Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 398 Why are you here?

Early the next morning, Shen Lang set off.

The western suburbs of Huahai City have expressways leading to neighboring provinces and national highways to neighboring cities.

However, Shen Lang wanted to go to the mountains on the border of the western suburbs. Dongjiang Province and neighboring provinces were separated by the "Jiulian Mountains", which stretched for hundreds of miles. Guangyun Peak was in the Jiulian Mountains.

The terrain of the Jiulian Mountains is steep, with many wild beasts, poisonous insects and snakes, and a humid climate.

Because it is too steep and dangerous, this is not a tourist attraction.

Shen Lang wanted to go to Guangyun Peak, so he could only go on foot.

There is only a small road leading to the Jiulian Mountains. It is muddy and has traces of vehicles. However, it seems that there are very few vehicles going here.

After getting out of the car, Shen Lang was carrying a small backpack and took out the heavy map from his arms to look at it.

After determining the direction, Shen Lang quickly entered the muddy path leading to the Jiulian Mountains.

There are also some farms on the outskirts of the mountains.

Passing through the farm, there are layers of dense forest in front of you, with shadows intertwined and surrounded by trees. The trees are green, the soil is loose and moist, and there is a hint of mist and coolness in the air.

The air is fresh in the morning, and there are birds flying overhead, and the sound of chirping is endless.

Shen Lang jumped up and flew to the branch of a big tree with a "swish" sound.

With quick steps, Shen Lang used Qing Kung to fly forward over the woods at an extremely fast speed.

In the hinterland of such mountains and jungles, the efficiency of Qinggong is greatly displayed.

About three hours later, the journey was more than half way. Guangyun Peak was about fifty miles ahead. Shen Lang planned to stop and rest.

If the Qing Gong is performed for too long, the true energy will be depleted, and the physical strength will also be greatly depleted.

Shen Lang flew down and slowly landed under a big tree. He circled under the tree and Shen Lang frowned slightly.

There were obvious signs of someone leaning on the tree, and it was stained with blood.

Not only that, Shen Lang also discovered that the small pieces of soil on the ground were dark red, obviously dyed red by blood.

Based on a series of clues, Shen Lang could guess that an injured woman might have rested under this big tree.

Moreover, this injured woman had just left not long ago.

Shen Lang carefully inspected the traces left behind.

There were two black short blades scattered on the grass not far away. Shen Lang had seen these short blades before.

This is the dagger used by Hong Yue, the female killer he met back then.

"Could this bloodstain belong to that woman?" Shen Lang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Hongyue wanted to kill herself before, Shen Lang was extremely annoyed.

But Shen Lang has already had a physical relationship with Hong Yue, and it is difficult to leave this woman alone.

Without thinking too much, Shen Lang followed the blood stains and footprints on the ground and quickly chased after him.

Ten minutes later, Shen Lang discovered the red moon in the bushes of the forest.

I saw Hongyue lying on the ground, gasping for air, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, her hair and clothes were messy.

She is completely different from the charming and charming beauty before.

The Hongyue in front of her looked haggard, her whole body was covered in scars, and her clothes were in tatters.

"Why are you here?" Shen Lang quickly approached, his expression slightly changed.

A sudden shadow made Hongyue tremble slightly.

She couldn't die yet. Hongyue stood up and wanted to resist, but she couldn't muster any strength in her body.

Seeing Hong Yue in such panic, Shen Lang couldn't bear it for some reason. He quickly came to Hong Yue and said calmly: "It's me."

Hongyue raised her head and saw that the person in front of her was Shen Lang, with a hint of confusion and bewilderment in her beautiful eyes.

"Shen Lang...why are you here?" Hong Yue asked slightly out of breath.

"Don't worry about why I'm here. Why are you so injured? Is someone chasing you?" Shen Lang asked with a frown.

Hongyue nodded slightly, her tone was a little weak, and she glanced to the side: "You don't have to worry about me."

"Then I have to take care of it?" Shen Lang smiled and raised the corners of his mouth.

"I..." Hongyue gritted her teeth, her expression a little complicated.

"What am I? Stop talking nonsense and let me see your injuries."

Shen Lang stepped forward to help Hong Yue up and looked at the wounds on Hong Yue's body. She had large and small wounds all over her body, and she was also stabbed in the thigh, which was very serious.

Because of excessive blood flow, Hongyue's face was very pale and she looked very weak.

If this continues, it will easily lead to shock and death due to excessive blood loss.

"Although I...don't want to die yet...but...I won't beg you, just go." Hongyue closed her eyes and whispered softly.

"Why should I leave? Since we met here by accident, it means that we are still destined."

After saying that, Shen Lang put his right hand into Hongyue's back and touched her skin.

Hongyue's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

This man took away her first time. Although she was to blame, Hongyue still could not forget this man.

Shen Lang took a breath of Qi and sent it into Hong Yue's body.

Hong Yue's delicate body trembled slightly as she felt a surge of pure Qi surge from Shen Lang's palm, immediately restoring a trace of vitality to his body and limbs.

Shen Lang used his true energy to seal Hongyue's wound. His face looked a little ugly and he asked hurriedly: "Have you been bitten by a viper?"

There was a hint of understanding in Hongyue's beautiful eyes, and she nodded: "Just now, I seemed to have been bitten by something."

"You have been poisoned quite deeply. Tell me where the bite was?" Shen Lang asked.

Hongyue finally understood why her whole body was numb and said anxiously: "On my feet."

"Which foot?"

"Right foot."

Shen Lang stepped forward and gently pulled up Hongyue's right leggings, but saw nothing.

"Still up there." Hongyue turned her head aside, with a hint of shyness on her pretty face.

Shen Lang was a little speechless, thighs were just thighs, what else could they say about feet.

Picking up the short blade, Shen Lang cut a slit in Hongyue's trousers.

Still no wounds found.

"It seems like it's still a little above."

"Then I take off all your pants?" Shen Lang asked.

"Don't..." Hongyue's face was filled with embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Woman, I've already seen you all, so what does it matter if I see you again? Is your life more important, or is it more important for me to look at you?" Shen Lang asked.

"Fate." Hong Yue whispered, her face a little shy, not daring to look into Shen Lang's eyes.

After obtaining permission, Shen Lang did not hesitate. Shen Lang untied Hongyue's belt and took off her pants.

That kind of touch like a dragonfly's touch made Hongyue couldn't help but squeeze her slender and flawless legs.

The beautiful legs were long and fair, but they were covered with wounds, especially on the thigh, where there was a deep stab wound.

Shen Lang tapped the knife wound with his right finger a few times, sealing in a ray of true energy, and privately put on his suit to bandage the wound.

Seeing Shen Lang carefully bandaging her wounds, Hong Yue's heart gradually filled with warmth. (To be continued)

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