoxiao asked this, and thought of Yi Lian in his mind, he simply said: "Yes, my junior sister..."

"Junior Sister? Why didn't I hear you say that?" Liu Xiaoxiao was taken aback.

"You didn't ask." Shen Lang smiled.

"Then besides your junior sister, is there any woman you cared about before?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked through gritted teeth.

Shen Lang thought of a gentle figure in his mind, and said, "Lin Cai'er."

Speaking of which, Shen Lang really had the feeling that he regarded Lin Caier as his younger sister.

"Lin Cai'er? It turns out that you would rather care about Lin Cai'er than my old lady." Liu Xiaoxiao murmured in her heart, a look of despair suddenly appeared on her face, and her heart felt a little cramped.

It was the first time she had this feeling, a very bitter and painful feeling.

"Boss, here are two bottles of white wine!" Liu Xiaoxiao yelled blankly.

"Come on!" The boss brought two bottles of white wine with a smile and handed them to the table.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "Xiaoxiao, do you still drink white wine?"

"I'm in a bad mood, I want to drink." Liu Xiaoxiao opened the bottle and immediately filled a glass.

Shen Lang didn't bother too much, and the two continued to eat.

Seeing that the blush on Liu Xiaoxiao's cheeks became more and more intense, and the frequency of toasting became faster and faster, Shen Lang frowned and said, "Stop drinking!"

"I am willing, leave me alone!" Liu Xiaoxiao poured another glass of white wine into her stomach, squinted at Shen Lang coldly, her nose was inexplicably sore.

Shen Lang felt that Liu Xiaoxiao was a little unusual today, and said, "You drink less, I feel like you're going to get drunk."

"It's just right to be drunk, anyway, no one cares about my old lady." Liu Xiaoxiao spoke incoherently, raised a glass and poured it into her mouth.

Thinking of Shen Lang's concern for Su Ruoxue, and even for Lin Cai'er, but this guy didn't show anything to him. Liu Xiaoxiao felt indescribably uncomfortable.

"This is liquor, not plain water." Shen Lang grabbed Liu Xiaoxiao's wrist.

Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes were drunk, but her pretty face was cold and terrifying: "Let go! Don't worry about my affairs!"

"Then you drink less." Shen Lang didn't understand what Liu Xiaoxiao meant, so he let go of Liu Xiaoxiao's wrist.

Who knew that Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly picked up the white wine bottle next to her, and poured it into her mouth while Shen Lang was stunned.

Shen Lang was startled, and immediately grabbed the wine bottle. Liu Xiaoxiao drank most of the whole bottle of white wine, but didn't eat much food.

"Are you crazy?" Shen Lang frowned.

"Yes, I am crazy."

The world was spinning before Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes, but she supported her body stubbornly, but before she took a few steps forward, her feet gave way, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Shen Lang hurried forward, lifted the woman's slender waist, and hugged her up.

The woman's delicate body was smooth and soft, and there was a smell of perfume and a strong alcohol smell from her body.

Shen Lang immediately took out a few red notes from his pocket and slapped them on the table.

The diners around looked at Shen Lang with malicious eyes, this kind of thing happened a lot, it was obviously the rhythm of abducting the girl to open a room! However, beauties of this level are really rare, and the men all showed envious expressions.

Drunk people are not completely unconscious. Although Liu Xiaoxiao's head is dizzy, she is still quite sober. It was the stimulation of alcohol that made her unwilling to think about anything, and the weakest side of her heart was exposed.

"What do you want, let me go!" Liu Xiaoxiao bit her lip and tapped Shen Lang's shoulder.

"What do you want to do, right? It's really inexplicable, why drink so much when you have nothing to do?" Shen Lang said helplessly.

"I drink so much... that's my business, you hurry... let me go..."

Liu Xiaoxiao was dizzy for a while, and before she finished speaking, her stomach rolled and she vomited on Shen Lang's back.

Shen Lang was taken aback. Although he reacted quickly, there was still a lot of dirt on the clothes of the two of them.

"Let's go back quickly." Shen Lang said with a frown.

"I...I don't want to go back, you have to go...go back by yourself..." Liu Xiaoxiao's head became more and more dizzy, her voice became smaller and smaller, and there were little stars in front of her eyes.

so troublesome! Shen Lang smacked his mouth, he should not have come to the food stall to eat if he knew earlier.

Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao vomiting more and more violently, Shen Lang frowned and walked towards a small hotel nearby.

When he arrived at the hotel, Shen Lang handed his ID card to a pretty waitress and said, "Open a deluxe room."

The waitress was playing with her mobile phone, and she couldn't help frowning when she saw Shen Lang coming in with a woman on her back, smelling of alcohol all over her body.

The waitress who runs a hotel has seen a lot of similar scenes, so she doesn't understand what's wrong with the girls nowadays? Without even the most basic sense of self-protection, going out to drink with a man, and getting drunk, isn't this clearly making a man do bad things?

No matter what, other people's affairs have nothing to do with me anyway. The waitress glanced at Shen Lang contemptuously, a little surprised, this man is quite handsome.

After getting the room key, Shen Lang hurried upstairs with Liu Xiaoxiao on his back. The girl's stomach was churning again, and she vomited all over herself.

Opening the door and rushing to the bathroom, Shen Lang patted Liu Xiaoxiao's back and vomited into the toilet.

All the contents of the stomach were vomited out.

"It's fine if you're in a bad mood and drink a little wine, why do you have to drink so much? You're asking for trouble!" Shen Lang yelled, picked up a water glass beside him and filled it with water for her to rinse her mouth.

The bodies of the two were also stained with a lot of filth, Shen Lang hurriedly took off his shirt.

After throwing up a wave, Liu Xiaoxiao's head cleared up a lot, and she caught a glimpse of Shen Lang standing in front of her with no clothes on her upper body with her drunken eyes, and after thinking about it, it seemed that this place was a hotel.

Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly went dark, I'm going, what have I done?

Isn't it obvious that the sheep are entering the tiger's mouth!

Liu Xiaoxiao's whole body was so soft that she couldn't lift a trace of strength at all, her head was also dizzy, and she suddenly realized that her body was chilly again, and Shen Lang was actually peeling off her clothes!

Shen Lang just felt that Liu Xiaoxiao's body was dirty and wanted to help her change clothes.

But Liu Xiaoxiao felt that the sky was about to fall, and it was over, and this beauty fell into Shen Lang's claws. This guy is so powerful, this beauty must be going to lose herself tonight!

Liu Xiaoxiao was frightened for a while, looking at the man's solid upper body, she had a faint sense of anticipation.

Shen Lang quickly stripped off the dress on Liu Xiaoxiao's body, exposing a large area of ​​the woman's white skin to the air, making Shen Lang a little staring.

It's not because Liu Xiaoxiao's perfect and sexy body makes him stare straight, Shen Lang used to have a lot of romantic debts, and he has never seen any beautiful women.

It's just that Liu Xiaoxiao usually looks elegant and reserved, but she didn't expect to wear it quite openly. The red and black lace underwear, paired with a perfect figure, is full of irresistible temptation. (to be continued)

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