Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 353 If I don’t die today

"We have to thank Mr. Wan for getting so many explosives for us." Luo Tianyao said with a smile.

Wan San didn't say anything. Luo Tianyao was so heartbroken and crazy. How many people had to be buried with him in order to kill Shen Lang? He spent more than half a month importing thousands of kilograms of explosives from abroad, enough to sink the Queen in an instant.

After Shen Lang entered the Queen before, the Queen suddenly started to sail towards the sea at high speed, maintaining the highest speed.

Then a series of actions were taken to delay the time, allowing the Queen to sail as far as possible and explode near the designated sea area. By the way, put Shen Lang in a closed casino and detonate a bomb. In this way, no one can save him!

Luo Tianyao felt that Shen Lang would definitely die this time! As soon as he came up with the plan that he wanted to break his scalp, if he still couldn't kill Shen Lang, he would write Luo Tianyao's name upside down!

"Mr. Luo, I admire your courage for being able to do such a thing. But what do you plan to do with this matter? If the whole ship blows up, it won't kill just a few people." Wan San's face was a little uncertain. .

Luo Tianyao smiled and said: "Don't worry, those Latin Americans will help us take the blame. I have already thought of a perfect strategy, so you don't have to worry."

Bruce was originally doing drug business with Luo Tianyao openly, but he didn't even know that he had been tricked by Luo Tianyao. Luo Tianyao planned to make it look like Latin American drug lords were hijacking the ship, and then put all the blame on these drug lords.

As for the explosion, it became a bargaining chip for these drug lords to rob the ship.

In the casino of the Queen cruise ship, everyone was startled as the surroundings were completely invisible.

"call out!"

A flash of silver light flashed, and the throat of a strong man next to Bruce was penetrated. He let out a hoarse scream and fell into a pool of blood.

"Shoot, kill him quickly!" Bruce shouted.

"Da da da!"

A group of frightened Latin Americans set up their automatic rifles and fired wildly. Flames spewed out from all around, and countless screams rang out in the casino.

Naturally, the headless shooting could not cause any harm to Shen Lang. Shen Lang moved in front of Bai Qingyu and knocked down the two strong men who were dragging Bai Qingyu with one punch and one kick.

Holding the willow leaf flying knife between his fingertips, Shen Lang cut the rope that tied Bai Qingyu.

"You owe me another favor." Shen Lang hummed in Bai Qingyu's ear.

Bai Qingyu blushed a little and said, "Do you only know how to settle accounts like this? What on earth is going on?"

"Don't worry about it yet."

Shen Lang locked his eyes on the Latin Americans. With a wave of his hands, shining flying knives shot out from his sleeves. A group of Latin Americans fell into a pool of blood.

Screams followed one after another, mixed with the screams of everyone in the casino.

Shen Lang moved his steps and ducked behind Bruce. He held Bruce's head with one hand and said in Spanish: "Tell me, what is your purpose? Where is Luo Tianyao?"

A chill rose up behind Bruce. He knew that Luo Tianyao was being tricked. They were no match for such a terrifying guy.

"I don't know where Luo Tianyao is, but Luo Tianyao asked me to kill you." Bruce replied, a flash of light flashed out of the corner of his eyes, and he was a little unwilling to be subdued by Shen Lang.

"Why did Luo Tianyao want you to kill me?" Shen Lang continued to ask.

"I had a deal with Luo Tianyao, and killing you is just a condition." Bruce touched the dagger at his waist with his right hand.

Shen Lang snorted coldly. This guy probably didn't lie. He couldn't figure it out. Luo Tianyao knew his own strength, so why did he let these rubbish deal with him?

"Chinese people, go to hell!"

Bruce suddenly turned around, holding the dagger tightly in his right hand, and stabbed Shen Lang hard in the chest.

Shen Lang had no expression on his face, he held Bruce's head firmly with his right hand and smashed it to the ground!

Bruce was horrified by the huge force and resisted desperately, but to no avail. Then his head was like a basketball and was pressed to the ground tyrannically by Shen Lang!


With a cracking sound, Bruce's whole head exploded, like a squashed persimmon, and the brains and other red and white things were scattered all over the floor!

All the Latin Americans were dead. Bai Qingyu turned on her phone and walked over with a light.

"Shen Lang." Bai Qingyu came to Shen Lang's side.

"I always feel that something is wrong!" Shen Lang frowned.

"What's wrong?" Bai Qingyu asked hurriedly.

at this time.

There was a loud "boom" and the earth shook!

The entire ship was about to overturn, the gaming table seats were tilted here and there, and the chandeliers on the ceiling were knocked down and fell to the ground.

"What...what's going on!" Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned pale, and the cruise ship shook. If Shen Lang hadn't grabbed her arm, she would have flown out.

"Boom!" There was another heavy muffled sound, and the entire casino seemed to be lifted up. The collision of various things was mixed with the screams of people.

"No, it's a bomb! Someone is blowing up the ship!" Shen Lang winced.

Bai Qingyu's face turned pale: "How... is this possible!"

"No, let's find a way out quickly!" Shen Lang grabbed Bai Qingyu's arm and came to the casino gate.

Shen Lang punched the door.


A heavy sound came, and Shen Lang's arms were shaken to the point of numbness. The door was made of strong alloy, and it was basically impossible to break it open.

"Boom!" There were several more explosions, and the cruise ship shook even more.

Various sharp screams came from the casino. Many people died on the spot due to severe head injuries due to violent impacts.

"Damn it, I've been tricked!" Shen Lang's face turned extremely ugly and he hit the wall hard.

"What should we do? There are no windows in this casino, we can't get out!" Bai Qingyu shouted in panic with a pale face.

The casino building has no windows and is surrounded by golden walls, which are very thick and strong.


There were several more explosions, deafening, and it seemed that they were about to spread here.

"Forget it, give it your all! If I don't die today, I will chop the Luo family into pieces!" Veins popped out on Shen Lang's forehead.

Shen Lang made a prompt decision, held Bai Qingyu in his arms, quickly tore her dress into pieces, and then used the rags of the dress to tie Bai Qingyu to himself.

"Shen Lang, what do you want to do?" Bai Qingyu asked in panic.

"Woman, if you don't want to die, don't talk!" Shen Lang's face was extremely gloomy.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face showed a trace of sadness. It was already like this anyway, and it seemed that she could only accompany Shen Lang as a pair of desperate mandarin ducks.

Shen Lang was not an indecisive person. He knew that if he delayed for another moment and a half, he and Bai Qingyu would definitely die.

If he makes a desperate move, he still has a glimmer of hope! (To be continued)

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