Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 327 Dandy Young Master

After saying that, Su Ruoxue took Liu Xiaoxiao upstairs to change clothes.

Shen Lang casually changed into a suit and felt good about himself.

Back in the living room, Shen Lang sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and waited for the two beauties to come down. However, what made him ache was that it had been an hour since the two beauties went up to change clothes and they still hadn't finished changing.

Shen Lang was a little impatient and was about to go up to urge him.

"Sorry, it took me a while to put on makeup." Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao walked downstairs.

As expected of the president and vice president of a makeup company, their makeup skills are quite high.

After putting on makeup, Su Ruoxue looked even more beautiful, elegant, and even more mature. The level of beauty has obviously gone up a notch, and even Shen Lang was stunned.

"How is it? I chose it, is it okay?" Su Ruoxue pulled the lotus leaf skirt of the dress slightly with her little hands.

"Well, it's very beautiful!" Shen Lang grinned, it was worth waiting for so long.

Su Ruoxue felt a little excited in her heart. Liu Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a jet black evening dress, was a little confused. She also wanted to be praised by Shen Lang.

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them left the villa and got into a Ferrari sports car.

Shen Lang drove away from the villa in his Ferrari.

The class reunion was arranged at the most luxurious Dynasty Hotel in Huahai City, and was hosted by Su Ruoxue's classmate Zhang Jundong. Moreover, Zhang Jundong also booked the largest banquet hall in the hotel, so he was very wealthy.

Zhang Jundong is a second-generation official. His family is quite rich and he is quite handsome. He was the target of many female classmates in college. He was also the monitor of Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao's class.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Jundong pursued Su Ruoxue, but was dumped by her.

In the banquet hall of Dynasty Hotel.

Almost everyone has arrived.

Zhang Jundong is wearing a white Versace suit. The style of the suit looks very luxurious. He seemed to be in high spirits and in a very good mood. He exchanged a few pleasantries here and a few chats with that, and moved freely around the banquet hall in a graceful manner.

Seeing many female classmates looking at him with envious eyes, Zhang Jundong felt indescribably happy, but he was not interested in these vulgar fans.

"Jundong, will Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao come?" asked a young man in a suit wearing glasses. This person is Zhang Jundong's classmate Yuan Jie.

"I just had a phone call with Su Ruoxue, and they are already on the way." Zhang Jundong said with a smile, looking very well-mannered.

"Haha, the two school beauties cannot be absent." Yuan Jie laughed.

"Sir, monitor, among our classmates, you are the best. When Su Ruoxue comes here, she will definitely be impressed by you." Another classmate said.

Zhang Jundong laughed and said: "I haven't seen Su Ruoxue for a long time, and I don't know if she has a partner now."

"Su Ruoxue seems to be the president of Lingya International, and Liu Xiaoxiao is also there. Gee, they are the two goddesses in our department."

"Yes, but I heard that Lingya International seems to be in trouble."

A slightly fat man said: "Hey, Lingya International has been acquired by someone else, and Goddess Su may not be able to survive anymore. Mr. Monitor, if you help her, the goddess may be captured by you." "

"I hope so."

"The monitor is so outstanding, what beauty can resist?"


For a moment, all the voices in the banquet hall were fawning over Zhang Jundong.

Many classmates were flirtatious and wanted to establish a good relationship with Zhang Jundong and enter the society. Maybe one day they could be able to have this kind of relationship.

Zhang Jundong's purpose of organizing this class reunion was mainly for Su Ruoxue.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Su Ruoxue was still the school beauty, which single boy in the department did not have a crush on Su Ruoxue?

Zhang Jundong even regarded her as the lover of his dreams. He had desecrated her thousands of times in YY, and even fantasized about her in various positions.

Of course Zhang Jundong pursued Su Ruoxue.

It's a pity that Zhang Jundong has been unable to hold his head up since Su Ruoxue dumped him.

Su Ruoxue's words of rejection were very hurtful, and she directly said that she hated the playboy.

During his college days, Zhang Jundong was a playboy, and he knew it.

After graduation, Zhang Jundong founded a company with the help of his father, and it skyrocketed. In less than two years, he became a real big boss, and the company's total profit exceeded 100 million.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Jundong's father is Zhang Dafu, the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who "fucked off" in front of Shen Lang at the military banquet.

With his father's support behind him, Zhang Jundong enjoyed everything from officials to businessmen, and his life was prosperous, and his business was getting better and better. Last week, even the city secretary-general personally invited him to dinner.

Now that he is rich and powerful, and he earned the money himself, Zhang Jundong is no longer the playboy. His self-confidence has become more and more inflated, and he even feels that he can go sideways in Huahai City.

Zhang Jundong has a lot of face and feels that he is already so awesome. If others don't know, this is a very painful thing! And she wanted Su Ruoxue to see her current energy.

Zhang Jundong has been silently paying attention to Lingya International run by Su Ruoxue for a long time. Hearing that Lingya International was acquired, Zhang Jundong arranged this class reunion and fully invited Su Ruoxue to attend.

Zhang Jundong raised his wrist and looked at the Patek Philippe gold watch in his hand, his face full of confidence. With his current height, Su Ruoxue would definitely fall in love with him.

Not long after, a man and two women entered the banquet hall.

Shen Lang is wearing a Givenchy plaid casual suit, with a cold temperament, giving people a strong feeling.

Su Ruoxue is wearing a lotus leaf skirt by Vivienne, high heels by Jimmy Choo, and a bag by Fendi. Her refreshing dress outlines her perfect figure, making her look even more elegant and refined. With her beautiful face, she is tall and elegant without any hint of embarrassment. The fat figure and the demure and elegant temperament fully demonstrate the aura of the goddess.

Liu Xiaoxiao also wore a Versace summer dress, and her appearance, figure and temperament are also quite stunning, not inferior to Su Ruoxue.

Many people looked sideways, showing a hint of shock. Sure enough, the goddess is a goddess. After two years of not seeing her, she is even more beautiful.

Seeing how perfect Su Ruoxue was, Zhang Jundong was intoxicated, with a bit of amazement in his eyes, and he automatically ignored Shen Lang next to her.

"Su Ruoxue, Liu Xiaoxiao, you are finally here." Zhang Jundong took a step forward and immediately stepped forward and said to Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao.

"It seems I'm a little late, sorry." Su Ruoxue smiled slightly apologetically.

Zhang Jundong was a little stunned. The goddess smiled so beautifully.

"It's not too late, I've been waiting for you to come over." Zhang Jundong said solemnly, his tone was very sensational. (To be continued)

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