Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4017 Taiqing Holy Realm

After passing through the palace door filled with flames, the two finally arrived at the main hall.

Fortunately, the phantom outside the hall would not break into the hall through the door, and Shen Lang showed an expression of relief.

Fortunately, Lu Dongbin took him with him. If he had entered Lingyun Tiangong alone, he would have died without knowing how.

The scene inside the palace finally became much more normal. It was no longer a place filled with fire and flames. It was no different from a normal palace. However, the walls were made of fire-attributed crystals, which were extremely conspicuous and caused the temperature inside the palace to be extremely high.

I can't understand the taste of the palace owner. Maybe Lord Huode is just like this.

There was nothing in the hall, not even tables and chairs.

"Why does it seem like this place has been evacuated?" Shen Lang looked around the hall and couldn't help but say.

Lu Dongbin said in a deep voice: "Xian brother, you should have noticed it when you came here just now. There are no traces of fighting in Lingyun Tiangong. This can only mean that Lingyun Tiangong was sealed on the eve of the world-destroying battle."

"Before the seal, Emperor Haotian must have asked all the monks in the Tiangong to leave with their belongings, so the Lingyun Tiangong seems empty everywhere."

"For us, this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that the evacuated Lingyun Tiangong is at least not in danger that Lu Mou could not foresee. The disadvantage is that it may be more difficult for us to find treasures in Lingyun Tiangong... "

Shen Lang felt a little pity. He had originally imagined that he could find a valuable treasure in Lingyun Heavenly Palace, which could help him or Lu Dongbin deal with the Three Saints of Xuanyuan and rescue the Fairy of the Moon Palace.

At this moment, the outside of Tianshan Mountain has been blocked by the Three Saints of Xuanyuan, and it is unknown what the situation of Fairy Moon Palace is.

Although Lu Dongbin had previously said that the Moon Palace Fairy had great magical powers, no matter how powerful she was, it was hard to say that the Moon Palace Fairy, who had exhausted her essence, blood and vitality, could deal with the Three Saints of Xuanyuan.

Shen Lang didn't want to think too much. At the moment, he could only hope that he and Lu Dongbin could really find the elixir in Tusita Palace, or maybe ask the "master" from Huangji Lingxiao Palace to help him.

After Lu Dongbin's spiritual consciousness swept through and confirmed that there were no restrictions in the main hall, he led Shen Lang through the main hall and to the side hall at the back.

Shen Lang released his Holy Demonic Eyes and scanned the surroundings, trying to see if there was anything he could fish out.

Unfortunately, he looked around and couldn't find a hair, and he was immediately disappointed.

After a while of twists and turns, the two finally discovered a teleportation array in Zhenjun Huode's second training room.

The teleportation array was intact and even as clean as new.

The two entered the teleportation array. Shen Lang took out a large number of middle-grade fairy stones and placed them in the grooves of the teleportation array, and immediately activated the teleportation array.

"Buzz buzz!"

A large amount of white light gushed out from the teleportation array, quickly wrapping their bodies.


A burst of white light shone, and Shen Lang and Lu Dongbin were teleported out instantly.

The white light flashed again, and the two came to an open place.

This place seems to be on the top of a high mountain, surrounded by fairy clouds and filled with a refreshing and holy atmosphere. It seems to be able to wash away the dust and mud of oneself, cleanse the soul, and give people an ethereal feeling of forgetting distracting thoughts.

Shen Lang and Lu Dongbin were standing on the stone steps of a huge high platform at the top of the mountain. In the center of the high platform stood a huge stone pillar, soaring straight into the sky, so high that its top could not be seen.

There are countless golden dragon phantoms hovering on the stone pillars, exuding a soul-stirring ancient aura!

The huge stone pillar in front of you that goes straight into the sky is the "Tianzhu" in Lingyun Tiangong.

Lingyun Tiangong has thirty-three floors, and the floors are all connected by sky pillars. If you want to step onto a higher level from the twenty-seventh heaven, you must pass through this pillar.


The golden dragon silhouette at the bottom of the Tianzhu seemed to sense the aura of the stranger, and suddenly opened its mouth and let out a thunderous roar at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's scalp was numb with shock. He turned over his hand and held out the Xuanhua axe, assuming a fighting posture.

"My dear brother, don't be alarmed. The dragon on this stone pillar is the spirit that supports the Tianzhu from falling. As long as you don't provoke him, he will not attack you." Lu Dongbin reminded.

Shen Lang understood immediately and took back the Xuanhua Banxe. He couldn't help but marvel in his heart that so many Panlong weapon spirits only served to support the Tianzhu.

Lu Dongbin once again struck a seal into the Nantian Ling, and the Nantian Ling suddenly shot out a white light and disappeared into the Tianzhu.

"Ho ho ho!"

Immediately afterwards, countless dragon phantoms on the Tianzhu roared in unison, spitting out brilliant seven-color rays of light.

Seven-colored rays of light linger on the surface of the sky pillar, forming a circle of rainbow stairs that lead straight to the sky.

"Brother, this is the road to heaven! If you and I follow this road, we can go to the upper levels."

After Lu Dongbin explained, he stepped onto the rainbow stairs and walked all the way up.

Shen Lang followed closely behind him.

The two of them walked up the road to the sky.

It is worth mentioning that there is no air ban in Lingyun Heavenly Palace, but it will greatly limit the flying height of monks. That is, after flying to a certain height, they will be squeezed by space and unable to fly upward.

Therefore, the monks in Lingyun Tiangong cannot cross the Tianzhu by flying, and can only enter higher levels by crossing the road to heaven.

The two traveled through at high speed and soon arrived at the twenty-seventh floor dome. The dome was a space vortex.

Passing through the space vortex, we reached the foot of the Tianzhu on the twenty-eighth floor.

The road to the sky has not disappeared. The two of them continued to travel upward, passing the twenty-eighth floor, the twenty-ninth floor, the thirtieth floor, the thirty-first floor...

During the journey, Shen Lang opened his Holy Demonic Eyes with great interest and looked around.

The scenery of each heaven is very different, there is no sign of life activity at all, everything is completely silent.

Shen Lang keenly discovered that the higher the Celestial Number, the purer and richer the chaotic fairy energy in the air. Even in heaven, secularism is inevitable. The higher the power of the monks, the better the resources they enjoy.

After about half a stick of incense, Shen Lang and Lu Dongbin finally reached the 32nd heaven!

This is the end of the road to heaven.

After passing through the last space vortex, Shen Lang and Lu Dongbin appeared on the bank of the Tianhe River.

The surrounding scenery is breathtaking.

At this moment, Shen Lang and Lu Dongbin saw an endless river in front of them. The water in the river was silvery white, and it actually led all the way to the sky dome. It was amazing!

The silver-white river water is rushing and surging, and the waves are flying like giant dragons, rushing endlessly.

The big river that goes straight to the sky in front of you is the Tianhe! There is no end in sight.

Behind the two people, there is a majestic giant mountain that stretches for thousands of miles. The mountain is surrounded by mysterious colorful clouds, with steep twists and turns, beautiful scenery, and purple energy coming from the east.

On the mountainside shrouded in mist, there are four gilt characters "Tai Qing Holy Land" engraved on it.

These four words seem abrupt, but they seem to be integrated with the heaven and earth, ethereal, profound, and indescribably wonderful. (To be continued)

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