Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 364 Sorry

After walking through the jungle, Shen Lang came to a tree with green fruits, which looked a bit weird.

Shen Lang knew that this kind of fruit could be eaten, so he jumped up, climbed up the tree, and picked a few green fruits.

He threw a few to Bai Qingyu.

"Don't worry, this fruit is not poisonous and can be eaten."

As Shen Lang spoke, he dug open the peel of the green fruit and ate it like an apple.

Bai Qingyu also picked up the green fruit, dug out the skin, and saw layers of thick white juice inside. It looked a bit scary, and she couldn't help but frown slightly.

But seeing Shen Lang eating it so simply, she didn't want to be pretentious and started eating like Shen Lang.

Somewhat to Bai Qingyu's expectation, the juice of this green fruit was very sweet and refreshing, much more delicious than expected.

"Hey, just wait here. I'll be back as soon as I go!" Shen Lang patted Bai Qingyu's shoulder and stared straight ahead somewhere.


Before Bai Qingyu had time to speak, Shen Lang suddenly rushed towards the front of the woods.

In the dense forest, a swaying shadow of a tree was seen. Shen Lang was walking like flying, chasing a little hare in front of him, and reached out to catch the little thing.

"I'll use you as food!" Shen Lang shook the trembling little thing in his hand.

Returning to the previous place, Shen Lang frowned when he saw Bai Qingyu lying under the tree, her pretty face turning slightly pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Lang asked.

"I...I seem to have been bitten by something." Bai Qingyu said weakly, with sweat breaking out on her face.

Seeing Bai Qingyu's abnormal expression, Shen Lang frowned: "Have you been bitten by a poisonous snake?"

"It seems so." Bai Qingyu responded.

Shen Lang stepped forward and grabbed Bai Qingyu's arm and felt her pulse. He was immediately shocked. Bai Qingyu was indeed poisoned, or it was extremely poisonous!

"It was the Golden Spearhead Viper that bit you. If you drag it on for a while, your life will probably be in danger!" Shen Lang said with a solemn expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm so useless!" Bai Qingyu smiled weakly, with tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing that Bai Qingyu, who had always been arrogant and cool, would show such a weak expression, Shen Lang's heart skipped a beat and he pretended to be calm and said: "Why are you panicking? You don't have to worry as long as I'm here. Where do you bite?"

Bai Qingyu's whole body was numb and she couldn't feel the bitten spot.

"It seems to be on the feet." Bai Qingyu said softly.

"Which foot?"

"Left foot, no, it seems to be the right foot." Bai Qingyu felt dizzy.

Shen Lang stepped forward, squatted down and took a look, but found no wounds.

Bai Qingyu felt a little shy, turned her head to one side, and said softly: "It's still up there."

Shen Lang turned his gaze to Bai Qingyu's inner thighs. The large expanse of snow-white skin made his heart beat a little faster.

After taking a closer look, Shen Lang still didn't see any wounds.

"It seems...it's still a little above." Bai Qingyu became even more shy and her voice became softer.

Shen Lang was a little speechless. Isn't that where it is going up?

Could it be that the snake bit Bai Qingyu?

Shen Lang's face became a little weird, but without thinking too much, he immediately said: "Lie down first."

"Yeah." Bai Qingyu couldn't care less about being shy because his life was in danger, and he lay down on the ground obediently.

"Relax first so I can see more clearly." Shen Lang said.

Bai Qingyu was speechless, her pretty face turned red. If she did this, wouldn't Shen Lang see her?

There was no other way. Bai Qingyu really felt weak and dizzy. If she didn't get treatment, she might really fall here.

Bai Qingyu turned her head to one side and moved her beautiful legs slightly.

Shen Lang felt a little uneasy. His resistance to women was not that strong, especially when Bai Qingyu had said that he liked him before. This made Shen Lang feel a strange impulse towards Bai Qingyu somewhere in his heart.

Although he is a bit shameless, he is still a hot-blooded man after all, and it is difficult for him to remain calm.

"I'm sorry..." Shen Lang gritted his teeth and moved Bai Qingyu's beautiful legs slightly away.

Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled, and she felt hot all over.

Shen Lang saw Bai Qingyu's black lace clothes and pants. Although he had been prepared for it, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken when he saw the fair and slender inner thighs as smooth as jade.

Excluding other thoughts, Shen Lang forced himself to calm down.

However, after scanning for a long time, Shen Lang still couldn't find the wound.

Bai Qingyu may have felt it, her pretty face turned red to her ears, she suppressed her strong shame, and said softly: "It's up there."

Shen Lang wanted Bai Qingyu to lift her buttocks so that he could check more easily. But he couldn't speak such shameful words.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face was covered with red clouds, and she was so ashamed that she felt like she was trying to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

In Bai Qingyu's eyes, Shen Lang was aloof and unruly. If he really wanted to belittle her, how could she escape?

She felt that Shen Lang was not that kind of person.

Shen Lang's blood boiled when he saw the mysterious restricted area.

This girl is almost dying, her ears are hot and her heart is beating, and she feels that she is too immoral.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lang quickly calmed down and looked for wounds.

The wound was a little bit below the lower abdomen, and two tooth marks were clearly visible at the wound.

"I want to check it carefully." Shen Lang said.

Bai Qingyu closed her eyes tightly, feeling a strong sense of shame in her heart, but she still followed Shen Lang's instructions.

"You... try not to move, and I will help you suck out the poison!" Shen Lang bent down, leaned down, and put his mouth to his body.

Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled slightly but she didn't say a word. She almost moaned but didn't dare to say a word.

Shen Lang could feel the heat conveyed by Bai Qingyu's body, and he could vaguely smell the unique fragrance of a girl on the tip of his nose.

Although a bit unruly, Shen Lang still started taking drugs.

Bai Qingyu was in pain and stimulation, and an indescribable feeling swept through her body.

After a while, sweat broke out on Shen Lang's forehead. After a while, he finally had enough suction.

Bai Qingyu's delicate body became completely weak, and she could no longer exert any strength.

"Okay." Shen Lang said coldly.

"It's over, it's over. My reputation for life is gone." Bai Qingyu said nothing and her cheeks turned red. She was so ashamed that she covered her cheeks with her hands.

In fact, Shen Langcai lived in seconds like years. He couldn't eat grapes or taste the sourness. It was really painful, but fortunately he finally finished taking the drug.

Shen Lang put his hands on Bai Qingyu's shoulders and sent a trace of infuriating energy to eliminate the toxins left in her body.

Bai Qingyu should be able to fully recover after a night's rest.

Shen Lang helped Bai Qingyu under a big tree, and the surrounding area was relatively empty.

Shen Lang was still a little embarrassed at this time, so he coughed and said, "You should rest first, I'll get some water." (To be continued)

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