Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 394 Luxury

"Brother Lang, what are you thinking about? If you have any worries, tell me, Xiao Lian may be able to help you." Yi Lian's fingers drew circles on Shen Lang's chest and asked softly.

Shen Lang's slightly sad look disappeared in an instant, and he said with a wicked smile: "If you want to help me, that's the best thing."

"Okay, Brother Lang, tell me how you want me to help you." Yi Lian was very happy that she could do something for Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took Yi Lian's hand, stretched it out to his lower body, and said with a wicked smile: "Just help me solve his problem. You shouldn't refuse."

"Brother Lang, didn't you just finish this?" Yi Lian's face suddenly turned red.

Shen Lang turned over and pressed Yi Lian under him, and gently blocked her mouth with his hand. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Don't you know that our martial arts cultivators can reconcile yin and yang? Stop talking, hurry up." Come help me."

"Well..." Yi Lian's face turned red and she moaned softly.

Early the next morning, Haijiang International Building.

In a private suite on the top floor.

Luo Ye and Luo Yan sat on the same sofa, silent, their faces gloomier than ever before.

After a long time, Luo Ye asked: "Father, what should we do now? Shen Lang is not dead, so the Queen's incident is likely to be traced to us. So many people have died, and we can't escape our involvement!"

Luo Yan's face turned pale. Of course he was also very anxious about this matter. He was so anxious that he couldn't sleep all night last night.

He had already sensed that something was wrong. Even if Shen Lang would let him go, it would be difficult for the military to let go of the Luo family.

After all, the explosion of the Queen went too far. I thought I could at least kill Shen Lang, but in the end, Shen Lang didn't die, and Luo Tianyao was killed instead.

In the end, the Luo family didn't catch a single hair and was in danger of being destroyed.

Provoking Shen Lang was a mistake from the beginning. Unfortunately, Luo Yan regretted it too late.

"There is no other way. Let's go abroad to escape. Not only can we not offend this kid, but we will be eaten by him!" Luo Yan looked a little solemn.

"What about the billion US dollars? Should we return it to Shen Lang?" Luo Ye asked.

"Here, don't mess with this kid anymore!" Luo Yan said with a heartbroken face.

"Father, that's one billion US dollars! Just give it to me?" Luo Ye gritted his teeth.

Luo sighed heavily. That amount of money was equivalent to the entire property of the Luo family. I wouldn't give it to him even if I killed him!

But if they don't give it, Luo Yan feels that Shen Lang will definitely take revenge on them. No matter how important money is, life is not as important.

"What, do you want to give it or not?"

Suddenly, a frivolous voice came from the side.

Luo Yan and Luo Ye turned around to look, but suddenly they seemed to have seen a ghost and shouted in horror: "Shen... Shen Lang!"

I saw a person sitting on the seat on one side of the coffee table, Shen Lang.

Shen Lang had a joking smile on his face, holding a kitchen knife in his hand and an apple in the other hand. At this moment, he was peeling the apple with a bored look.

Luo Yan and Luo Ye were so scared that they lost their wits.

No one knows how Shen Lang got in!

Luo Ye's hands and feet were shaking, and he immediately smiled and said: "Shen...Mr. Shen, what are you doing to come to us so early?"

"It's nothing, I just want you to know that I can come to your place whenever I want, and come in whenever I want."

Shen Lang chuckled while eating the apple and glanced at Luo Ye: "In other words, I will kill you whenever I want! I heard just now that you don't want to give me money?"

"Here! We have prepared the money!" Luo Yan said in horror.

"Okay, I want to see you transfer the money to my account with my own eyes." Shen Lang hummed.

"Yes, yes!" Luo Yan nodded hurriedly, took out his cell phone with trembling hands and feet, dialed a number, and called his secretary.

In front of Shen Lang, I turned on the computer and started operating it. It took a full hour to transfer all the collected funds to Shen Lang's account.

"There are two hundred and thirty remittances in total. Due to the amount, it will take five days at the latest to arrive in the account!" Luo Ye said hurriedly.

Two billion U.S. dollars, because the amount is huge, will not be available for a while.

But now that the remittance has been passed, Shen Lang is no longer worried and hummed: "Okay. Also, I heard that your Luo family still has a lot of resources? What's going on?"

Shen Lang had already heard from Fa Jiang about this matter. The reason why Cao Fei worked for the Luo family was precisely for those martial arts resources.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Ye and Luo Yan were shocked and their heads were spinning. Damn it, these resources are the most precious thing of the Luo family.

If this was blackmailed by Shen Lang, the Luo family would really have nothing!

"No... I don't know what resources Mr. Shen Lang is talking about?" Luo Ye asked hesitantly.

"You dare to lie to me?" Shen Lang stretched out one finger, and two flying knives spun at high speed on his fingertips.

Looking at Shen Lang with a gloomy face, Luo Ye and Luo Yan felt a chill coming from the soles of their feet to their heads. They had no doubt that if they hadn't told them, the two flying knives on Shen Lang's fingertips would have pierced them. throat!

After a while, Luo Yan and Luo Ye took Shen Lang to a villa on the beach of Huahai.

The villa looks no different from an ordinary sea view villa, but there is another mystery inside.

There is a basement in this sea-view villa. There is a stone room in the basement, and the spiritual tablets of the Luo family ancestors are stored outside.

"Dong... the things are inside, but Mr. Shen... please don't destroy my ancestor's spiritual tablet!" Luo Yezhan said tremblingly.

"The dead have no grudge against me!"

After Shen Lang finished speaking, he strode forward.

As soon as he walked to the door of the stone house, Shen Lang smelled a tangy medicinal scent. Just taking a deep breath invigorated him, and he seemed to have the essence of heaven and earth.

The stone house is not big, only about fifty square meters, but it is filled with a variety of items.

There are a lot of precious medicinal herbs in the house, packed in jade boxes or wooden boxes, as well as some secret books on martial arts, hidden weapons, etc.

Shen Lang actually saw more than a dozen aura stones in a jade box! I couldn't help but feel shocked.

There are nearly fifty aura stones in the stone house. Shen Lang has never seen so many aura stones!

In addition to the spiritual stone, Shen Lang also discovered a spiritual crystal! As small as a peanut, it shines brightly and emits a compelling aura.

"Haha, I'm rich!" Shen Lang was overjoyed. This unexpected treasure made him overjoyed.

He originally thought that the cultivation resources of the Luo family must not be very good, but he did not expect that they would be so extravagant. This is really ridiculous! (To be continued)

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