Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 355 Storm

Bai Qingyu was so frightened that her face turned pale and her body trembled. No matter how courageous she was, she couldn't bear this suffocating scene.


Shen Lang took advantage of the fact that he still had some energy left, and immediately used his palm power to strike out with a snowflake divine palm, hitting the side of the big tiger shark that was biting him.


The tiger shark, which weighed nearly six hundred pounds, was hit by Shen Lang's palm and flew out of the sea. It did two somersaults in the air and then fell into the sea. The water splashed on the sea surface, and the tiger shark's white belly turned to the sky. , killed instantly.

Sharks will devour their own kind. When the group of sharks smelled the smell of blood, they rushed forward one after another. Countless sharks tore off a large piece of meat from the big tiger shark that had just died, biting crazily.

Taking advantage of the shark's time to grab food, Shen Lang turned around and ran away, riding the waves quickly.

There are too many sharks here. If you stay here for a long time, you will definitely die in the belly of the shark. Although Shen Lang doesn't know where to escape, he should leave this ghost place first.

Because he forcibly broke through the restriction of true energy, the Dantian in Shen Lang's body almost exploded, and the skin all over his body became abnormally red.

If this continued, Shen Lang doubted whether he would explode and die.

But things had reached this point, and he had no choice.

Shen Lang traveled across the sea at high speed, using a light skill similar to floating on water. With his current level of cultivation, it would be no problem to travel across the sea at high speed for a period of time.

It's just that Shen Lang feels very uncomfortable now, especially in his lower abdomen.

By now, Bai Qingyu was extremely shocked. Shen Lang's abilities were beyond her imagination. If it hadn't been for Shen Lang, she would have died countless times.

Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Do you still have your phone?" Shen Lang asked.

"Not here."

Bai Qingyu's dress had long been torn into pieces by Shen Lang and tied around her body like a rope. Now Bai Qingyu was left in only her underwear, and there was no cell phone anywhere.

Shen Lang's mobile phone was also lost in the big explosion just now, and now he can't contact anyone.

"Damn it, forget it, let's get out of this damn place first." Shen Lang gritted his teeth and used his speed to the extreme, breaking through the waves like a big fish.

The number of sharks in this sea area is outrageous. I am afraid that Luo Tianyao had already planned to explode here. What a grand move!

There was a trace of ferocity on Shen Lang's face. It was a wrong decision to save Luo Tianyao's life before. This guy is so scheming that he almost got himself killed.

The Queen cruise ship behind had been blown up to the point where its wreckage was almost gone.

At this moment, Shen Lang really hoped that other ships would come, but unfortunately, there was no sign of any ship in the vast sea at night.

On the contrary, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the sky became dark, and it was impossible to see even one's fingers. The thunder gradually started, and it seemed that a heavy rain was about to begin.

This is the worst case scenario.

The weather was not very good when Shen Lang came out at night. It seemed that there was news of a tropical storm landing in Huahai. Although this sea area was only on the edge of a tropical cyclone, the impact was fatal!

I could already feel the strong wind blowing from the sea, and there were faint flashes of lightning in the sky, which were getting stronger and stronger.

Shen Lang's face was particularly gloomy. He himself had reached the end of his strength, and now a terrifying storm was about to come. It was like God was going to destroy him!

After traveling on the sea for about ten minutes, Shen Lang finally left the area where the sharks were swarming. However, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, heavy rain bursting, and waves of waves swept over him.

Unable to hold on anymore, Shen Lang vomited blood and fell down. The wooden board in his hand was the only tool to save his life.

Bai Qingyu fell into the sea with Shen Lang, and as a wave arose, the two of them were drowned in an instant.

"Shen Lang, what's wrong with you?" Bai Qingyu struggled and swam up, her face changing color.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't respond, he seemed to have fainted.

The rain was pouring down. Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth and grabbed the floating wooden board and pulled Shen Lang up.

Half an hour later, on the top floor of Haijiang International Building.

Luo Tianyao, Luo Ye, Luo Yan, Ah Dao, and Wan San, the five of them had already opened champagne to celebrate.

"Hahaha, the Queen was blown up to pieces this time. That kid Shen Lang will definitely die!" Luo Tianyao said with a smile while raising his glass.

"Tianyao, can you ensure that nothing goes wrong in this matter?" Luo Ye asked.

"Father, don't worry. I have taken advantage of the right time and place. That boy Shen Lang was imprisoned in the Queen's casino and was basically blown to death. Even if he can save his life, there are sharks in that sea area. The sea will also be bitten to death by sharks. In addition, there will be a typhoon around ten o'clock in the evening, and there will be storms on the sea. It is definitely a certain death situation, unless that kid has wings and can fly!"

Luo Tianyao laughed while drinking red wine.

Luo Yan clapped his hands and applauded: "As expected of my grandson! Killing this boy Shen Lang can be considered as solving our serious problem. Losing a cruise ship is nothing. Don't worry Tianyao, I will help you handle the rest. "

"Thank you, Grandpa." Luo Tianyao smiled.

"Father, Shen Lang's bald friend is the leader of Longteng's fifth team. If he finds out that we killed Shen Lang, will he take revenge on our Luo family?" Luo Ye asked Luo Yan.

Luo Yan's old face showed a hint of sinisterness, and he hummed: "Don't worry about that. That boy Shen Lang is no longer a member of Longteng. Fa Jiang is now the leader of Longteng's fifth team. The consequences of acknowledging private revenge are very serious. He should They won’t retaliate against us. I also learned recently that there are a few people in Longteng who have a bad relationship with Fa Jiang. I can personally lobby them and use them to keep an eye on Fa Jiang.”

"This is a good idea." Luo Ye nodded.

Long Teng's team leader is a hot position. If the bald man commits an offense, he will definitely be reported by his peers. The team leader's position will be replaced by someone else.

Wan San on the side couldn't help but said: "Mr. Luo, please allow me to interrupt. So many people have died this time. Can your Luo family escape any involvement?"

"Just don't let the news leak out. Just blame the Latin American drug lords. There are no omissions in this operation and no one can find out. With the power and influence of our Luo family, everything Sir, you can rest assured," Luo Yan said.

"Okay." Upon hearing this, Wan San felt a little calmer.

"Come on, tonight is worth celebrating, everyone is happy to drink!" Luo Tianyao looked extremely happy and took the lead in toasting.

Shen Lang, who had always been a close friend, was finally dead, and the stone in Luo Tianyao's heart was finally relieved. He felt that he could walk sideways again in Huahai City soon.

By the way, there is also that bitch Su Ruoxue. Luo Tianyao is the first one who doesn't want to let her go. He will go say hello to her tomorrow and give her a big gift. (To be continued)

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