Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 402 Treasure

"Then I'll leave now, and I will find a way to repay your favor." Hongyue immediately struggled to stand up, her face a little pale.

Shen Lang took Hong Yue's hand and said with a smile: "If it were before, I would definitely refuse. But not now."

After saying that, Shen Lang put his arm around her slender waist.

Hongyue's delicate body trembled slightly, but she did not move away.

In front of Shen Lang, she was like a docile kitten.

Before Shen Lang could speak, Hongyue bit her thin lips and whispered softly: "Shen Lang, will you... dislike me?"

"Why do I dislike you?" Shen Lang asked.

"I...I'm a bad woman, I'm cold-blooded, I'm hypocritical, I pretend to be pitiful, I'm just pretending." Hongyue laughed at herself.

Shen Lang kissed Hongyue's cheek, grinned and said, "At least you're not pretending now."

Hongyue's eyes were a little moist, and she said with a smile: "You are like this... your fiancée will be jealous when she sees you."

Shen Lang's expression suddenly changed and he pushed Hong Yue away with one hand.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Shen Lang seemed to be a little out of control, Hongyue asked immediately.

After a while of silence, Shen Lang said lightly: "Su Ruoxue has left."

Hongyue frowned slightly: "Why did she leave? Isn't she your fiancée?"

Shen Lang didn't want to think about this anymore, shook his head and said: "No matter what, she has left!"

Hongyue could feel that Shen Lang's mood was obviously much worse, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"I have more than one woman now, you can call me a playboy. You can be my woman, but you have to think about it carefully." Shen Lang grabbed Hongyue's arm and said.

"I don't care if you are bothered or not. After you did that, do you think I will date another man in the future?" Hongyue's pretty face had a seductive blush, and her tone was a little shy.

When the woman said this, Shen Lang no longer hesitated and pushed Hongyue to the ground domineeringly, and the two looked at each other.

Hongyue's breathing suddenly quickened, and her breasts, which were held up by the tights, rose and fell, and that alluring whiteness was very eye-catching.

Shen Lang kissed Hongyue's red lips, and Hongyue made a sound in her mouth, and her white arms hugged Shen Lang's arms.

Hongyue looks very charming and charming, but this woman is very reserved by nature, but Shen Lang is the one facing Shen Lang. Besides being embarrassed and shy, Hongyue still takes the initiative to cater to her.

The lips are parted, the red moon eyes are moist and moist, and the body is a little hot.

But just when Shen Lang wanted to go further, Hongyue grabbed Shen Lang's hand and said softly: "Shen Lang, can you wait for me for a while. I will see you next time, and I will treat you as yours by then. Your woman, both in heart and body, belongs to you."

"Okay." Although Shen Lang felt hot, he let go of his hand.

He didn't like force. After all, she would be his woman sooner or later, and Shen Lang wasn't in a hurry.

At night, Hongyue nestled in Shen Lang's arms, like a kitten, and fell asleep quickly.

But Shen Lang didn't feel so good. A sexy and cool beauty was lying in his arms, which inevitably made Shen Lang unable to calm down.

He wanted to meditate, but Hongyue's hands kept holding him and wouldn't let go.

After staying up all night, Shen Lang didn't get much sleep.

But it doesn't matter if the Wenjing martial arts cultivator doesn't sleep for ten and a half months.

Early the next morning, Shen Lang took Hongyue and continued on their way.

With Shen Lang's careful treatment, Hong Yue's body has improved a lot, especially her leg injury, which has healed by more than half, and she can barely walk normally.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Shen Lang finally arrived at Guangyun Peak.

In the dense forest, Shen Lang took out the map and inspired a trace of true energy.

The map shows a red dot, almost at the entrance to Guangyun Peak.

Shen Lang and Hong Yue walked for a while, and finally saw a stone tablet at the entrance of Guangyun Peak with the word "Guangyun" engraved on it.

"Is this where it is?"

Shen Lang looked around and found that this place really didn't look like a place with treasures.

After turning back and forth, Shen Lang suddenly felt a heat coming from the map in his arms.

Shen Lang hurriedly took out the map again, only to see the map emitting a cyan halo.

"Is this... could it be Fang Yu?" Hongyue was a little surprised when she saw it.

"You know?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, but my master told me before that there is a thing that can be used to determine the direction, called square jade. The square jade is originally one piece. It is divided into two pieces by a special method and activated by true energy. If the two pieces of square jade are separated by each other, Less than a hundred meters away, green light will emit." Hongyue said.

There is such a magical thing. It's hard for Shen Lang to think that this map is like tree bark, with a strange shape and hardness.

Shen Lang didn't think too much and continued to stir up his energy.

After walking around, Shen Lang found that the blue light emitted from the map was the most intense next to a huge rock.

This boulder is huge, five or six meters high.

Could the treasure be hidden inside the boulder?

Shen Lang used his true energy and slapped his palm suddenly, causing a small gap to open in the boulder.

"Hongyue, please stand aside first." Shen Lang said.

The red moon retreated under a big tree.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, pushed out his palms, and struck the Snowflake Divine Palm with all his strength, hitting the stone heavily.

There was a loud noise, and a large crack opened in the middle of the boulder.

Shen Lang struck out seven or eight times in a row, consuming a lot of energy, and finally split the boulder.

Stone chips flew into the sky, scratching Shen Lang's shirt.

Sure enough, there is a white jade box in the center of the boulder. It seems that this is a treasure!

Shen Lang was ecstatic and hurriedly took out the white jade box and opened it to take a look.

There is indeed a piece of square jade in the white jade box. In addition to the square jade, there is also a small jade box.

Shen Lang opened the small jade box and took a look. It contained a black ring with a very simple shape.

"What is this?" Shen Lang was immediately confused and put it on his hand. It seemed to be no different from an ordinary ring.

Nothing but black rings.

No way, this is the treasure? Then why did the ancestors of the Luo family go to such trouble to create a map?

Looking at the gray ring on his hand, Shen Lang was a little surprised. He always felt that this ring was unusual, so he had better go out and find someone to study the material of the ring.

"Hongyue, let's go." Shen Lang said to Hongyue.

"The treasure, is this ring?" Hongyue walked over and asked.

"Who knows, this doesn't seem to be a treasure." Shen Lang shook his head, a little disappointed.

Fortunately for me, I rushed to Guangyun Peak to hunt for treasure. Unexpectedly, I found a useless tattered ring.

Regardless of whether it was a treasure or not, Shen Lang's trip to Guangyun Peak was not in vain, otherwise he would not have met the red moon.

Shen Lang's shirt was scratched just now, and his chest was exposed.

Hongyue saw the spiritual crystal hanging around Shen Lang's neck, her pretty face suddenly changed color, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

"Is this...is this a spiritual crystal?" Hong Yue pointed at the spiritual crystal around Shen Lang's neck and said.

"Yes, you also know about spiritual crystals?" Shen Lang nodded, a little curious.

"Shen Lang, I have a very excessive request! But I still want to say...can you give me this spiritual crystal? I need it urgently!" Hong Yue said excitedly. (To be continued)

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