Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 291 Let him go

"Brother Kuang, if he really survives twenty-five games, will you let him go?" Wan Tianpeng asked.

"Haha, I promised him so, but I have no intention of letting him go! In the twenty-fifth game, a five-star master from our Fengyun Hall will appear. In a wheel battle, this kid will be beaten to death, or he will be beaten to death. So exhausted." Zhou Kuang said with a ferocious smile.

The surrounding Mazai bodyguards showed expressions of sudden realization. It turned out that the reason why Zhou Kuang said that to Shen Lang just now was because he was not prepared to let Shen Lang leave alive.

The cheers were deafening, and a big dog came on stage again, beating a white boxer wildly.

"Big dog, beat him up!"

"Big dog, three million, I'm betting all on you!"

"The big dog is so powerful, kill him!"

The audience roared excitedly.

No matter how far social civilization has evolved, the hidden primitive animal nature of human beings still exists. Aggressiveness is inherent in every man's character, but each person expresses it to a different degree.

If it were a modern boxing match, it would also be very popular. On a smaller scale, reading fantasy novels for fun and imagining that you also have the abilities of the protagonist also confirms the aggressive nature of human beings.

Not only men, there were even many women in the audience.

These loudly shouting spectators looked no different from hooligans, but almost everyone was an upper-class person in society, with a net worth of at least tens of millions.

The admission fee for tonight's championship match is 100,000 yuan, and there are more than 300 spectators at the scene. The admission fee for the sixth floor alone is more than 30 million yuan, not to mention the money earned from boxing betting.

Several strong men took Shen Lang to the backstage, wearing competition clothes and no gloves.

There are basically no rules in the underground boxing ring here, it's almost like a life and death fight, and the more brutal and bloody you are, the more the audience will like it. In today's championship match, there is even a huge bonus for killing your opponent.

The players who play are basically here to kill people.

Shen Lang's face was extremely gloomy. He didn't dare to tease him like this. After solving this matter, the first person Shen Lang wanted to kill was Zhou Kuang.

"Mr. Shen, do you need to do warm-up exercises first?" A bald man stepped forward and asked.

This man was the bald man who led Shen Lang the way before. He looked at Shen Lang with a hint of joking at the corner of his mouth.

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "No need, let me play quickly."

The bald man looked at the ring. The battle in the metal cage was coming to an end.

The white boxer fell to the ground and was crawling forward.


The big dog showed a cruel smile, took a dozen steps back, sprinted with an arrow, and struck the white boxer with its elbows with its huge body like a gust of wind.


A heavy muffled sound could be heard at the scene, and the white boxer's chest was even dented by the big dog! He only had time to let out a scream before he was killed on the spot.

"Big dog, big dog, big dog!"

The cheers at the scene became louder and louder. The big dog smiled wildly and stretched out his arms narcissistically, as if to welcome the praise of everyone, as if he was the boxing champion.

The host on the side picked up the microphone in his hand and shouted excitedly: "Do you want the big dog to continue the challenge?"



The roar from the audience became louder. This kind of underground black boxing has aroused the blood in the hearts of the audience. They are too lazy to care whether the person is dead or not. They only care about who the boxer is in the next fight and who will be beaten to death!

The big dog laughed wildly with pride on his face and said: "Damn it, I told you, I have to fight ten games today, and there are five more to go!"

"Big dog!"

"The big dog is mighty!"

The whole audience is excited, can we play ten games? What courage this takes! The big dog's arrogant attitude made the scene extremely heated, and a large number of spectators shouted the big dog's name.

"As expected of our champion last week, Big Dog is really full of momentum!" The host roared and continued: "Okay, let's see who the next challenger is!"

The host took the card from a strong man, his face became a little surprised, and said in surprise: "The next challenger's name is very strange, it seems to be a temporary arrangement. His name is Shen Lang, he looks like a pretty boy. His name! This ring competition is not about playing tricks, so let’s see if this boxer named Shen Lang is really capable."

"Shen Lang? Who is this? I've never heard of it!"

"Let him go! Get someone with strength over here!"

"That's right, tell him to get lost. We are here to watch the boxing, not to watch the beating of children!"

There were shouts and curses coming from the audience.

The host said loudly: "It seems that everyone is not optimistic about this boxer named Shen Lang, but since he has the courage to die, we can't refuse him. Okay, let's invite this pretty boy Shen Lang to come on stage."

There were bursts of laughter at the scene, and even the host called him a pretty boy. How rubbish is this Shen Lang? Some viewers were looking forward to seeing how Shen Lang would be beaten to death.

Soon, Shen Lang strode over amid the boos from the audience.

The big dog is more than two meters tall, with bulging muscles all over its body. It is not as strong as a human being. She has the perfect figure that macho men envy most.

Shen Lang, on the other hand, looks much smaller and is only about 1.8 meters tall. He received numerous boos as soon as he appeared on the field.

In fact, Shen Lang's physique is very strong, and his muscles are of the restrained type. Although it doesn't look as exaggerated as a big dog, it is very tight and strong, and every inch of muscle seems to be full of terrifying explosive power.

The old man once said that true body training is not about skin and flesh, but about bones, meridians, and qi and blood!

Skin and flesh training is just the crudest and lowest level of body training.

"Holy shit, this is just a joke!"

"What qualifications does this kind of trash have to play? Get out!"

"I'm dizzy, little handsome guy. I can't think of anything. Don't commit suicide. Could it be that you're broken up in love and are looking for this way to end it?" a female audience member screamed.

There were constant shouting and cursing, and no one was optimistic about Shen Lang. In their eyes, physical strength determines everything.

Shen Lang had no expression on his face and walked to the ring escorted by several strong men.

The metal door closed.

The big dog looked at Shen Lang, who was a head shorter than him, with an expression of extreme contempt and shouted: "I don't box with trash, this is simply insulting me!"

"That's right, let that kid get out!"

"Big dog, break this kid's neck!"

Unpleasant roars were heard from all over the scene. The big dog raised his middle finger provocatively at Shen Lang and showed a cruel smile: "Trash, you'd better go home and drink more milk. You don't deserve to fight with me." !” (To be continued)

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