Ye Xingkong frowned and followed suit.

When the two arrived at the casino, several boys followed closely behind Ye Chen and Ye Xingkong.

A circle of people surrounded a 1:00 gaming table in the center of the casino. A middle-aged man in an Armani custom-made suit was killing all directions, and the chips in front of the table were piled high.

Next to the middle-aged man was a bodyguard, and the man with the scar on his face was Ah Kuan.

On the gaming table, the croupier's forehead was beaded with sweat, and he kept wiping away the cold sweat with paper towels.

"Send everyone in the stall away." Ye Chen ordered a horse boy beside him.

"Yes, Brother Chen!" The horse boy replied in a low voice.

"It's all gone, everyone, let's play again tomorrow!"

Several horsemen immediately dismissed the gamblers.

"Why close the door in the early morning, and let no one play!"

"That's it!"

"It's having a lot of fun!"

A group of gamblers complained.

"This is what the boss means, come back tomorrow, big guy!" several horse boys shouted.

Soon, all the gamblers in the casino were gone.

Only the middle-aged man and two bodyguards in the central 1:00 casino remained.

"Mr. Ye, it's been a long time. How have you been?" Ah Kuan laughed dryly.

"Mr. Ah Kuan, what brought you here, can this expert recommend something to Ye Mou?" Ye Chen stepped forward and smiled at the middle-aged man.

"This is Mr. He Jun, who is a disciple of Qian Wang's 'God Hand Wan Zhenshan'." Ah Kuan sneered.

Yechen's eyes flickered with a faint coldness, and he put on a smiling face: "Mr. He is actually Mr. Wan's favorite student, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Ming people don't talk dark words, I, He, came to play today! I heard that Mr. Ye is a superb gambling player, and He is very willing to compete with you!" He Jun smiled lightly.

"Kicking the field?" Ye Xingkong's pretty face showed a hint of worry.

The so-called kicking the field refers to winning crazy money in other casinos until the other party can't continue.

The underground casinos in Huahai City are extremely competitive. If there are no gambling masters in an underground casino, it is easy to be kicked out by others.

This is also an unspoken rule in the gambling industry. If you open the door to do business, you can't be afraid to gamble with others. Even if you lose the entire casino, you can't be stage fright!

Even in regular big casinos, this rule applies.

Since the other party was sent by Luo Tianyao, it must be not easy!

It is worth mentioning that Luo Tianyao has always had a deep hatred with Yechen.

Yechen's eyes turned cold: "Then stop talking nonsense, let's start."

He Jun laughed and said, "Mr. Ye is indeed a straightforward person. Let's follow the standard. Two wins in three rounds, three rounds in each round. For the first round, my bet is 50 million!"

Behind Yechen, Ma Zai couldn't help being startled, Ye Xingkong also frowned, fifty million is not a small sum. This man played so big from the moment he opened his mouth, his gambling skills must be good.

"Okay, you choose the betting method in the first round." Ye Chen's face remained unchanged.

"Okay! Talking to a refreshing person is refreshing. I will choose Black Jack (1 point) for the first game, and let the dealer in your casino deal the cards." He Jun said calmly.

Let your own people deal the cards? This guy is so confident! A group of horse boys were secretly surprised.

But in their hearts, brother Chen's gambling skills are nothing to say, and they don't believe that the hanging hair in front of them can win brother Chen.

The betting begins now.

ten minutes later.

Yechen remained calm.

However, the faces of the boys around him, including Ye Xingkong, all became ugly.

Yechen lost the first game, and he lost completely! I lost the first two bets at 1 o'clock, and I didn't win a single bet. He Jun took away 50 million!

Yechen also knew how powerful He Jun was, and he was far from his opponent when it came to playing cards.

However, Ye Chen is not good at poker, so he is not flustered. According to the rules of kicking, the kicker can only choose one popular bet, and the kicked side can choose two popular bets.

"In the second game, I choose to bet on dice, Mr. He has no objection?" Ye Chen asked.

"Of course, but this game I doubled the bet, the bet is 100 million!" He Jun laughed.

A kind of horse boy gasped, 100 million? This is too much to play, which is equivalent to half a year's income of the entire underground opened by Yechen.

One must know that this underground casino opened by Yechen has only been in operation for a year and a half, and the total assets of Yechen are less than 500 million.

Yechen knew that the other party made this kind of bet just to increase the pressure on himself, but the pressure was indeed big enough.

If you lose this game, it's not as simple as paying another 100 million. If he is kicked out successfully, his casino will be closed down!

According to Luo Tianyao's insidious and cunning temperament, once his casino is closed, he probably won't even think about opening it again.

In the second round of betting on dice, Yechen picked up the dice Gu and swung it quickly.

"Huh, huh, huh~~~~"

Dice betting is Yechen's strong point, and the crisp sound of dice colliding in the dice Gu becomes more and more intense, like the howling of a gust of wind.

Yechen used Qianshu Gale Hand, and his hand speed reached a certain level.

He Jun closed his eyes, concentrated his attention, his ears twitched slightly, and beads of sweat gradually oozed from his forehead.

Yechen knew that He Jun was listening to the points, but he was still very confident in his heart. Unless the hand speed of his Haifeng hand was at the level of a thousand kings, he would definitely not be able to tell what the points were.


Yechen shook for five full minutes, put the dice Gu on the gambling table, and said with a light smile, "Mr. He, you can guess."

"The points are 5 and 9!" He Jun wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and said confidently.

Seeing the other party's overly calm appearance, Ye Chen felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and opened the dice Gu with a solemn expression.

"5, 9 o'clock! He Jun guessed it right!"

The audience was silent, and a feeling of despair enveloped Ye Chen, Ye Xingkong, and a group of young horses around.

Even though it was three games to determine the outcome, Yechen's own dice Gu could be heard by the opponent, and he had basically lost most of this round.

Now, everyone has to admit that He Jun's gambling skills far surpassed Ye Chen's.

He Jun smiled triumphantly: "Hahaha, Mr. Ye, you may not know that last week I challenged the world's No. 8 Thousand Kings in Las Vegas. Although I lost, it was only a slight loss." That's all, in terms of gambling skills alone, my strength is infinitely close to the level of a thousand kings."

Ah Kuan on the side also showed a teasing smile, it seems that the victory has been decided, and Ye Chen is deflated, which is really rare.

Ye Chen said in his heart that it was impossible not to panic, but he forced himself to calm down and said: "The game is not over yet, it's your turn."

"Okay, since Mr. Ye still wants to linger, I'll give you this chance!"

"Why are you talking to our brother Chen!" Several horse boys said angrily, and they were about to step forward.

Yechen reached out to stop them, and said with a faint smile, "Mr. He, continue!"

He Jun snorted coldly, picked up the dice Gu, and shook it quickly, the speed getting faster and faster.

Like the waves and tides ushering on the sea, this is He Jun's thousand skills "tide hand".

The speed was obviously faster than Yechen's Qianshu Blast Shou, Yechen's forehead was sweating, and within a few seconds he was completely confused, and he couldn't hear the points in the dice Gu at all.


Yechen's face turned livid. Is the well-operated casino really going to close down?

Ye Xingkong also clearly saw that his brother's expression was not right, and he was probably about to lose.

Losing 150 million and the entire casino, this is a huge blow! Ye Xingkong's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

He Jun shook the dice Gu calmly, with a playful look on his face, he knew that Yechen was going to be over! I thought how powerful this guy was, but that's all. When I met myself whose strength was close to Qianwang, I still had to kneel.

Yechen frowned, he was unwilling to lose his casino to Luo Tianyao!

In desperation, Yechen suddenly thought of someone.

that kid! I have beaten myself before, and I still won easily. Maybe the gambling skills are better than He Jun!

Yechen saw a glimmer of light! Immediately took out the iPhone from his pocket, flipped through the address book, and made a call.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, Yechen actually made a phone call in this extremely crucial game? (to be continued)

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