Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 344 I can’t tell you now

At the same time, Liu Xiaoxiao heard the noise and rushed into the room, exclaiming: "Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiaoxiao, I want to talk to Xiaoxue'er alone." Shen Lang turned back and said to Liu Xiaoxiao.

Seeing that Su Ruoxue seemed to be a little out of control, Liu Xiaoxiao, although anxious, nodded to Shen Lang: "Yes."

Then he closed the door without disturbing them.

Shen Lang frowned slightly, Su Ruoxue's body in his arms was still trembling, as if he had been frightened by something serious.

"Don't be afraid." Shen Lang could only comfort him softly.

After a long time, Su Ruoxue gathered her emotions, her eyes moved, and she asked softly: "Shen Lang, will you... not want me?"

"Don't think nonsense." Shen Lang shook his head.

"Answer me." Su Ruoxue stared at Shen Lang seriously, with a trace of tears hanging on her beautiful eyelashes.

Seeing the woman's extremely weak look, Shen Lang felt a little distressed.

"Stupid girl, this is impossible. Even if you don't want me, I will always pester you." Shen Lang took a deep breath, touched the woman's little head, and showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing the words that sounded like an oath, the corners of Su Ruoxue's mouth turned up and she squeezed out a smile, but her eyes turned a little red.

"I'm afraid...I've been dreaming about bad things lately..." Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and expressed the fear in her heart. Only the man in front of her could give him solace.

Shen Lang didn't ask any questions and listened quietly to Su Ruoxue's story.

Recently, Su Ruoxue keeps having the same dream again and again.

In the dream, there was blood, as if there was a woman in red holding a long sword, killing people non-stop. Su Ruoxue vaguely felt that the woman looked very similar to herself.

Listening to Su Ruoxue saying these words, Shen Lang always felt a little weird.

"Xiao Xue'er, when did you start having this dream?" Shen Lang asked.

"Ever since the last time I...killed someone, I have been repeating this dream." Su Ruoxue replied through gritted teeth.

Shen Lang pondered for a while, wondering why such a strange thing happened. If it was said that murder had caused a psychological shadow on Su Ruoxue, what about the woman in red?

The matter is difficult to explain, so it seems that the only option is to ask the master.

Shen Lang comforted Su Ruoxue for a while and asked her to take a few days off to rest at home.

Shen Lang had been staying with Su Ruoxue in the room. Su Ruoxue gradually calmed down, but she had no appetite, so she had some porridge for dinner.

Finding an excuse to go to the bathroom, Shen Lang walked out of the room, went to the balcony, and called his master.

"Grandson Gui, why do you call me when you have time? Has something happened?" The old man's careless voice came from the other end of the phone.

Shen Lang took a deep breath and said, "Master, I want to ask you something."

"What makes you so serious?" the old man shouted.

Shen Lang didn't talk nonsense and told Su Ruoxue's story on the phone.

"Master, do you know what's going on?" Shen Lang asked.

"I don't know. So...if there's nothing else, I'll hang up." I said covertly on the phone.

"Old man, wait a minute! Are you hiding something from me about Su Ruoxue?" Shen Lang frowned.

His master had told him before that Su Ruoxue had an unusual identity. Shen Lang also asked about it, but the old man wouldn't tell him.

"No, you think too much."

"Master, please tell me, who is Su Ruoxue?" Shen Lang asked in a deep voice.

"Grandson Gui, didn't I fucking tell you not to get too close to that Su Ruoxue? Why didn't you listen?" the old man shouted angrily.

Shen Lang's face darkened slightly: "That's impossible, she is already my woman."

"You bastard, have you really fallen in love with that CEO's fiancée?" The old man felt sulky and shouted, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I promised someone that I can't tell you about it now!"

"Why? Who is the person you promised?" Shen Lang asked in confusion.

The old man sighed repeatedly on the phone: "Boy, don't ask any more questions about Su Ruoxue's identity, lest you get angry! If you really want to know, I'll tell you after you break through the realm of questioning!"

"Master, have you made arrangements for me to be Su Ruoxue's personal bodyguard?" Shen Lang asked.

"Yes. But I didn't expect that you kid really fell in love with her! Oh, okay, I can show you the way. If you still want to continue living with that female CEO, there is still a remedy. ." The old man sighed.

"What measures?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"Tell her not to kill anyone again." The old man said seriously.

Shen Lang was shocked and wanted to ask something else, but the old man hung up the phone.

In Shen Lang's mind, his master was carefree and could not hide any secrets. But regarding Su Ruoxue, she was unusually tight-lipped.

Shen Lang was not stupid and could easily guess that Su Ruoxue was not an ordinary person.

No matter who she is, Shen Lang is not too worried as long as Su Ruoxue is by his side.

This thing was so weird, Shen Lang couldn't figure out how a cute girl like Su Ruoxue, who liked to pretend to be aloof, could have another identity.

His mind was in a mess and he couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Shen Lang walked into the bedroom.

The woman was lying next to the bed reading a magazine, and it seemed that her mood had calmed down.

"Don't go to work these two days, take some time off and have a good rest." Shen Lang sat on the edge of the bed and said to Su Ruoxue.

Su Ruoxue shook her head: "But there are too many things to do in the company..."

"Don't worry about the company. No matter how important the company is, why should you be important?" Shen Lang frowned.

Looking at the man's expression, Su Ruoxue had no choice but to compromise.

After a few words of comfort, Shen Lang prepared to leave the room.

"Don't go!"

Su Ruoxue grabbed Shen Lang's hand and asked awkwardly: "Can you... accompany me tonight?"

"Want to sleep with you?" Shen Lang teased with a smile.

What he never expected was that Su Ruoxue actually agreed.

She nodded shyly and parted her lips: "Okay."

Shen Lang was a little surprised, and for a moment he wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. He had seen Su Ruoxue's conservativeness before.

Facing Su Ruoxue's embrace, he certainly wouldn't be able to resist.

After taking a shower, Su Ruoxue wore a light blue lace nightgown, revealing her smooth and beautiful legs, showing her perfect figure at a glance.

Seeing Shen Lang's burning eyes, Su Ruoxue got into the quilt shyly, her heart beating fast.

Shen Lang felt a little strange. He used to have no shortage of women around him. But this woman is different, she is the woman he loves.

Without hesitation, Shen Lang undressed and went to bed, holding Su Ruoxue's waist with one hand.

Su Ruoxue's body trembled slightly, but she didn't resist.

Shen Lang enjoyed it a little. Su Ruoxue's figure was also so good. He caressed her a few times, and the woman's face turned as red as a small apple.

As if she couldn't stand the teasing, Su Ruoxue pinched Shen Lang's shoulder, puffed out her mouth and said, "Kiss me." (To be continued)

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