Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 262: Run away if you dare?

Ah Jin lifted the bicycle up from the ground. Except for it being a little crooked, it looked fine.

It is said that the quality of this bicycle that Shen Lang happened to grab was really good. It didn't fall apart even after it hit the back of a car at such a fast speed. It was made of carbon fiber and must be expensive.

Ah Jin sat down on the cushion, feeling unhappy. Wasn't the cushion too hard?

Feeling very uncomfortable, Ah Jin came down again to figure out how to adjust the seat.

Shen Lang urged impatiently: "Hurry up!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Shen Lang didn't bother to care about Ah Jin, just opened the door of the Lexus and got in, started the ignition, quickly turned the car around, and rushed towards Ah Jin with a blast of the accelerator.

"Ouch, oh my god!" When Ah Jin saw Shen Lang hitting him with his car, he was frightened and started running forward quickly while pushing his bicycle.

Seeing the Lexus behind him getting closer and closer, Akin didn't care anymore. He grabbed the handlebars with both hands and jumped on it.

Jin felt a pain in his balls when he sat on the rock-hard cushion. It was hard to adapt to the road bike. Jin was riding crookedly and almost fell off.

After riding for a short distance, Ah Jin only felt that the hard rock-like cushion made his balls hurt. Just as he was about to stop and take a rest, Shen Lang hit him with a car from behind.

"Bang!" Ah Jin was pushed out by the car behind him. He jumped forward and fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could whimper a few times, Shen Lang stepped on the accelerator and drove up again.

"Hurry up, I! Otherwise, don't blame me for crushing you to death." Shen Lang said jokingly, teasing Ah Jin like a monkey.

"Oh my god, you are trying to kill me!"

Ah Jin was about to cry, so he hurriedly climbed up from the ground and quickly got on his bicycle.

After falling several times in a row, Ah Jin finally mastered the art of riding a bicycle and became much faster.

"Nima, what kind of evil have I done..." Ah Jin gasped harshly, mumbling as he stepped hard on the bicycle pedal, showing an expression like a dead father.

On the city streets at noon, a dirty man in a suit rode a gorgeous road bicycle with a strange posture, followed closely by a Lexus with broken windows.

It’s a sight to behold, and pedestrians on the road can’t help but be stunned when they see this scene.

Shen Lang drove closely behind, probably less than a meter away. As long as Ah Jin slowed down a little, he would hit him.

Along the way, Ah Jin had been knocked away N times, and he didn't even have time to rub his sore balls. He was frightened by Shen Lang and felt that as soon as he stopped, this kid would hit him with his car unceremoniously.

For the first time, Ah Jin felt that the factory was so far away. It originally only took less than thirty minutes to drive, but he was forced to suffer. After suffering for more than an hour, he finally rode to an abandoned clothing factory in the northern suburbs.

At the door of the factory in the northern suburbs, Ah Jin, whose clothes were all wet with sweat, fell directly from his bicycle to the ground like a dead dog, lying on his back and gasping for air.

Shen Lang got out of the car and looked at the dilapidated factory building in front of him, his eyes flashing with light. There were traces of fresh tires on the yellow mud ground. This seemed to be another "stronghold"!

Shen Lang walked over, kicked Ah Jin, and asked with a sneer: "Is it right here?"

"Here, just...in the factory..." Ajin was so tired that he had no strength at all, and he had to gasp several times before he could finish the sentence.

This was so damn uncomfortable that Ah Jin felt like he was going to die, and his lower body was completely paralyzed, especially the man's thing, which didn't even have any consciousness at all.

"Get up!" Shen Lang was too lazy to care whether this guy was tired or not. He stepped on Ah Jin's forehead and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, take me in quickly!"

There was a sharp pain in Ah Jin's head, and his whole body trembled. He gritted his teeth and climbed up with all his strength.

But before he could stand still, his legs gave out and he fell down again.

Shen Lang kicked his right leg and kicked his body up to maintain balance.

Ah Jin swayed from side to side and walked towards the factory building.

At first glance, the factory building was deserted. Ah Jin walked until he walked to two rusty iron doors.

Shen Lang kicked forward.


The door was kicked open, making an unpleasant sound of old metal rubbing against each other. It was a bit dark inside, dust was everywhere, and there was a smell of rust in the air. There was no sign of anyone.

These guys are so well hidden! Shen Lang sneered secretly. When ordinary people saw this scene, they would probably think that this factory was unmanned.

Shen Lang kicked Ah Jin, who was walking heavily, and shouted: "Lead the way!"

Ah Jin wailed a few times and stumbled towards the inside. After being tortured by Shen Lang for so long, he was covered in bruises and bruises.

The further inside it became, the darker and darker it became. Shen Lang followed A Jin.

Ah Jin suddenly touched the wall, and with a "pop" sound, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the originally dark workshop. The light was so surprising that Shen Lang couldn't help but close his eyes.

"Want to run?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and at the moment when he blinked, Ah Jin suddenly got the strength from nowhere, and his weak body that looked like he was about to die quickly straightened up, his weakness disappeared, and his whole body was like a Like a nimble and vigorous leopard, he quickly rushed into a broken door.


Before Ah Jin could pounce in, a tragic wail came from his mouth, and Ah Jin felt a sharp pain in his right leg exposed outside the broken door, and fell directly to the ground.

Shen Lang had already guessed that Ah Jin would pull this trick. After all, this guy was also a martial arts practitioner, and he would not be so tired after riding a bicycle for an hour or two.

Ah Jin's face was twisted, and when he looked back, he realized that there was suddenly a shiny silver thing on his leg, a silver needle!

The silver needle didn't penetrate deeply, but Ah Jin felt abnormal pain, as if all the meridians in his feet were pinched, and he couldn't lift a trace of strength, which was very strange.

"Run! If you dare, run again..." A trace of ridicule flashed across Shen Lang's face.

"No...I won't run away anymore! Spare my life!" Ah Jin begged for mercy with a tearful face. Now that he encountered such a evil star, he had completely given up the idea of ​​​​escape.

"Haha!" Shen Lang smiled coldly, and shot out another silver needle, pricking Ajin's left leg.

"Don't, don't, I'm done with it, I'm really done with it..." The veins in Ah Jin's legs bulged, and he almost cried out in pain.

This kid is so terrifying, even a silver needle can do this.

Ah Jin has been in the underworld for so long, and he has seen many masters, but he has never seen anyone as weird and terrifying as Shen Lang. This kid's methods are not what ordinary people can do, so he should be honest and save his life. (To be continued)

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