Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 325 You can pick whatever you want

Su Ruoxue's skin is as delicate and white as a girl's. She wears a white and black shirt with the placket covered with lace. She wears a black skirt on the outside. Under the skirt, she has slender legs wrapped in black stockings. .

It's been a long time since I've seen Su Ruoxue in uniform, but now that I'm admiring it like this, there's really a unique temptation, which makes Shen Lang a little uneasy.

"What are you looking at!" Su Ruoxue's face became even more shy when she saw Shen Lang staring at her chest and thighs dishonestly.

"Wait a minute, I'll close the door." Shen Lang stood up, locked the office door, and drew all the curtains.

Shen Lang was ready to massage Su Ruoxue on the sofa.

Seeing that Shen Lang had closed the doors and windows, Su Ruoxue felt a little more secure in her heart. She put her head aside and began to undress and take off her belt.

Soon, Su Ruoxue was left in only her underwear. Except for the key parts, she was basically exposed in front of Shen Lang.

Only in front of Shen Lang would Su Ruoxue do such a shameful act.

Although Shen Lang also gave Su Ruoxue several full-body massages, this time it brought the greatest stimulation to Shen Lang. After all, this was an office and the situation was different, which really made him a little unable to control himself.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lang stepped forward, reached out and gently pressed Su Ruoxue's shoulders, and began to give Su Ruoxue a full-body massage.

After starting to massage Su Ruoxue, Shen Lang quickly got into the mood, but looking at Su Ruoxue's fair and smooth body, she couldn't calm down.

Shen Lang's fingertips were very warm. Under the massage of the fingertips, a very comfortable feeling enveloped Su Ruoxue perfectly.

Both men and women have needs, and Su Ruoxue also has a strange emotion surging in her heart at this moment.

Sometimes when she was confused and infatuated, Su Ruoxue even thought that since she was honest with Shen Lang now, it didn't matter what happened.

Just like Liu Xiaoxiao said, now is not a feudal society, so there is no need to be so conservative.

Su Ruoxue was thinking, should she take the initiative?

Now, under Shen Lang's massage techniques, Su Ruoxue only felt refreshed all over her body. Although it was already noon, the occasional footsteps outside the office still made Su Ruoxue's heart skip a beat, and at the same time she felt a strange excitement.

Su Ruoxue was completely lost in it. Shen Lang's hands seemed to have magic power, and every touch penetrated deep into her bones.

Soon, Shen Lang's hand moved to Su Ruoxue's thigh.

Shen Lang swallowed, his mouth was a little dry.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Shen Lang felt a little itchy and unbearable, so he changed the massage method. His hands did not linger on the sensitive part of Su Ruoxue's thighs, but just passed over it as if to taste it.

This kind of tentative movement made Su Ruoxue's delicate body tremble slightly.

Su Ruoxue glanced at Shen Lang with a bit of embarrassment, wondering if this guy did this on purpose.

Slowly, following the movements of Shen Lang's hands, Su Ruoxue's face flushed, and waves of unspeakable feelings hit her.

Su Ruoxue wanted Shen Lang to stop very much, but her whole body was weak and weak, and she subconsciously hoped that Shen Lang would not stop.

Especially when Su Ruoxue turned around and faced Shen Lang, looking at Shen Lang's burning eyes, Su Ruoxue felt even more flustered.

Her mind was in chaos, and she was even thinking about how she would react once Shen Lang lost control, would it be a strong rejection or a shy submission?

Shen Lang really couldn't control himself. Looking at Su Ruoxue's beautiful cheeks, Shen Lang took a deep breath and put his arms around Su Ruoxue's slender waist.

Su Ruoxue's body trembled slightly, but unusually she did not refuse. She could feel that Shen Lang was suffering.

Shen Lang couldn't help but kissed her.

"Hmm..." The woman in her arms moaned, and Shen Lang couldn't bear it anymore.

Damn it, he no longer wants to pretend to be a gentleman. Even a gentleman has needs.

Su Ruoxue was really not ready for what was going to happen next. But seeing that it had already reached this point, she couldn't stop Shen Lang and simply let it develop.

Seeing Su Ruoxue, who was confused and infatuated, looking like she was ready to be picked by anyone, Shen Lang's heart felt hot, and it was difficult for him to resist this fatal temptation.

"Dong dong dong."

Just at this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Su Ruoxue was startled, panicked and reached for her clothes to cover her upper body, her face flushed like a little girl who had made a mistake.

It's still noon, why would anyone come to her office?

"Director Su, I am Liu Wenbin, the business manager. I have something to discuss with you." Liu Wenbin's voice came from outside the door.

Su Ruoxue's heart was about to beat out of her chest. If others saw her and Shen Lang doing this kind of thing in the company, her prestige as the chairman would be completely lost!

Shen Lang's face darkened. A beautiful thing was interrupted, which made him feel extremely bad.

"Just pretend you're not here." Shen Lang whispered in Su Ruoxue's ear.

"No, you can tell that the door is locked from behind." Su Ruoxue said softly and urgently.

"Chen...Director Liu, please wait a moment!"

After saying that, Su Ruoxue hurriedly put on her clothes.

Shen Lang had no choice but to put on his belt again, showing a look of pity.

Hurriedly opening the curtains, Su Ruoxue came to the desk and hurriedly arranged her clothes. (To be continued)

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